Is there an archive of the Wrestling Stream?
I dunno, I think I'm done with PAX Wrestling. I'd rather have them, you know, wrestle.
The bit that was always the least interesting?I dunno, I think I'm done with PAX Wrestling. I'd rather have them, you know, wrestle.
I dunno, I think I'm done with PAX Wrestling. I'd rather have them, you know, wrestle.
yeah it's way better as a talk show/promo cutting thing, the actual gameplay is terrible! It's one of the main reasons why I dislike the Rumble format so much
The Rumble is good for "wrestling" since it's usually such a mess with people getting eliminated before they can even grab a controller etc.
The rumble is so bad because it's impossible to follow. People get knocked out left and right and the contestants often don't even get a chance to say their piece.
So what's Patrick's thing
Was he forced into fighting in Dan's stead or was it just a big diversion all along?
So what's Patrick's thing
Was he forced into fighting in Dan's stead or was it just a big diversion all along?
So what's Patrick's thing
Was he forced into fighting in Dan's stead or was it just a big diversion all along?
Scoops was forced into competing by Dan (think the sniper set-up scene from season one of Fargo) and the match never actually took place. Greg said before the match that he could compete as the commissioner so he stepped down from the position until he had his match with Dan. Since the Dan match happen Greg is no longer comimsh.
A new angle on the ending of the show, including Dan doing an elbow drop on Greg Miller:
A new angle on the ending of the show, including Dan doing an elbow drop on Greg Miller:
I love that you can see Dan sneaking to the back when he knows the dancing bit is coming up.
Hahaha, I was just zeroing in on that too. Alex isn't afraid to get down, Jeff dances in character, Austin plays it cool near the back also.
Looks like Greg actually got banged up a bit. There was a bit towards the end where you could tell he was asking someone to get their foot off his chest
I didn't follow the swerve with Dr. Tracksuit's character. Is this supposed to be the "real" Dr. Tracksuit and the other was an imposter, or is this like sober Dr. Tracksuit?
Sober Dr. Tracksuit. I think he was cured with love by the indie love coalition at a previous event. That's why Lang really didn't want people reminding him of his old life.
Yeah, I feel the same way... I'm all for fun and wrestling, but Dan has really turned it into something else completely, that's just not my thing anymore. Just like with Giant Bomb in general too, it feels more like The Dan Rykert show with some other people on the sidelines. Since Dan has joined it doesn't feel the same, and I get that change is inevitable, but I'm really burnt out on Dan and his endless shenanigans.
Yeah, I feel the same way... I'm all for fun and wrestling, but Dan has really turned it into something else completely, that's just not my thing anymore. Just like with Giant Bomb in general too, it feels more like The Dan Rykert show with some other people on the sidelines. Since Dan has joined it doesn't feel the same, and I get that change is inevitable, but I'm really burnt out on Dan and his endless shenanigans.
I love that you can see Dan sneaking to the back when he knows the dancing bit is coming up.