> 1 month post release for major issues fix. Damn SSM, should have prioritized it and thrown everything else on the back burner.
but multiplayer. MULTIPLAYER!!
clearly the solo campaign was an afterthought, and not a priority what so ever.
> 1 month post release for major issues fix. Damn SSM, should have prioritized it and thrown everything else on the back burner.
Did you guys see the new powers and items that's going to be in the upcoming patch?
Here's the Ares update for those who didn't see
Sounds great![]()
God damn patch 1.04 is finally out! Time to kick ass 40 more levels.
I just played this morning and nothing popped up. God damn. At least it's out.
http://godofwar.playstation.com/en-us/blog/god-war-ascension-elite-update/?submit=submitOur Elite Update is quite significant. Make sure to view the full change-list below. A few notable key fixes/enhancements from the Elite Update include:
- "Elite Levels" - Going Beyond Level 30 - You may be a Champion already at Level 30, but to truly become a legend of Olympus, you'll need to become an "Elite Champion". We've increased the allegiance level cap from 30 to 40. With the addition of 10 levels for every God allegiance, we are introducing a new God item, two new relics, and an ultimate magic for every allegiance, unlocking powerful new abilities. To all Warriors rising to become an "elite" Champion of Olympus, now you have a new goal to reach. It will not be an easy journey.
- Player Stat Card - you can now access various stats about your Champion's performance including kill-death ratio, wins, losses, and more. Access directly from the customization menu.
- Game Mode Inspect Card - in the Game Modes menu, we've added an option that allows you to see the scoring rules for each Game Mode so you understand what each objective is worth when in battle.
- Match of Champions 4-player scoring adjusted to 1600 favor (from 2000) balance match times in line with the rest of the Multiplayer modes. This now makes both 8 and 4 player Favor of the Gods the same 1600 scoring win goal.
- Zeus Spear now uses correct damage multipliers: L1 triangle special was not correctly using elemental damage multipliers (was using physical instead).
- Global Spear Attacks: Triangle in the air with spear was unblockable, yet could still be parried, it can no longer be parried.
- Poseidon Shield God Item: The shield will now become active when the player recovers rather than while still in the activation animation.
- Adjusted stats of the Hades spear to better suit the intended gameplay.
- Medusa Armor is now slightly easier to acquire.
- The healing amount granted to the player when using the Poseidon Heal Magic will now increase as the magic is ranked up.
- Miscellaneous fixes to slow debuffs/animations not displaying correctly. Will now prevent most related cases where the player would get get stuck in a bad state, and unable to respawn. This is greatly improved, per this fix.
- God ability pickups for new God items now appear in the correct order in the customization menu.
- Addressed all major audio issues - most commonly noted for single-player. The sound mix will no longer drop out.
- Spartans no longer stuck in a stoned state when they are hit by the Hammer of Helios explosion.
- AUDIO: Sound channel output bug: Game now defaults to stereo for all new players. Existing players with preferences set already should double check their in-game sound output options and make sure they are set for the speaker configuration they are using.
- AUDIO: Addressed issue with music being too quiet in various parts of the game.
- AUDIO: Addressed sound mixing issues affecting cut scenes and major boss battles throughout Hecaton Level.
- AUDIO: Fixed a sound mix problem during the cutscene in the Hecaton bordello (outdoor wind sound was playing when you are indoors).
- AUDIO: Fixed missing sound FX impacting some moves for War Hammer of Ares, Maul of Zeus, Spear of Hades, Blade of Poseidon, Cronos Blade.
- AUDIO: Music now plays in Trial of the Gods (1 and 2 Player) for Desert of Lost Souls.
Relic of Determination - rewards a warrior for keeping death at bay by increasing the Physical and Elemental Power with each minute of life he can accumulate. Those that live the longest will reap the greatest rewards, allowing the Warrior to become a lion on the battlefield, savagely mauling enemies and sending them to Tartarus before the thought, or option, of escape becomes a possibility.
Awesome. the sound issues are EXACTLY THE SAME. Nothing has been fixed. what the hell??
Awesome. the sound issues are EXACTLY THE SAME. Nothing has been fixed. what the hell??
I wasnt at the beginning at the game but I had it set to 7.1 and the sound was way better than the day of release for me, maybe later on it wasnt as bad or maybe some setups are working?
I am at this exact point and it is so glitchy. It's frozen my system three times now, and each time I load it back up a new glitch happens - Kratos' blades are invisible, the camera doesn't move, no audio whatsoever, the cinematic starts and audio actually plays but the movie is stuck on the first frame... I can't believe this game is still such a buggy mess.This is so sad.
Played for ~2 hours at release and stopped because of the audio issues. Now, with the latest patch I'm at the point where you get the time heal/decay thing and the fucking camera is stuck at the bridge. I jumped around like a fool til I triggered a cut-scene (oracle) and the dumb cam is still stuck afterwards - reloading the checkpoint or the profile from the main menu doesn't fix it.
I assume using 'Chapter Select' would help, but right now, I'm pretty done with this game.![]()
Why does the Poseidon magic have such absurd priority?
When do we get the unlocks for that Web-game I participated in?
So did we ever find out where reviewers were getting stuck for like 6 hours or whatever because they thought something was a puzzle when it wasn't, or something?
I can't think of any point in the game where I actually for stuck for more than a few minutes, and that was just because the highlight for grabbing something wasn't popping up correctly.
As an Ares, my weakness is magic, but I rarely have much trouble with Poseidons.Why does the Poseidon magic have such absurd priority?
I feel like I have a pretty deep understanding of this game -- I think Poseidon magic beats everything. Chains, thrown items, other magics, combos -- everything but an L2 escape.Tell me about it bro. Poseidon is too frustrating to fight. He has insane amount of defence and health and cheap magic to boot. Can be an incredibly frustrating experience taking on two poseidon players.
I am getting disconnected like a motherfucker. I like how Just_Tank hyped the fuck out of the game leading up to the release -- and now people are bitching and he is nowhere to be found.
I feel like I have a pretty deep understanding of this game -- I think Poseidon magic beats everything. Chains, thrown items, other magics, combos -- everything but an L2 escape.
Sold this game today. Will not buy another santa monica game unless I read the reviews first this time. This is hands down the most bullshit unbalanced and frustrating game I have ever played.
ssm broke this game with the spear of destiny and numerous other exploits, bugs, shitty mechanics and frustrating gameplay.
Why am I fighting with the controls? why don't my L1 specials activate at times? why is there input lag after the 1.04 patch? why is the tether glitch there? I can go on and on.
why couldn't you make this game more of a mellee focused game and less magic bullshit? how is there skill in spamming the specials on spear of destiny? When I play I like to play fair, I don't like spamming magic as it takes no skill nor is it fun.
I had one guy that I have been fighting against for couple of nights now and he would constantly spam the spear of destiny every 2 seconds, as soon as I am about to kill him he runs for the nearest health fountain, rinse and repeat. he uses every possible exploit he can with Zeus and posideion and its hard enough to kill posidien with his bullshit amount of health he has.
if this is what the game has come to now, then I'm done with it. No desire to go back to the medicore single player or the unbalanced frustrating multiplayer.
Why does the Poseidon magic have such absurd priority?
ssm broke this game with the spear of destiny and numerous other exploits, bugs, shitty mechanics and frustrating gameplay.
Why am I fighting with the controls? why don't my L1 specials activate at times?
As an Ares, my weakness is magic, but I rarely have much trouble with Poseidons.
Zeus on the other hand...
You mean the crest/wave of ice? All Gods have magic like that. Hades has the grab, Fist of Ares, Zeus the lightning ball and cone etc.
Those magic attacks once triggered, cannot be stopped by anything except death. They can be easily evaded if you're looking for them. Only way they land is to wait for opponent to commit to an attack then trigger it and take the hit.
Don't understand why you're singling out Poseidon when all classes have magic like this?
The L1 specials can't be triggered while evading, in recovery state from combo/juggle (white) etc. You have to wait until you are on your feet again and in normal state then press it. Combat is more about anticipating enemy inputs than split second reactions. Otherwise you could parry everything with ease.
My only beef with SOD is that the L1 Sq special cannot be parried, that's bullshit.
Ares is my main too. A fully loaded skilled Zeus is just about the only thing I fear (bar 3/4v1) , and even then... he better land that magic because if he whiffs I will snap him in half. Zeus is so brittle.
Not enough people seem to know what they are doing with Poseidon to fear him. I do tear shit up with him though, so know how beastly he can be.
I have builds for both gods that are extremely effective.
Try reading my post again? PriorityYou mean the crest/wave of ice? All Gods have magic like that. Hades has the grab, Fist of Ares, Zeus the lightning ball and cone etc.
Those magic attacks once triggered, cannot be stopped by anything except death. They can be easily evaded if you're looking for them. Only way they land is to wait for opponent to commit to an attack then trigger it and take the hit.
Don't understand why you're singling out Poseidon when all classes have magic like this?
Its only trade-off is the narrowness of the actual attack. It is otherwise absurdly good.A descriptive measure of an attack's tendency to strike the opponent when that opponent is also attacking. In general, higher priority attacks always interrupt lower priority attacks.
I don't think you can criticize someone for running to health and magic. It's what any aware player would do. Sometimes I am on the losing end of engagements -- why would I stay and fight to my certain death when I can possibly regain some health and return to win? I agree the SP is mediocre. And I agree that the MP has problems -- but I still think it works surprisingly well. Some weapons (the Spear included) are incredibly annoying to fight against. There is a Zeus spear that shoots out this little ball that is incredibly annoying. Lag does exist -- especially with the grapple. The connection quality varies greatly (is this game P2P?). But there is room to simply adapt. Some things are incredibly difficult to adapt to but there is enough flexibility where one can only blame the game to a limited degree. Maybe it's just not for you. I think the concept and execution for this component can be considered successes. But the longevity and impact of the mode could be considered a failure. I think SSM's response has been an absolute failure. The fact their community manager frequented hype threads more than this one is slimy as fuck.Sold this game today. Will not buy another santa monica game unless I read the reviews first this time. This is hands down the most bullshit unbalanced and frustrating game I have ever played.
ssm broke this game with the spear of destiny and numerous other exploits, bugs, shitty mechanics and frustrating gameplay.
Why am I fighting with the controls? why don't my L1 specials activate at times? why is there input lag after the 1.04 patch? why is the tether glitch there? I can go on and on.
why couldn't you make this game more of a mellee focused game and less magic bullshit? how is there skill in spamming the specials on spear of destiny? When I play I like to play fair, I don't like spamming magic as it takes no skill nor is it fun.
I had one guy that I have been fighting against for couple of nights now and he would constantly spam the spear of destiny every 2 seconds, as soon as I am about to kill him he runs for the nearest health fountain, rinse and repeat. he uses every possible exploit he can with Zeus and posideion and its hard enough to kill posidien with his bullshit amount of health he has.
if this is what the game has come to now, then I'm done with it. No desire to go back to the medicore single player or the unbalanced frustrating multiplayer.
Hey TDspartan
have you come across BlueSteel? and can you beat him? he is hands down the most frustrating person to fight against. I tear most people up but when he constantly spams the SOD whilst using posidien.......its too frustrating man.
when he plays as Ares mind you, I walk all over him, but when he uses Zeus or posidien....too much bullshit.
Try reading my post again? Priority
Its only trade-off is the narrowness of the actual attack. It is otherwise absurdly good.
Lol really? Go back about 50 pages if you want to see why the game is disliked.So, why does everyone dislike the single again? Seems on par with the other games, albeit a bit more unpolished.
So did we ever find out where reviewers were getting stuck for like 6 hours or whatever because they thought something was a puzzle when it wasn't, or something?