I upgraded my Blades of Chaos to level 1 before the "3 weeks earlier" and I kept my upgrade. Does anyone else find this stupid?
Would you have preferred they get rid of your upgrade so you get to start back at square one again?
I upgraded my Blades of Chaos to level 1 before the "3 weeks earlier" and I kept my upgrade. Does anyone else find this stupid?
Are the sound issues worth holding off on playing the game? Or are they a relatively minor nuisance
Comparing the intros of GOW:A and GOW3, I have to go with GOW3. Just much more epic for me.
2 questions
I upgraded my Blades of Chaos to level 1 before the "3 weeks earlier" and I kept my upgrade. Does anyone else find this stupid?
Is there a way to take off elements and just use the blades?
The upgrades carrying between the time changes is odd. Oh well.
Fire is Kratos' traditional moveset so just leave that on if you don't feel like mixing up the elements. No enemies have resistance to certain elements so you won't be at a disadvantage.
Would you have preferred they get rid of your upgrade so you get to start back at square one again?
Really? I just assumed that the fire elementals were a little resistant to fire, electricity to electricity, and so on. This isn't true?
Was it IGN? I know adam sessler said he was stuck on it for 6 hours and had to get someone to play his save. It may have been Arthur Gies who mentioned on RebelFM podcast that he helped someone through that part, the save he played (the person was unnamed) was upgraded very little with gorgon eyes and feathers. So you may have trouble with Trial of Archimedes if you have found very few gorgon eyes and feathers (or suck at games like Adam Sessler)...That was it? THAT was the Trial of Archimedes every review has been bitching about? The one the IGN guy took SIX HOURS ON? And I beat it on my second try?
C'mon now, ya'll. Just apply a LITTLE action game knowledge here.
Environment progression more akin to God of War 2 is exactly what I wanted from Ascension. Now if only the game was as a long as GoW2...It definitely feels a lot like GoW2 in terms of environment progression. Great variety already, about 3 hours in, and some very creative stuff.
BTW, the sound issues seem to only affect the first couple areas of the game. I haven't had an issue with them since reaching.Temple of Delphi
huh, I went through a media blackout and did not play the demo.
I played the game for 40 minutes for the 1st time and uh I am not sure what to feel. but it feels so freakin' weird
is this a God of War game or not? feels meh so far.
Does it get any better?
huh, I went through a media blackout and did not play the demo.
I played the game for 40 minutes for the 1st time and uh I am not sure what to feel. but it feels so freakin' weird
is this a God of War game or not? feels meh so far.
Does it get any better?
The first half of the game is worse than GoW3. It's GoW by the numbers. It's flaccid, with no drive, no invention, nothing you haven't already seen or done something similar in another GoW game, and it was better there.
Second half though, better than any segment in GoW3. The puzzles with the powers you gain are clever, the art direction is fantastic, the enemy encounters are well balanced and challenging, and there's a few really nice boss encounters.
I still don't like what they've done with the combat. The story is a bust. The sound mix is ASS. But the game is good. I don't regret the Redbox rental!
First half: 6/10
Second half: 8/10
Overall: 7/10
I haven't finished the game yet, but you might as well be me. (Are you?)
Something felt unfinished about the first several hours, but I was nonetheless compelled to keep playing to see what was next. By hour 6 (and I'm taking my time exploring) my feelings are a lot more positive.
I still haven't figured out whether they made the combat better and more deliberate, requiring more attention and execution to make the most of it, or if they fucked up the parry and the entire flow of combat, plus put a million goats and bugs in the game instead of good enemy encounters.
Now would these be the ones from Amazon as well? I tried checking their site but the pre order bonus is gone and I don't remember if it was for singleplayer or multiplayer
The first half of the game is worse than GoW3. It's GoW by the numbers. It's flaccid, with no drive, no invention, nothing you haven't already seen or done something similar in another GoW game, and it was better there.
Second half though, better than any segment in GoW3. The puzzles with the powers you gain are clever, the art direction is fantastic, the enemy encounters are well balanced and challenging, and there's a few really nice boss encounters.
I still don't like what they've done with the combat. The story is a bust. The sound mix is ASS. But the game is good. I don't regret the Redbox rental!
First half: 6/10
Second half: 8/10
Overall: 7/10
A lot of the time it does feel like lazy development (or maybe time constraints?) Either way, certain parts feel very off, and the pacing is just all over the place. I kinda get the feeling that they wanted to push out another game with this engine before moving onto next gen. Or maybe the team is just spread thin as a result of dipping into next gen development.
Don't you just hate when you see a chest you passed and now you can't get it because the last checkpoint makes it impossible? I missed a Phoenix Feather
I didn't get any pre-order bonuses - the costumes shown are for SP and after you beat the game.
Another thing that reminds me of GOW2 is smaller boss encounters. I always loved the fights in GOW2 against men or men-sized creatures. And even though they're larger than men, I liked the fights against (spoilers for five hours in or so)the flying bat/dog creature outside the Delphi temple, and the battle against the Oracle's assistant with the twin growing out of him. I really liked this fight.
Hopefully there's even more as the game progresses.
you didn't spoilers right.
Anyone else buy the CE and the PS AllStar code is no good? How do I go about fixing that?
Don't you just hate when you see a chest you passed and now you can't get it because the last checkpoint makes it impossible? I missed a Phoenix Feather
The parry is so damn unintuitive and has such a huge recovery animation/can't cancel out of it, I ended up not using it most of the time. The risk/reward just wasn't in my favor in most encounters. Between that and the Rage Meter hiding your bigger moves for 90% of the game, Kratos feels slower AND weaker. Not cool, SSM!
I haven't finished the game yet, but you might as well be me. (Are you?)
Yeah, I don't know what the cause is, but it's this incredibly beautiful game that they forgot to put many good ideas into. I really thought this would be PS3 GOW with lots of good ideas, since they didn't have to work as hard on the tech.
The "new" combat moves are mostly recycled ideas from past games, and the rage meter is tuned so that you have to REALLY know the enemies fairly well to build it (unlike in the E3 demo, where Kratos was a wrecking ball) which means I'm feeling chronically underpowered because my meter so rarely maxes. That's not how GOW should feel, but I'm starting to adjust my play style accordingly.
And the parry is so nerfed that it also significantly impacts how I have to play. I feel like it should reward with more rage meter than it does, because you often have to stop what you're doing a second before the enemy attacks. If the game is going to make me be really intentional about it, rather than reactive, it should give the meter boost that I would be getting if I were attacking during that time. In past games you could just do a barrage of light attacks and parry instantly when needed.
no kidding? it's the beginning of the series. suppose to be weak
Yeah, parrying is kinda sucky now. Does anyone actually block? Is it effective?
DLC isn't out yet, the code should work next Tuesday when it arrives.
no kidding? it's the beginning of the series. suppose to be weak
God of War lets you miss a few though, it'll change what would normally be red orb chests into Feathers and Eyes. At least if I remember correctly.
Edit: Awful phone pic but does the game look a bit jaggy in places for everyone else? I don't mind given how beautiful it is in general and the aging PS3 hardware but there seems to be a little less AA than normal in places. Don't really see it in the picture (obviously) but it becomes an almost Home Movies esqe squiggle fest in places.
Are videogames like God of War about realism or fun?
Ugh, my multiplayer experience so far consisted of:
1) Going through most of the two tutorials, but the game glitching and making the last fight of the second tutorial impossible (the enemy's health bar would not drain)
So after about 5 hours in I can say I hate the parry system. It's just so hard to pull off now. And those goats! Once I got the ice element it took me 30 mins to kill them, their just so cheap.
Having to wait 30+ minutes to download a day one patch before I could even play the game was not fun! That said, I'm having a good time with the game. I just finished beating GoW3 on Titan a couple of weeks ago, and as a result I'm having a difficult time adjusting to the new combat system (I started Ascension on the Hard difficulty). Overall I'm getting through battles without issue, but the damn goats are kicking my ass.
I died here enough times that I quit in frustration. Can someone give some combat protips for Hard mode? I roll all over the place and grapple like a madman, but the goats just do not stop spamming attacks over and over again. Also, my new "upgrade" (ice element) seems completely useless in this battle. I assume the battle is supposed to get me acquainted with my new power, but it's making me wish I could switch back to the first element.