That's because THE hercules voiced him!
Yeah I know, the voice cast of GoW III was pretty epic. Rip Torn, Kevin Sorbos (Hercules) and Malcolm McDowell. Just Amazing.
That's because THE hercules voiced him!
People made it sound like the Trophy scene in Ascensions was a 1st person version of that, on a woman's face.
I'm watching a full walkthrough and saw the part with the Trophy.
It appears after Orkos saves Kratos by teleporting him away from the Furies after his fight with them. In fact, the Fury who he face stomps does not even die during the scene nor does the Trophy even appear after it. The Trophy more than likely implies Orkos saving Kratos from them especially since it doesn't even appear until after that.
My opinion is that Sessler may be a bit sensitive when it comes to this. I like Sessler but yeah, I agree he's overreacting somewhat.
Forgot about poor Hercules.
For me it was Helios, that shit was insane.
I hope not, I enjoy that technique.Both are acceptable as long are they're short, and for the former, infrequent. I can accept that the "slip through small spaces" thing is usually a form of background loading, but I still hope we see the end of that technique next gen with more and faster RAM.
The difference is that the normal movement speed in Batman is walking. Aside from combat and the gliding in Arkham City, the traversal in Batman isn't all that fast. They also pace those storytelling moments well as to not annoy or intrude that much. I'd still like the option to skip all of them, especially the long intros to both games.
God, how can people enjoy this?
God, how can people enjoy this?
How can you NOT enjoy that?
That's it? As someone else said, I expected some kind of prolonged violence like Hercules or some kind of vicious curb-stomping. lol what a non controversy.
God, how can people enjoy this?
I'm not into violence
Jesus Christ. That's your response? "That's it?"
That video looks horrible. Doesn't really look all that much different from the Hercules video. You people are horribly desensitized if you think that video is nothing.
I'm not into violence and gore-porn?
Jesus Christ. That's your response? "That's it?"
That video looks horrible. Doesn't really look all that much different from the Hercules video. You people are horribly desensitized if you think that video is nothing.
In Greek and Roman mythology, the Furies were female spirits of justice and vengeance. They were also called the Erinyes (angry ones). Known especially for pursuing people who had murdered family members, the Furies punished their victims by driving them mad. When not punishing wrongdoers on earth, they lived in the underworld and tortured the damned
New MP footage:!
It looks amazing!
Thanks for coming into a god of war OT and saying you're not into heavy violence. Every OT needs some laughs.
ultim8p00 said:I don't have a problem with violence. I mean, I count myself among the very many who bitched about the removal of gore and delimbing in NGII.
This, for some reason, just feels wrong and disturbing. It's not just violent. It makes it a point to really show you how much the other person is suffering and resisting. It's very forced. You don't just kill a guy, and you see cool shit.
No, you punch him into the ground. Then you keep beating at his head as he begs. Over and over and over. The camera cuts to show his bloodied face getting stumpier as you keep pounding, until finally it becomes a bloody pulp.
Or you grab someone's head and forcibly rip it off. The game shows you his skin stretching and finally snapping off. The game shows your victim resisting. Suffering.
It's very creepy and disturbing. Gears has violence and gore. So does Ninja Gaiden II. Those games empower you but at the same time there is a certain sense of immediacy and disconnection to the violence. Neither game makes you feel like you are playing a torture sim.
Damn, that looks great. I'm wondering if they're going to have a full reveal on their multiplayer tomorrow. Kinda weird it all hasn't been shown after reviews have already gone up.
It's very creepy and disturbing. Gears has violence and gore. So does Ninja Gaiden II. Those games empower you but at the same time there is a certain sense of immediacy and disconnection to the violence. Neither game makes you feel like you are playing a torture sim.
I don't have a problem with violence. I mean, I count myself among the very many who bitched about the removal of gore and delimbing in NGII.
This, for some reason, just feels wrong and disturbing. It's not just violent. It makes it a point to really show you how much the other person is suffering and resisting. It's very forced. You don't just kill a guy, and you see cool shit.
No, you punch him into the ground. Then you keep beating at his head as he begs. Over and over and over. The camera cuts to show his bloodied face getting stumpier as you keep pounding, until finally it becomes a bloody pulp.
Or you grab someone's head and forcibly rip it off. The game shows you his skin stretching and finally snapping off. The game shows your victim resisting. Suffering.
It's very creepy and disturbing. Gears has violence and gore. So does Ninja Gaiden II. Those games empower you but at the same time there is a certain sense of immediacy and disconnection to the violence. Neither game makes you feel like you are playing a torture sim.
God, how can people enjoy this?
The way I see God of War's violence is that it's so ridiculous and over-the-top. It's like a cartoon. It's like Mortal Kombat. There's a shock/"Holy Shit" factor to it that's part of it, but ultimately it's not that big a deal, it's dumb entertainment. I'll admit, I'm definitely "desensitised" to videogame violence. The funny thing is, strong gore/violence in film horrifies me, let alone violence in real life. I don't think being desensitised to videogame violence is really a big deal.
This is really rationalizing to me. Ninja Gaiden 2 is one of the most violent and disturbing games I have ever played. On top of that, the whining from the fanbase that came as a result of the "purple mist" in Sigma 2 (despite the fact it actually allowed them to stabilize the framerate and up the resolution) was doubly upsetting.
I completely disagree. But I believe systemic dismemberment of objects that are distinctly human is as bad as anything in God of War. There's no disconnection; the player is utterly immersed in it. It is core to the gameplay.
Truth.The violence in GoW is completely fitting for the setting. Greek myths are some of the most brutal things I've ever read. The setting dictated the level of violence.
The violence in GoW is completely fitting for the setting. Greek myths are some of the most brutal things I've ever read. The setting dictated the level of violence.
The violence in GoW is completely fitting for the setting. Greek myths are some of the most brutal things I've ever read. The setting dictated the level of violence.
I hope not, I enjoy that technique.
Also, are you saying if a character's pace is a walk then it is a moot point?
I don't even care if it's "unfitting"... I think it's extremely silly to complain about violence in video games, or movies, or books, etc., and in a GOW thread at that.
so, ironically, the pace should control the pace? Is that what you're saying?I'm not saying the "going through small spaces" thing is anywhere as bad as forced walking, it's just, ironically, way too transparent as a way to hide loading most of the time. For example, the desert in UC3, you come to what looks like a dead end in the middle of an average sized town, but oh, you have to move through this tiny crack so the game can load the next encounter + cutscene despite the fact that you've climbed every other building up to that point. It honestly feels more forced than a standard loading screen.
Squeezing through small spaces in a cave though? I'm fine with that. Likewise, a few seconds of forced walking to frame a landcape shot or an establishing shot? I'm fine with too.
If you can run, at all, then no it's not moot, but it's certainly more acceptable if the game's pace is slower. You use the default walk in Batman a lot of the time so a few forced walking storytelling segments are acceptable (I'd STILL like the option of skipping them). I recently played Journey and you really don't move that fast on the ground aside from 2 segments, so again, I won't complain about how they control your pace towards the end of the game. Shooters, open world, action, action/adventure, platformers, etc. where you RUN a lot and have a ton of movement options, though? I detest being controlled in those just BECAUSE the developer felt like "they should be walking here." Momentum killer IMO.
This.The violence in GoW is completely fitting for the setting. Greek myths are some of the most brutal things I've ever read. The setting dictated the level of violence.
It was Kevin Sorbo from the cheesy Sam Raimi Hercules series. They also did this will God of War II using the actor who played Perseus in Clash of the Titans (the original) to play Perseus in GoW II.Yes, I beat GoW III today for the fifth time and I can´t believe how good it still looks. I wished we saw more of Hercules loved his voice acting.
so, ironically, the pace should control the pace? Is that what you're saying?
I agree some of it can be going for the limit, but it's pretty cartoon-ish. It's kind of strange in the sense that the games really are not as serious in tone as other games may be, even though they try to add some drama.God, how can people enjoy this?
Here's how I view shootbang segments vs. cinematic oh so emotion-filled experience segments.
On replays, a good action sequence gets better. You derive more enjoyment than you did the first time because you are now more expert in the mechanics and you will start to notice things you didn't before when you were a novice going through your first experience. You are more competent and you get to express it.
On replays, no matter how good the cinematic is, the impact is lessened. It will never be as evocative as it was the first time. The longer the sequence, the more tedious it becomes to play through it. You might still appreciate the graphics and the cinematic angles, and how it embellishes the theme of the game you're playing. I can appreciate all of those things. But I don't always want to. Definitely not the 4th or 5th time.
Cinematics can be skipped. "Interactive" storytelling cannot. It does NOT enhance anything for me to continue inputting rudimentary commands while I watch. I am NOT taken out of the experience when a cutscene happens any more than when I'm forced to walk slowly in one direction. I'm only offended by a cutscene if it exceeds a certain length and cannot be skipped.
And just so that I'm actually talking about GOW, I have not generally had any problems with these kinds of sequences in GOW games. Not a huge fan of the near-end one in GOW3, but otherwise, I don't mind the camera zooming in while Kratos edges through a crack. It shows off the stellar modeling, texturework, and lighting, and it's brief.
As a huge GOW fan, I have absolutely no problem with review score. There is lack of novelty in typical sequels. And usually the sequels are love letters to fans of the original and by definition they are restricted in formula.
But that doesn't mean they are not fun or good games. Or are getting low scores because there is a fatigue factor. they are simply not bring much new as expected. that is why the originals score higher because they do bring new stuff and deserve the recognition with higher score.
As Todd said. this is for GOW fans, and with that i wanted and expected it to be GOW. And with that I agree with the reviews as being same formula and that shouldn't deserve 95 + score.
hence for GOW fan like me it could very well and probably deserve 80 score and at the same time would be GOTY for me.
It's not franchise fatigue .
I thought franchise fatigue was people getting tired of a franchise because it's not sufficiently innovative and it becomes dull as a result. And it sounds like that's what you're describing.
What is your definition of franchise fatigue? Maybe I am not using the word the same way everyone else is.
The excuse that it's for fans does not in any way excuse a lack of innovation. Fans should be the most demanding of evolution and improvement. Of course I have yet to play it and judge the improvement for myself, and I can't trust reviewers to do it, so I don't want to conclude prematurely that SSM failed to innovate and improve.
For me franchise fatigue is getting tired of the game mechanics but I have never grown tired of GoW, I love the combat a lot and I love the blades of chaos so for me is great that they focused only on that weapon, but the namean cestus will be missed.
Eh oh well. Hopefully the game generates as much discussion - I'm stoked.
Tried to get the dude at EB games to break street date for me today, and he was just super offended lol
Craig, Defender of street dates.
This is what everyone was stuck on I take it. I thought it was a puzzle.Man, Trials of Archimedes is very difficultWTF SSM, a checkpoint would have been nice... so frustrating.