Is the framerate the same as the E3 demo though?LiquidMetal14 said:Far from crap. Runs great all the time.
polyh3dron said:Is the framerate the same as the E3 demo though?
Is the framerate the same as the E3 demo though?
bryehn said:I think some of you guys are playing his with blinders on. It feels squarely like GoW 2.5 in HD and unless it gets way, way better I doubt I'll even play it a second time.
george_us said:Just got my copy like 20 minutes ago. Barely ten minutes into the game and I've already nearly peed my pants.
Really not feeling it yet after about 3 hours, there's just nothing new here at all. The combat is bland, the QTEs are played-out and so far the bosses are ho-hum.
It looks great at times and the art direction is fantastic, but overall I'm getting a smeared, blurry feeling with a shitty, all-over-the-place framerate.
I think some of you guys are playing his with blinders on. It feels squarely like GoW 2.5 in HD and unless it gets way, way better I doubt I'll even play it a second time.
I think some of you guys are playing his with blinders on. It feels squarely like GoW 2.5 in HD and unless it gets way, way better I doubt I'll even play it a second time
JWong said:Wow, I bought a second copy of GoW3.
JWong said:Wow, I bought a second copy of GoW3.
JWong said:Wow, I bought a second copy of GoW3.
INDIGO_CYCLOPS said:Are some people really that unimpressed by this?
It's really hard. I spent thirty minutes in just one area alone today. o_oScrabbleBanshee said:Is it just me or is Titan mode harder in this than it used to be? I wasn't expecting myself to be swearing so early in the game.
It is hard. Not frustrating though.ScrabbleBanshee said:Looks and runs fantastic. It's god of war, as you know it, with crazy graphics.
I only played to the point of getting to hades again, and I probably won't put it back in until I'm through with FFXIII though.
Is it just me or is Titan mode harder in this than it used to be? I wasn't expecting myself to be swearing so early in the game.
chubigans said:It's really hard. I spent thirty minutes in just one area alone today. o_o
Gotta learn to block better I guess.
Yup, with another harder difficulty level to unlock after beating the game. Hoo boy.Firewire said:Titan is "hard" mode right?
Firewire said:Titan is "hard" mode right?
Just did this to look for it and I saw it :lolY2Kev said:Does anybody see the neogaf logo in the phalanx magic attack :lol
pelicansurf said:Rant from 2 hours into the game.
I'm in the Caverns, the part with the cubes attached to the chains... and this part is so goddamn frustrating. First the Minotaurs do mad damage and have mad health, so that's always fun but when I finally get to the final part after dying a few times... THE FUCKING CHAIN BREAK. ARGH. I'm taking a break before I punch my PS3.
JambiBum said:Just did this to look for it and I saw it :lol
LiquidMetal14 said:I decided to take a snapshot showing this part that I thought looked real. The lighting and all that is very impressive. It didn't turn out well since it looks even better on my Plasma but I will post anyways.....
That bright light on the right is not flash, it's this crack that looks more defined and pronounced on my TV but the camera didn't capture it. Great HDR going on.
His in-game model is more detailed than the CG models in FF13 :lol :lol
No way, it runs way better then that demo. The demo was a stuttering mess, the game runs amazing in comparison.polyh3dron said:Is the framerate the same as the E3 demo though?
EDIT: if it varies between 30 and 60 then yes it is.
I agree completely. Technically the game is still an unlocked 60 like the demo but that annoying judder is totally gone and the average FPS is a lot higher. The motion blur also makes everything look a lot smoother too.Synless said:No way, it runs way better then that demo. The demo was a stuttering mess, the game runs amazing in comparison.
CcrooK said:Man, some people in here are either brainless or just don't have a damn clue what they're playing. :lol E3 demo quality? God of War 2.5? Are you fucking insane?:lol :lol :lol Did the first stage not treat you well? :lol :lol :lol :lol
Sidenote: :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol