I want to watch a premium feature of Brad trying to figure out how to play Crusader Kings 2 with Dan.
Oh jeez. Brad's half remembered hardcore history knowledge combined with Dan and his history minor might kill me.I want to watch a premium feature of Brad trying to figure out how to play Crusader Kings 2 with Dan.
Oh jeez. Brad's half remembered hardcore history knowledge combined with Dan and his history minor might kill me.
So I'm all for it.
Monster hunter always bored me
It's like, f2p KRPG grind tier
Commando is one of my favorite movies, so I'm excited.
I was thinking about re-watching Commando soon so that's just perfect.
The key to MonHun for me isn't just the 'numbers keep growing' aspect, but that the grind is amazingly fun. Whether I'm fighting a monster for the first time of the 200th, each fight is still fantastic. Learning patterns and finding new ways to break the parts I need, kill it and get my loot as fast as possible is a super satisfying experience.
This doesn't even mention that learning a new weapon is pretty much a completely new game. I've put hundreds of hours into those games and I only have 2-3 weapons I feel like I have a good mastery over, and even in those cases I still feel like I have a good amount more to learn. The new hunting styles in Generations are really going to blow that up as well.
Well Brad thought the Magna Carta was around the Norman Invasion so it all works out.Only if they play as Normans.
Well Brad thought the Magna Carta was around the Norman Invasion so it all works out.
In his defense there's a lot of history and it's hard to keep everything straight.
I can do that in Maple Story
With a better art style
(And the maple story art sucks)
It's like, not only is Monster Hunter a game that is grindy as fuck, the controls aren't great for a repetitive experience, and to top it off it has a very brown art style.
Has anyone on the GB staff talk about Nioh?
The Playstation Nioh? Yeah last week.
I must of missed that.
I would love a series that wasn't Dan and Drew. I'd much rather prefer something with either Brad or Jeff. I'm super burnt out on the Dan and Drew combo and think swapping out for a new pairing would freshen things up a bit.
I feel like if it wasn't for the double D's we would have significantly less premium.
Hey man I wouldn't mind a premium series with the double A's. Throw some V in there too and you've got tons of stuff.I feel like if it wasn't for the double D's we would have significantly less premium.
Which is kinda a problem. I understand these people are busy, but as a paying member, I can't but help feeling a little burned when most of the crew aren't taking part in premium content that isn't UPF.
Which is kinda a problem. I understand these people are busy, but as a paying member, I can't but help feeling a little burned when most of the crew aren't taking part in premium content that isn't UPF.
If I'm paying premium prices I expect some V.I like jeff branching out with game tapes, but it needs to be more frequent. Really fiending for more brad content too. Miss that guy.
Double A's would be cool too. Don't need V, we need alex and austin to develop separate from the the V in order to break out of V's shadow.
Playstation Neo, PlayStation Ni-OhWhat'd they say about Nioh last week? I was kinda doing something else while listening so I guess I missed it.
Well until they start playing AAA games thoyou can always join me and just let your subscription lapse
you can always join me and just let your subscription lapse
In his defense there's a lot of history and it's hard to keep everything straight.
If I'm paying premium prices I expect some V.
Playstation Neo, PlayStation Ni-Oh
I like jeff branching out with game tapes, but it needs to be more frequent. Really fiending for more brad content too. Miss that guy.
Double A's would be cool too. Don't need V, we need alex and austin to develop separate from the the V in order to break out of V's shadow.
If I'm paying premium prices I expect some V.
Playstation Neo, PlayStation Ni-Oh
I wouldn't mind a daily super Mario maker series
I like jeff branching out with game tapes, but it needs to be more frequent. Really fiending for more brad content too. Miss that guy.
Double A's would be cool too. Don't need V, we need alex and austin to develop separate from the the V in order to break out of V's shadow.
Gross.I wouldn't mind a daily super Mario maker series
I like the full Double A Single V experience. I don't know what Double A would give you that couldn't be improved with the V.V is like the anime dad that the double A's need to catch up too, so they need to go through a training arc in order to catch up.
I wouldn't mind a daily super Mario maker series
That's why I want to see it, just a decay on their faces until they reach the point that Dan was at in the goty videosthat's a good way to burn out on pretty much anything
hi, patrick
That's why I want to see it, just a decay on their faces until they reach the point that Dan was at in the goty videos
Or how about a series where they guess Jason's age
Monster hunter always bored me
It's like, f2p KRPG grind tier
Legend of Scalnlon.
This is someone who hasn't gotten into MonHun would say. Grind isn't nearly that bad.
I never knew Mario Maker content was so divisive. The GB Makes Mario feature is one of my favourites!
I never knew Mario Maker content was so divisive. The GB Makes Mario feature is one of my favourites!
This is someone who hasn't gotten into MonHun would say. Grind isn't nearly that bad.
Also part of the fun of MonHun is fighting with your friends. So maybe you don't have enough friends who are into Hunting?