Lots of Gaffers seem to share the opinion that it's a no effort game because it's all building tools.
I mean the big news is that there won't be any news. They can talk about the why's and how fucked up it is, I guess.
The big news I saw was that Mario Maker sold only around 3.5m copies, less than Splatoon, even though it's the best and most ingenious game Nintendo has made in like a decade and has massive crossover appeal. I don't get it, every Wii U owner should have a copy.
I dunno why you're surprised. If you don't like Mario games you wouldn't care, and a lot of places didn't give it the high praise GB did. Lots of Gaffers seem to share the opinion that it's a no effort game because it's all building tools.
I know E3 isn't as big now but not having any info on NX until 3-4 months before it ships sounds insane.
Not showing NX at E3 and focusing on Zelda seems exactly like something Nintendo would do...
Lots of idiots out there
Also, this is exactly the type of game that should just be ported to every system they do from here on. It just makes sense.
It's bizarre. It's not like it's coming out this year anyway and it will miost likely be more linked to the NX.
well look at the rest of the 3DS/Wii U line-up
Paper Mario: pretty, looks boring
Pokemon: it's Pokemon
Metroid: bwahahaah
the rest is localisations
Zelda is pretty much the only reason to be there anyway
Ubisoft must have a mandate that all of their franchises have to be connected somehow
Yeah, not showing the NX is all fine, they can get more headlines at a different time and probably show it in an easier way. Focusing on Zelda that you also just announced is delayed and going to that unannounced system? Just seems so weird. "Got nothing else going on, so here's this."
I remember them teasing an Assassin's Creed connection in Watch_Dogs, which turned out to not be true because literally nothing about Watch_Dogs was allowed to be fun
Where did they say they wouldn't be revealing information until 3-4 months before release?
Update 1 - According to Nikkei : "Features, price, software at launch and other details to be announced by the end of the year"
I read it as at first as "at the end of the year" but I was wrong.
Did they mention anything about mobile? That's the only thing I haven't seen anything about.
Fire Emblem and Animal crossing games are coming to mobile. Both good fits if you ask me.
now I just need someone to announce that the FExSMT game is coming out for NX for me to have been completely justified in not buying a Wii U
I just need Wii U BC to be announced for NX.
I just need Wii U BC to be announced for NX.
I'd just be fine if Splatoon, MM, and Xenoblade got ported over. BC wouldn't hurt though.
smash 4 too
think we'll see a new mario kart for nx, or we just gonna get an 8 port?
I don't expect everyone to love the game but if people seriously think that they are complete fucking idiots
makes too much sense to happen.
I just need Wii U BC to be announced for NX.
If it doesn't have BC then I guess I'm getting a Wii U for cheap next march.
Remember, we're dealing with a new generation of gamers who grew up on Minecraft, so they expect so much more from games pushing the creativity/social experience.
Between them not wanting the NX to "replace" the Wii U or 3DS, and the separate ports of games both rumored and confirmed, I'd say all signs point to no BC for the console.
This just sounds like PR spin like 'DS will not replace GBA' and the 3rd pillar. It does not imply BC or no BC.
Despite owning it for almost 2 years I think I've only played 1 Wii U game for more than 10 hours.
I don't know what it is but I really struggle to care about the vast majority of Nintendo's output, hopefully the NX has something to make me actually want one.
If the NX could pull off Wii U BC that easily then I would be very concerned for the NX. They need architecture that can compete with the PS4 and Xbone, they need to start afresh.
well then they should be used to having to use shady third party sites and weird workarounds to share their creations
That's basically where I'm at, I need to go back and play Xenoblade but those two games are kind of it. I'm not too bothered as I bought it as a Bayonetta machine and it totally delivered on that end, it just would have been nice to look back on having enjoyed a whole bunch of games on my Wii U rather than like 3.Kinda how I feel honestly.
The only Wii u game I want to play is... Fire emblem x smt?