
Girls Frontline |OT| Murica Edition
The Right to Keep and Bear Waifus
I. Intro
Girls Frontline is a Mobile Game Available for Android and Apple devices. This game is pretty much KanColle but with guns instead of ships. One of the good things about this game is that it is surprisingly deep and you will not need too much dishing out money compared to other mobile gacha games. You can almost literally grind out everything, and the bigger difference between a high level player over lower level player is that he grinded much longer and spent resources smarter.
A. Story
Too long to write here, so here’s a synopsis:
TLDR Infection killed many humans, societies create Androids for civilian use, After WW3 and scientist arguments occur, Sangvis Ferri start getting ahead of android AI tech. Government attacks Sangvis, Sangvis AI took over and became rouge. Now you are called during training to clean up the mess...
II. How to PlayA. Types of Missions
Combat Mode – This is pretty much the Main Campaign of the game. You will follow the AR team’s adventures as you go further. It will cost you resources to participate, and if your units die during battle, it will lower your affection score towards that T-Doll
Logistic Support – Logistics is your main source of resources for this game. You pretty much let your squad to scout for a certain amount of time, and you will get resources and some items depending on the reward. It will not cost you a thing to participate on these mission (aside your squad’s time).
Combat Simulations – Kinda similar to Combat Mode, but will not cost you the main resources, and T-Dolls dying through battle won’t impact affection. Will give you different rewards depending on what type of simulation you finished.
Operations – Your event missions. Similar to Combat Mode, and has story components too, but can only be done in a limited time.
B. The Combat Map
The Combat Map allows you to control all you squads (called echelons) across the mission. In Day Battles, your main goal is to capture the enemy Command Post, while in Night Battle, your goal is to destroy all enemies (while dealing with Fog of War and reduced stats). During your turn, you are given set amount of steps you can do depending on how much nodes you have captured on the map.
You need to remember that you can capture a node by either making your unit stay on that node on the end of turn, or capturing all the nodes surrounding it.

Command Post – Your headquarters. If this gets captured (by either direct capturing or being surrounded), you lose. Always guard this structure. Command Post also allows your echelons to be dropped in there and be resupplied.

Heliport – Heliports acts the same way as Command Posts that it allows you to spawn your echelons in there be resupplied. However it is not like Command Post as you can capture or recapture a Heliport and it will not immediately win you the game.

Mystery nodes – will give you a random event when you step in. You can earn resources or items, or lose resources or even be ambushed by an opponent echelon. Once you have taken the Mystery reward, this node will return as a regular node.

Radar Post – will make nodes 2 steps nearby perfect visibility during Night Battles.
C. Combat and Echelon Formation
When your echelons meet an opponent at the map, a battle will occur like in the pic above. Your T-Dolls will be in their cute chibi form while duking it out in battle (as cute as possible). You can micromanage your units here by moving them around the tiles for your squad (to lessen the time he gets attacked, see kiting), or to manually command them to do skills.
With this, your initial formation and T-Doll composition will be important. Each T-Dolls will excel at particular jobs and will have different tile buffs. These can determine what your echelons will be great at.
D. Main Resources

Girls Frontline is very much resource-heavy game, and the way to manage your resources will determine how well you go up fast without any kind of hiccups.
Among other things, these 4 resources are a big part of the game, as you use them for battling as well as crafting and upgrading. Be wise and have self-control when spending!

Manpower – used for deploying troops on battlefield and repairing.

Ammunition – used by your units to shoot enemies. Each T-Doll will have different rate of consumption, and each echelon will have 5 battles worth of ammo before running out.

Rations – used by your units for energy. Each T-Doll will have different rate of consumption, and each echelons can carry 10 packs of rations. Echelons will eat 1 pack of rations every beginning of turn and another one per battle.

Spare Parts – used for repairing your T-Dolls.
E. Cores (and other items)
These are items, aside from your 4 major resources and gems,that you will encounter when playing the game. For beginner purposes, I cannot emphasize enough to not waste your Dummy cores!

Cores – Used for Dummy Linking your T-Dolls. T-Dolls will consume different amounts of Dummy Cores per different rarity:
2 Star = 1 Dummy Core
3 Star = 3 Dummy Cores
4 Star = 9 Dummy Cores
5 Star = 15 Dummy Cores
Also, the amount of Dummy Cores needed for 4th Dummy Link doubles, and for the 5th Dummy link, the amount triples.
This is why it is important to either save up your cores. It’s hard to resort to saving up for T-Doll dupes (either Dummy Linking them or retiring what you don't use for cores).

Batteries – resource that is needed to create Combat reports (exp candy for your T-Dolls) and adopting pets for your dorm. You can get them at your dormitory. The amount of batteries you get is a function of how comfortable your T-Dolls are in your Dorm (that is where your Dorm Furniture comes in).

Production Contracts – needed to produce either T-Dolls or Equipment. Can be obtain by finishing Logistics missions

Quick ____ Contracts – Contracts that immediately finish the timer for production, repair or training. These can be obtained by doing Logistics missions.

Enhancement Capsules – Will improve the stats of your T-Dolls. Can be obtained at Capsule Modes Combat Simulation

Training Data – resources consumed per every skill training your T-Doll does. Can be obtained at Data Mode Combat Simulation

Memory Fragment – (not yet available) resource used to remodel your T-Doll (MODs). Can be obtained at Neural Cloud Corridor Combat Simulation

Friendship Points – Resource given to you for interacting with other players (using support echelons, liking dorms etc.). Friendship points are used as currency at the Friendship store.

Tokens, Black Cards, and Exchange Tickets – Tokens are used as a gacha currency for Furniture and Costumes (10 tokens = 1 roll). If you get costume dupes, you can exchange them into Black cards, which can be used to buy specific costumes without going through the gacha. Also, for every single roll, you get one Exchange Ticket, which can be used to buy on the same store (or turn to tokens after event).

Oath Certificate – used for marrying your favorite waifu T-Dolls. Marrying your T-Dolls will increase the affection cap by 50, and give you benefits in stat boost and exp bonuses. Can only be obtained at the shop using Gems (Premium Currency bought with money)
F. Dormitory
Dormitories are where your T-Dolls rests at your base. You can always visit them everyday to increase affection, and give them some gifts (like lollipops, cheesecakes, and combat reports). You can also arrange the dorm by adding furniture and putting pets you have adopted. This will increase your battery production, which will be important for Combat Reports.
Also, your Dormitories also have other rooms, one of them is the Rescue Station. You can upgrade your facilities and adopt stray pets that come in to your dorm using batteries, and then put those adopted pets to the dorms so your T-Dolls can play around with them (how cute).
Another room (which is probably a pretty darn important one) is the Data Room. Data Room and its facilities will allow Kalina to type out Combat Reports for you. Creating Combat Reports will consume Batteries and Surplus Exp that you got from battles, and its facilities will require Batteries for upgrading
Note: PPSH will come out with a big robot and will fix your facilities in a really cute way. Although I still wonder why you need to have a big robot to clean a messy table... Oh well.
For more information, visit:
III. T-Dolls and Others
And finally, the main attraction of the game! T-Dolls are androids that are named after the gun they are equipped and operate. Think about them as your boats in Kancolle (that’s pretty much what they are... but guns).
A. T-Doll Types
(this section is a work in progress, will add T-Doll illustrations later on)

Sub Machine Gun dolls are your main tanking class. They have high HP, high Evasion stats, High rate of fire, High Mobility, but low Damage and Accuracy in general. Because of their high evasion, you want them to be in front and divert enemy fire, and will be ideal at boss fights. Their skills tend to either up their survivability (increase their evasion or force fields) or throw molotovs, smoke, or flashbangs. Their buffing formation benefits ARs.
Notable SMG Dolls: IDW, Skorpion, Sten Gun, Ingram, UMP sisters, MP5, Thompson, SR-3MP, Vector, Suomi, G36c

Assault Rifle dolls are the well-rounded jack-of-all-trades class. Medium (but well-sustained) damage, Medium HP, High Mobility and rate of fire. Because of their well-sustained way of dishing damage, they are used as DPS characters in many teams. Some AR dolls also have grenade skills (“nukers”) that can reign damage on many units at once and ignore their evasion stats. Their formation buffs mostly affect SMGs so it’s pretty common to have AR/SMG teams.
Notable AR Dolls: FNC, OTs-12, AR Team (M4A1, AR-15, M16, SOPMOD), 404 (416, G11), FAL, G41

Handgun dolls are your main support class dolls. They shine with their formation buffs that buffs everyone, their skills that can buff/debuff, and provide vision in Night Missions. They can be a pseudo/secondary tanking class much later in the game as soon as they can get to higher levels (when they get high evasion stats and wear exoskeletons). Beware though that despite having high evasion later in the game, their overall HP is still lower than of SMG.
Notable HG Dolls: Astra, Type 92, Colt Revolver, Mk23, M950A Calico, Welrod, Grizzly, FN 5-7

The (Sniper/Battle/Anti-Material) Rifle class are the small burst dolls in game. They tend to have slow rate of fire, but high accuracy and each shot packs a punch. Unlike the other classes, Rifles tend to aim at the most back end units and kill your opponent’s DPS units first, giving your tanks much greater survivability. They can also be equipped with Armor Piercing rounds, which will make them ideal against armored opponents. Their formation buffs generally affect Handguns, so you might see some HG/RF teams, especially as Night Squads.
Notable RF Dolls: M14, Mosin Nagant, SVD, Springfield, WA2000, Lee Enfield, NTW 20

Machine Gun class are your burst-fire damage dolls. They have high rate of fire, high damage, high critical rate, but to offset all that, they have to reload after certain amount of time. Because of their firearm’s nature, they have slow mobility and high ammo consumption rate, so it is not generally advisable to use them as your main units when you are starting. Like RFs, MGs can be equipped with AP rounds and will be ideal to shoot off armored frontline units. Their formation buffs affect Shotguns.
Notable MG Dolls: MG34, M2HB, M1918 BAR, Negev, MG5, PKP

Shotgun class are your heavy armor type tanking class. Lugging that shield around with them, they have low mobility and evasion but have high HP and have armor (which is something unique to their class). Like MGs, SGs need to reload after certain time, and since they are lugging that chunk of shield with them, they tend to eat a lot of rations. To get them, you need to do Heavy Production, so it is not advisable to aim for them when you are starting. SG formation buffs affect MGs so it is advisable to do MG/SG teams as your Heavy Firepower units.
Notable T-Dolls: Everyone of them. Be happy that you even got one.
For the list of all released T-Dolls, go to:
B. T-Doll Production
To produce many things in this game, you will need certain amount of the 4 main resources in the game (manpower/ammo/ration/parts. Remember this sequence as this is how people do recipe notations), as well as certain types of contracts. To make a T-Doll for example, you go to the factory and put a T-Doll Contract along with certain amount of resource and hope to RNG that he will give you the T-Doll that you want. This hopefully will make you mindful of your resource spending.
1. Standard Production
T-Doll Standard production will consume 1 T-Doll contract and up to 999/999/999/999 resources. Standard Production will then guarantee to give you HG, SMG, AR, RF and MG doll from 2 to 5 stars. T-Doll recipes are around online to maximize the probability of getting a class that you want.
It is recommended to just do 4 Standard Productions per day just to meet the Dailies. Although you can splurge once in a while, be sure you have spare resources.
2. Heavy Production
Just like the name implies, Heavy Production will be much heavier resource wise. It will start at minimum 1000/1000/1000/1000 and goes to 9999/9999/9999/9999 resource per crafting. Unlike Standard production, Heavy production requires multiple T-Doll contracts AND CORES:
Low Tier: 1 Contract/3 Cores
Mid Tier: 20 Contracts/5 Cores
High Tier: 50 Contracts/10 Cores
Heavy Construction will at least not give you 2 star T-Dolls, and will be the only production that will give you Shotguns (gives you much appreciation to your Shotguns when you think about it). So if you are thinking of doing a Heavy Prod, aim for Shotgun recipes...
It is recommended to only do Heavy Production once a week to satisfy weeklies. Anything else can be too much unless you wanna put yourself in resources hell and core hell.
For more information, go to:
3. Limited Drops & Events
There are T-Dolls that are only available as certain drops from boss stages and events. Limited Drop T-Dolls have a 1% drop rate per S-Ranking the emergency boss battle and another 1% drop from S-Ranking the whole emergency stage (Auto-Battles will guarantee both as S-Rank, so you get guaranteed 2% chance per every emergency auto-battle). So, yes, take care of those dolls once you get them after grinding hundreds of battles (or suck out all your luck and get them on your first try).
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