I'm actually finding the audio mix to be really off and poorly balanced. I had to turn up the volume on my 5.1 setup way higher than I do on every other PS3 game, and also make some drastic adjustments in the options menu. The music and speech completely overwhelm the sound effects, so I had to turn those way down (to around 30 - 40%).leng jai said:Okay we know the graphics are nuts, what about the audio?
Me too. Spent almost an hour at the chain part. You know the one.Nafai1123 said:Titan is starting to kick my ass :lol
eshwaaz said:I'm actually finding the audio mix to be really off and poorly balanced. I had to turn up the volume on my 5.1 setup way higher than I do on every other PS3 game, and also make some drastic adjustments in the options menu. The music and speech completely overwhelm the sound effects, so I had to turn those way down (to around 30 - 40%).
that is unpossible, sirAnimator said:It will be topped in the following hours over and over and over again. The beginning is nothing compared to some of the shit I have seen later and I havent even finished the game yet.
It's been kicking my ass for 3 hours, and I'm still in Hades.Nafai1123 said:Titan is starting to kick my ass :lol
-DarKaoZ- said:Yeah got him, I was using the Lion Head attacks, they are quite powerfull and I just keep hitting him and not letting him get life. Still it was a fucking pain in the ass.
chubigans said:Me too. Spent almost an hour at the chain part. You know the one.
Y2Kev said:Are you kidding? GoW1 and 2 flash large semi-transparent icons that obscure the center of the screen. You cannot watch the action on screen at all. This game not only displays the icons on the sides of the screen (which I think it smart), it also flashes white light on the appropriate side. You only have to look for flashing in your periphery, which is very effective anatomically because our rods see in black and white and are very sensitive to changes in light (like a flashing black and white).
Heavy Rain's QTE method would not really work in God of War 3. The camera is too zoomed out and static during QTEs.
Im actually finding it a lot easier to watch the screen and actually focus on what is going on. The fact that the sides of the screen always relate to a specific button means all i gotta do is notice just a slight change and i know what button to press. Lets me focus on the action. I much prefer this to any other type of QTE stuff. Heavy rain was pretty decent, but i was still forced to focus hard on what buttons to press.Linkzg said:Even if it obscured the center of the screen, I was still always looking at the center of the screen. So far in GoW3 QTE prompts were on the top, bottom, side to side, bottom right, and bottom left. I get the whole idea that you're supposed to catch it in your periphery vision, but I can't help to look at around the screen for the next prompt and miss what is happening on the screen.
and Heavy Rain QTE style could work just fine. They could even just have prompt over Kratos, not the enemy, and there wouldn't be a problem. It's not like they don't overlay prompts in the game when an enemy is in their dazed state.
~Kinggi~ said:Im actually finding it a lot easier to watch the screen and actually focus on what is going on. The fact that the sides of the screen always relate to a specific button means all i gotta do is notice just a slight change and i know what button to press. Lets me focus on the action. I much prefer this to any other type of QTE stuff. Heavy rain was pretty decent, but i was still forced to focus hard on what buttons to press.
Spasm said:It's been kicking my ass for 3 hours, and I'm still in Hades.
thetrin said:Just fought Hades. I found him pretty easy (sounds weird after having so much trouble with Poseidon for no good reason).
Hades was a fantastic boss, though.
Did you try usingVik_Vaughn said:He's kicking my ass. I can get past the first part no problem, but I can't get past the second part. Help a brother out
CrayzeeCarl said:Did you try using?the bow
I know. I'm stuck there too.Kagari said:FUUUUUU
Cronos is hard as hell D:
Bad_Boy said:The audio does have that unmastered/balanced feel at times. Like it it'll be low bass and low sound, and then kratos will scream loud as fuck something during a cut scene and I'm like wtf.
But other times the 7.1 audio really kicks in,(early game spoiler) Not to mention the musical score is awesome.like Hades Place when bodies are dropping all around you. And the Poseidon boss fight, the sounds wrap all around you. .
i dont care about the plot, i wanna discuss the bosses freely.Y2Kev said:God of War Plot Discussion thread of YOU ARE RETARDED amirite
yeah it was, awesome lighting. wish I could screencap that moment.AgentWhiskersX said:One addition I absolutely loved that wasn't in the demo was when. That was an amazing touch.Helios attempts to blind Kratos with the sun
You'll hit it eventually, you have to pass that area to continue in the game. It's pretty funny too :lolreKon said:Lastly, I haven't seen any sex mini game yet. Did I accidently pass it some point or is it still coming sometime later? Lemme know.
Impressions? Have you played the previous GoWs? How does it hold up?templeusox said:Just beat it.
Amazing. Still taking it in. I don't like to give thoughts shortly after I do something, because I end up sounding like dognezaka.Yoshichan said:Impressions? Have you played the previous GoWs? How does it hold up?
I completely understand, same with me :lol Give us your impressions when you feel ready!templeusox said:Amazing. Still taking it in. I don't like to give thoughts shortly after I do something, because I end up sounding like dognezaka.
RoboPlato said:Finished it in two sittings. Haven't done that with a non-FPS game in years. Game clock said about 12.5 hours but it was probably closer to 14 or so including restarts. Absolutely incredible game from beginning to end. I liked the other GoW games but this one is easily one of my favorite games ever. Nearly every part of it left a lasting impression on me.
The last few hours were not a direction I was expecting the series to take. The first half, while awesome, really played up the angry, over the top, and uncaring side of Kratos as I expected. While that was still present throughout the rest of the game I really liked how naturally Kratos was humanized a bit, especially toward the end. His interactions with Pandora were really interesting, it was nice to see Kratos really care about someone for once. I also loved how the Heart of Gaia had the scribbles from Zeus' childhood in it. A fitting place for the final battle. The whole stylized section and the first person fight with Zeus really impressed me and Kratos' suicide caught me entirely off guard. It was a ballsy ending for sure, but I thought it was fantastic.
Can't wait to jump back in and try out some of the challenge rooms and watch the Making Of.
I had trouble with them too. It was most noticeable during the finisher onthetrin said:I'm fucking so sick and tired of the half circle QTEs not registering for me. This shit is starting to really piss me off.