Just started playing, already experienced the audio dropout.. But here is my bigger isue... Does anyone else feel like the game is more zoomed in during normal combat/ running around? Maybe it's me
Just started playing, already experienced the audio dropout.. But here is my bigger isue... Does anyone else feel like the game is more zoomed in during normal combat/ running around? Maybe it's me
No time frame but:Disappointed to hear the audio didn't get fixed. Can we get a time-frame, SSM (assuming Tank or Todd are reading the thread)?
Damn shame, again I think this a major factor dampening enthusiasm for the game, and the critical release window is slowly slipping away. It's sad to see such a big franchise have it's impact neutered by such a minor thing. Hopefully we can get some kind of story as to how this slipped by QC. More out of interest in the process, I'm not super upset as a consumer (I played with headphones though). targeting next one, we are already deep in production on it
So glad I redboxed this. Been playing for about 2 hrs and I can't play anymore. Game is such a bore fest. I loved God of War 1-3 but this game is just bleh. Oh well, only costed 2 dollars to find this out lol.
Kratos is running from his oath to Ares, hence the Furies being after him.Can someone explain this story for me? I've just entered the, why am I here. Why did the guy at the start say the furies were after me if I haven't broken my oath yet? I am having a difficult time getting invested into this game since I can't figure out my motive for going anywhere at the moment.temple of delphie?
Did you beat it on hard difficulty?I played the Trial post patch and beat it on my first try. Didn't even come close to dying, I would've liked a shot at the first version![]()
I would ask for tips, but i guess there is nothing that can be said, that is also what makes it frustrating. I already know how to parry block, i know about pushing the Sirens out of the arena, and i know how to use magic. I guess there isnt anything more too it than that.
Did you beat it on hard difficulty?
This is actually one tactic that i havnt tried much. I've tried a few times, but i felt that they usage is too slow and i end up getting hit before i get to use them. But i will try a few times tomorrow. ThanksSpam Uroboros/Oath Stone
Ah ok. It is a nightmare on hard heheNo, normal, but I do intend on starting hard mode next. Seems like spamming clone/slowdown is a pretty good idea on hard as well. I hope you upgraded them
This is actually one tactic that i havnt tried much. I've tried a few times, but i felt that they usage is too slow and i end up getting hit before i get to use them. But i will try a few times tomorrow. Thanks![]()
No, normal, but I do intend on starting hard mode next. Seems like spamming clone/slowdown is a pretty good idea on hard as well. I hope you upgraded them
I'm not asking for a revamped combat system at all just to say my opinion. I think that the combat system is great and i dont feel that anything needs to be changed really. God of War is one of my favorite gaming serie, and the combat system is one of the reasons for that. I wanted to remove one or two enemies from the last part of wave 1, i didnt want to change the combat system.Yup this advice is peppered through the thread, and is the advice of the game director himself.
This isn't directed at you per se, so don't take it the wrong way, but I think trials of Archimedes is exemplary that despite all the calls for a revamped combat system, people went into this and played it exactly like every other god of war game. It's entirely doable on hard - I did it on my second try - if you use the systems they designed, and most important among those is the two new powers, uroburos and orkos. I kind of feel for Santa Monica, man - they did their best at reinventing the GOW combat systems, without fundamentally altering the feel, and then in the one scenario in the game that actually challenges you to weave it together, people call them out on it and they need to eat that bowl of shit and change it. Would suck being a dev on days like those.
Going from trying about 100 times and ending up with anger and frustration, to making it on my 2nd try and call it fairly easy, this makes me think that this is a very common factor indeed.I'm wondering if the common factor among those having such trouble with the Trials is having ignored the Oath Stone/Uroborus. I think the best upgrade path in this game is Blades --> Oath Stone/Uroborus --> Fire/Lightning --> Soul --> Ice. Kratos feels insanely weak in combat without a full Rage meter and the Level 5 Blades make it easy to maintain. Oath Stone/Uroborus allow you to play Waves 2 and 3 on auto pilot. Without them, it can definitely be tough if you got worn down by the Gorgons and Sirens.
*Venting time*
Eh, I decided to continue despite the audio issues.
And wtf, I'm at the place where you get theand I'm struggling... the fact that enemies can hit you despite that you're hitting them is bs. I never liked this in any game, obviously if you're hitting something they couldn't just act like you aren't doing anything to them? I don't remember previous GOW games being this bad in that blade upgrade
Yeah, i used both Uroburos and Orkos Stone and it made it so much easier. I made it on my 2nd try thenBe patient, particularly in the 2nd round. Use Orkos every time he's available. Use the amulet on enemies you have the most trouble with. Use Kratos' air combos. It's really not that difficult.
I thought Zeus was a pain the ass on hard in GoW3. Much harder than the trial.
I'm not asking for a revamped combat system at all just to say my opinion. I think that the combat system is great and i dont feel that anything needs to be changed really. God of War is one of my favorite gaming serie, and the combat system is one of the reasons for that. I wanted to remove one or two enemies from the last part of wave 1, i didnt want to change the combat system.
What i wrote earlier was only venting from trying maybe around 100 times and not making it. Only venting, not really complaining about the game itself, nor complaining to the developers. Sorry if it came across like that. I know that it takes a lot of work to make these games, so i have much respect for the developers. It would take quite much before i start complaining about a game (in this case i tried about 100 times before i wanted to vent). And if i had to adress the developers, i would have asked in a respectful way.
Did you make it on your second try with Uroburos and Orkos Stone? What is "funny" is that i tried this strategy now and i also made it on my 2nd try lolI might have made it on my first try as well, but my controller battery died on the 2nd wave and i had to plug in the USB cable. I lost maybe 15-20% of my life because of this. After this i died because of a stupid mistake i did and i died of the flames. I would most likely have made it if i didnt lose that life when my controller went out.
I would actually say that it was fairly easy using those two powerups. I'm pretty sure that i would have made it before patch 1.03 as well if i knew this. You do afterall get extra health from the Amazons and the Centaur. It is the first wave that is the hardest in my opinion. So by using the wrong strategy, it can become incredible difficult, but by using the right strategy it suddently became much easier. So it wasnt really anything about the game, only the user (me)
Going from trying about 100 times and ending up with anger and frustration, to making it on my 2nd try and call it fairly easy, this makes me think that this is a very common factor indeed.
So since this game has been bloody hard on hard... heh... im switching to normal by restarting lol.
I have switched to using Zeus full time in multiplayer. WOW. What a difference. Broseidon has got nothing on the big lightning guy. I can virtually one-shot people with my magic (which I SOMETIMES can use TWICE IN A ROW!), and my elemental powers even with a level 9 sword kick ass sorts of ass. His invincibility item is great (aegis) for blocking nearly all big attacks. Zeus is much more my playstyle.
I'm at ten hours and at chapter 26. Playing hard first go. It hard on hard (as it should be) but so satisfying. Its a lot easier now with theattacksclone+stop
I gotta say, I didn't realise the fire weapon was a category. I just thought the flame blade was the default blades that kratos had and focused only on upgraded the blades. I've maxxed it now and then I realised, oh, you can upgrade the fire attack. this at 10 hours in.
Be patient, particularly in the 2nd round. Use Orkos every time he's available. Use the amulet on enemies you have the most trouble with. Use Kratos' air combos. It's really not that difficult.
I thought Zeus was a pain the ass on hard in GoW3. Much harder than the trial.
Sure, i know that you were talking more in general with what you said earlier, but i just wanted to point out that i was not complaining about the combat system etc. in my venting earlierAnd again, the post wasn't directed at you. It's a problem for the dev when they introduce fundamental changes into their system. Given how widespread the issue with the trials is, you could make a strong argument that SSM may have included the tools to beat it, but they didn't do a great job of communicating how important it was to use them. As GOW fans, I think we're all used to the non chains combat devices being relatively extraneous and bypassable. I'm not sure SSM untrained us out of that bad habit well enough in ascension
Regardless, the combat system here is some of the best it's been once it clicks. I still don't know if the changes the parry system were the right way to go and for all the visual loveliness of the elements, they sure don't seem to have a major impact on combat, but all in all some great choices: world weapons, the tether system, and the new rage meter I think all work really well. It's a great game, and as usual, a better game on hard.
The only thing that I didn't like, was that the fact that we didn't get theuntil the end of the game. I didn't expect it to be the final boss really.Kraken bossfight
getting absolutely creamed at trials. Fuckkkkkof archemedies.
I'm got as far as the wights after the centaur but I couldn't play the game of keep away long enough to survive. Really struggling with it atm. What is up with the snakes + lighting bitches at the start - the first couple of times I played, there was 4 snakes and 2 of the women but now it keeps giving me 4 of the women to fight.
Can't survive the medusa + lighting women fight.
I also struggle against thewomen in blue. How do you fight them? I can't seem to block!amazonian
I mistakenly unspoilered koene's post and before I knew it read about the final boss.![]()
I agree, it was a terrible idea.
I think that they changed their original plan... months ago they said that
the monster was Charibydis from the Odyssey, and we had to fight it at 60% of the game. And the E3 demo hinted this.
But in the final build Charybydis is a random giant mutation of Alecto (WTF Papy and Santa Monica??????), and the awesome sea environment is only Tysiphone's illusion in the Alecto's chamber.
It was totally out of place and context.
Really, really lame and disappointing.
I'm not sure that they changed their original plan. At least i assume that the story was set in stone when they unveiled it. Ending spoiler:I agree, it was a terrible idea.
I think that they changed their original plan... months ago they said that
the monster was Charibydis from the Odyssey, and we had to fight it at 60% of the game. And the E3 demo hinted this.
But in the final build Charybydis is a random giant mutation of Alecto (WTF Papy and Santa Monica??????), and the awesome sea environment is only Tysiphone's illusion in the Alecto's chamber.
It was totally out of place and context.
Really, really lame and disappointing.
What is true and what do you mean with felt "very padded"?JESUS CHRIST IS THAT TRUE? No wonder the game felt very padded.
First area is the most boring by far I think. Try to get past there first.
What he says is true though, that monster is Charybidis.Papy himself confirmed that the monster was Charybidis.
That was official.
You will have everything fully upgraded if you didn't missed too many chests. But if you want the trophy for completing the game on Hard, you can't play it on New Game Plus which disables all trophies. You'll want to upgrade the amulet and the stone as soon as you get them, they're lifesavers in Hard Mode. Other than that, I stuck with Ares and Zeus mainly in my Hard playthough, Ares fills up your rage meter quicker, and the electricity attack stuns your enemies, giving you some breathing room.Is there any power I should focus on fully upgrading before going onto hard? Or will I most likely have upgraded everything by the end of my first play through?
Just got my Bros BeforeHosFoes trophy and right after I got the Eyes Have It when I opened a chest and I have 22,495 orbs.
But if you want the trophy for completing the game on Hard, you can't play it on New Game Plus which disables all trophies.