About how long is the single player game?
About how long is the single player game?
It's not even that hard, but I can see it becoming very frustrating if/when you lose it over and over. It's suddenly much more difficult than everything that came before and the first wave of the trial has an annoying enemy combination, making the later parts that much more difficult if you screw up. There are no checkpoints throughout the trial and (short) unskippable cutscenes between each part. I don't think it's a very well designed part considering the game's learning curve, or something just slipped through playtesting. I don't know, but it probably needed at least one checkpoint (and I hope that's what they will patch in, difficulty itself is fine in my opinion).
In short, it's a trial, much like the optional trials that were in each GoW before. But I can understand how it can get in the way of one's enjoyment of the SP campaign.
is it required to complete the game? when people call it a ''trial'' it makes it sound optional
By they way everyone, the audio in the multiplayer is not the same as the single player, the MP has had fucked audio since the beta and it seems not a single thing has changed. The fighting feels a lot...weirder, I'll play more and give more impressions later, but the shit audio is still shit.
The demo is the very beginning of the game, and it isn't the best representation.I've just played the demo and enjoyed it. Anyone played the demo and the full game? Is the demo a fair representation of the full game?
About how long is the single player game?
The demo is the very beginning of the game, and it isn't the best representation.
I'm only about 6 chapters in, but immediately following the demo portion the game gets better and better. In fact, my friend played past what I got to and he seemed very happy with how it stacks up to the other games.
You should tryThe Trial is as rough as everyone was saying.Goddamn that first round. I have no problem until the sirens show up, then everything goes to shit. I've made it to the minotaur in the third round but accidentally kept rolling into spikes. I just can't seem to get through round 1 with my health high enough to make it through the other ones. The amazons hit me pretty hard but the rest is easy enough that I know I can make it if I can just keep my health up. I'm mostly spamming magic and Oathstone but am having a lot of difficulty still. I'm also about 8k short of orbs to get my blades to level 5.
You should tryGood luck!using the Hades Blades, square combos, dodge roll/block a lot and not using too much magic on the first part. Also keep the Uroboros Amulet and Orkos Oathstone on cooldown, they're very good for crowd control. As soon as the amazons spawn, spam Hades Magic (Zeus could work, too) to finish them quickly then move on. The later phases are not that hard if you manage to keep your health above 50% for the second round. I avoided rolling on phase 3 to not get damaged by the spikes and mostly blocked/parried.
The Trial is as rough as everyone was saying.Goddamn that first round. I have no problem until the sirens show up, then everything goes to shit. I've made it to the minotaur in the third round but accidentally kept rolling into spikes. I just can't seem to get through round 1 with my health high enough to make it through the other ones. The amazons hit me pretty hard but the rest is easy enough that I know I can make it if I can just keep my health up. I'm mostly spamming magic and Oathstone but am having a lot of difficulty still. I'm also about 8k short of orbs to get my blades to level 5. Anyone got any tips on to which spells are effective?
Wow they sure made Kratos feel like a little bitch in this game, getting tossed around by two gorgons and these lightning fucks is annoying.
Wow they sure made Kratos feel like a little bitch in this game, getting tossed around by two gorgons and these lightning fucks is annoying.
It really is kind of silly. You are blocking sooooo much in this game. It is really off putting after playing so much Ninja Gaiden and MGR lately.
I can't remeber but in past God of Wars did blocking cancel an attack?
Yea, but this game you are getting hit all the time damn near. It just seems harder to keep enemies in hitstun.
I guess there is no behind the scenes like there was in previous games. Only what was in the demo?
I disagree. The scale is always going to stay the same, so like anything with watchability, it's going to come down to the right size TV for how far away you are sitting. I'm playing on a 24" monitor, and I feel immersed in the experience sitting about three feet away.
I guess there is no behind the scenes like there was in previous games. Only what was in the demo?
I just entered the oracle's temple. Overall, I agree with Jett. This is the first God of War game with TERRIBLE camera angles, sometimes it's so fucking hard to see Kratos or tell his position among the enemies. Game also doesn't feel as epic as God of War 3 did...bunch of generic locations so far, even the snake level felt meh. Story is also nonsensical, I don't even know wtf I am doing in the oracle's temple.
I dunno about this game man...
The game skyrockets in quality from where you are.
Another goddam platforming/grapple section, and another dozen failed attempts. If anything is wrong with the game, it's these unbeliavably annoying sections, that add absolutely no enjoyment to the game, quite the contrary. It's beyond me why they were even inserted there in the first place. Are there really people, who actually enjoy playing God of War for these miss-and-die parts?
EDIT: I'm talking about this part, from 8:20 onwards...
Comment and question
1) my eyes lit up when my tv prompted for 3D, I know it's silly but still novel and neat
2) I put in my Amazon code into PSN via ps3 yesterday, and it didn't download anything, nor is it on my downloads list on my ps3. Putting the code in again results in an already claimed message. But it does show up on playstations website under my history. Any thoughts or anyone else have the same happen? Thanks!
Edit- damnit, it won't even let me enter my PSASBR issac and zues code
They are working on it right now.Did they patch the sound bug?
They are working on it right now.