Lmao.. this is what I get for getting a vita. I don't even care about the console anymore lol. Love the OT btw.

Kinda sad PSP had actual GOW games instead of ports like this. VITA is such a train wreck. (yes PSP had ports too but it had a ton of original content, more so than VITA will ever get)
I'd advice Vita owners to buy this game when its on sale. Vita games will go on sale on point or another for like 50% atleast. Just be patient. There isn't enough content so it'll go on sale sooner than later. (unlike PS3 where there's so much content, not everything you want ends in sale or take a really long time to happen)
After reading all the reactions here, I gotta say I'm surprised by how competent of a port it is. I do almost all of my gaming on a PC lately, and I think I've gotten to be pretty sensitive to poor framerates. Not having any issues here, aside from the harpy fight. There are definitely dropped frames, no denying it. It isn't bad enough to make the game unpleasant, though.
I'm happy with it.
Well, I would prefer original games on the system rather than being a port machine.Different strokes for different folks
When I was on my PSP GOWs all I could think about was how much better it to have GOW1-2 instead on PSP, now Vita gives me that. GOW GoS was nice though, better than GOW3 imo.
Plus I got it and the PS3 version with a 50% discount from the glitch and everybody else in here seems to have gotten it for free through the glitch, past glitches, or already bought the collection digitally which gives them cross buy
Yeah, but did you pay for it?
Because there is no R2 on Vita.You have to tap to hold a door or hatch, but you have to mash circle to open.
You have to tap and hold to open chests.
You can't do either without touch controls.
It's a really petty thing to complain about, but seriously, why would they go the trouble of changing something so insignificant for worse? Instead of adding a touch option they straight up replaced traditional controls for that, just because.
Do you have to tap on the item specifically, or just generically on the back pad? The latter's not really a big deal, the former... can be a problem.
Guys, this is my only chance to play the god of war games. i never had a playstation in my whole life until i bought the ps4 and after it got the vita too. shuld i get this? i really want to try god of war and i don't own a ps3. is it that bad? is it worth 30?
I actually had no problems with those sections. Gyro aiming isn't bad.And they fucked it up with the gyro aiming. Makes the tank section, communication tower and helicopter section nearly impossible.
Eww. I was really looking forward to this, too. I probably could lived with 30 fps, but 30 fps and ugly is making me reconsider.
Guys, this is my only chance to play the god of war games. i never had a playstation in my whole life until i bought the ps4 and after it got the vita too. shuld i get this? i really want to try god of war and i don't own a ps3. is it that bad? is it worth €30?
Ghost of sparta is by far the best GOW game I would just get that instead.Guys, this is my only chance to play the god of war games. i never had a playstation in my whole life until i bought the ps4 and after it got the vita too. shuld i get this? i really want to try god of war and i don't own a ps3. is it that bad? is it worth 30?
I would bet you will be able to play this on the PS4 at some point. If Playstation now works, I would assume these would be some of the bigger selling points.Guys, this is my only chance to play the god of war games. i never had a playstation in my whole life until i bought the ps4 and after it got the vita too. shuld i get this? i really want to try god of war and i don't own a ps3. is it that bad? is it worth 30?
Where in the blue heck is GOW 1 on the PSN.
They're not selling them separately, from the looks of it.
The game looks pretty good outside of the cutscenes, which are truly horrendous.Eww. I was really looking forward to this, too. I probably could lived with 30 fps, but 30 fps and ugly is making me reconsider.
I've got it with PS Plus so it doesn't touch me, but I can't and won't believe they're going to fuck those who payed more.
I cannot believe they actually released a 30 FPS PS2 Port. This is a blatant money grab.
Didn't plenty of PS2 games run at 30 fps...?
God of War on PS2 wasn't exactly 60 fps all the time either.
Kinda sad PSP had actual GOW games instead of ports like this. VITA is such a train wreck. (yes PSP had ports too but it had a ton of original content, more so than VITA will ever get)
I'd advice Vita owners to buy this game when its on sale. Vita games will go on sale on point or another for like 50% atleast. Just be patient. There isnt enough content so it'll go on sale sooner than later. (unlike PS3 where there's so much content, not everything you want ends in sale or take a really long time to happen)
The Vita version still runs significantly worse than it ever did on the PS2. If the point of these remasters is to present a classic game in a technologically superior way, then the Vita version of GoW is an absolute failure.
It's up in Europe, bit cross-buy isn't yet functional.
And the thing is, can you imagine how good a Vita GoW would be? While the PS2 was more powerful in a number of ways, the Vita has been able to push graphics that exceed just about any PS2 game in Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, WipEout, Uncharted, and Tearaway. It's shockingly capable hardware when games are built specifically for it.While I really enjoy having some of those games on the go, your are very much correct in this. It's hard to really dedicate X amount of hours to play an inferior version of a game you love. Much rather get new games. On the flipside the game that do come out seem to all sell really well. Hopefully the Vita doubles it's install base by the end of this year.
I'd argue the point was to make the games portable, but they probably could've done a better job overall. The grandfathering of the PS3 versions is cool and most reviewers seem largely ok with the frame rate.
Maybe I'm just exhausted by 30 fps hating on GAF.
Yes it is, if you go onto the game page you can choose a version, one is paid the other is free.
No - I believe the latter is for full game trial, something which Sony are still incapable of labelling clearly.
No - I believe the latter is for full game trial, something which Sony are still incapable of labelling clearly.
What if Sony ported the God of War collection to the PS4 and it only ran at 30 fps. Would you still be okay with that?
Yes it is because that is how I bought it.
Vita is a portable PS4 now»
And the thing is, can you imagine how good a Vita GoW would be? While the PS2 was more powerful in a number of ways, the Vita has been able to push graphics that exceed just about any PS2 game in Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, WipEout, Uncharted, and Tearaway. It's shockingly capable hardware when games are built specifically for it.
What if Sony ported the God of War collection to the PS4 and it only ran at 30 fps. Would you still be okay with that?
If there were no other option to play these I wouldn't complain, but why anyone would choose the vita over the vastly superior PS3 versions is beyond me. Maybe I'm just particular since it's my first time (didn't play on ps2).
Vita ≠ PS4.
And Vita ≠ PS2, either.
Why is it acceptable in your opinion for the Vita to get downgraded ports from less powerful systems, but not PS4?