Okay, this is fully a tinfoil material.
Come on.
Also, apparently, he knows nothing about course maker, which translates into a nice boat on Antlantic with some rods on the back and refrigirator for beers under the first deck.
Also, apparently, he knows nothing about course maker, which translates into a nice boat on Antlantic with some rods on the back and refrigirator for beers under the first deck.
I wonder if the "arcade mode" was wrongly named. I didn't go into it until now thinking it was well an arcade mode and that wasn't what I was looking for in a simish styled racing game. Decided to go into it for the hell of it tonight and to find out it's the mode I was kinda looking for as I was doing career. Ugh. I was wondering where I could simply set things up to where everyone had the same model car and not this weird mix in career mode. Where I could have more then two or three laps and where I could have more then 6 people per race. Was starting to think something like this wasn't in the game. Of course it doesn't help my copy of the game didn't come with the manual. Maybe it's spelled out in there. The game itself completely directs me to the career mode and events.
Due to not finding that right away I was seriously considering just biting the bullet and getting Project Cars again (something I really didn't want to do considering how they've been acting with the Wii U and Project Cars 2 issues) or trying out Forza 4 or maybe even Assetto Corsa on the PC.
This is after I had returned the game after my last post and then decided to pick it up again from a different gamestop today because I was sort of regretting the decision and I was having the above thoughts about picking up a different game. Figured I might not have given it a full shake. Many more things are now opening up and with finding out what the arcade mode actually is I think the game is going to be satisfying desires I might be having for a simulation game.
I still don't like the rolling starts though. Also I can drive on the moon!?!?
Do many on gaf still play from time to time or have many largely moved on?
I wonder if the "arcade mode" was wrongly named. I didn't go into it until now thinking it was well an arcade mode and that wasn't what I was looking for in a simish styled racing game. Decided to go into it for the hell of it tonight and to find out it's the mode I was kinda looking for as I was doing career. Ugh. I was wondering where I could simply set things up to where everyone had the same model car and not this weird mix in career mode. Where I could have more then two or three laps and where I could have more then 6 people per race. Was starting to think something like this wasn't in the game. Of course it doesn't help my copy of the game didn't come with the manual. Maybe it's spelled out in there. The game itself completely directs me to the career mode and events.
Due to not finding that right away I was seriously considering just biting the bullet and getting Project Cars again (something I really didn't want to do considering how they've been acting with the Wii U and Project Cars 2 issues) or trying out Forza 4 or maybe even Assetto Corsa on the PC.
This is after I had returned the game after my last post and then decided to pick it up again from a different gamestop today because I was sort of regretting the decision and I was having the above thoughts about picking up a different game. Figured I might not have given it a full shake. Many more things are now opening up and with finding out what the arcade mode actually is I think the game is going to be satisfying desires I might be having for a simulation game.
I still don't like the rolling starts though. Also I can drive on the moon!?!?
Do many on gaf still play from time to time or have many largely moved on?
Okay, this is fully a tinfoil material.
Come on.
Also, apparently, he knows nothing about course maker, which translates into a nice boat on Antlantic with some rods on the back and refrigirator for beers under the first deck.
Already the beginning developments of your love/hate relationship with this game, lmao.
I think most people here probably won't be back in online races until we can start creating and sharing our custom tracks. I still mostly play just to take screenshots or video footage while waiting for the course maker.
Dat photorealistic look. When will Driveclub ever? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Having a clear out and popped GT4 in and it's still looking good. Hong Kong needs to return, just imagine it expanded, in full glory, weather and everything on PS4 banderas.gif
Surely Polyphony are hoarding bigger areas for all the city tracks? London is already known about and missing in action, Tokyo, New York, Paris, Hong Kong and the rest? No way did they just capture those small areas.
GT Sport reveal with the Shanghai circuit tomorrow? Is GT even popular in China?
LIESBright afternoon lighting has never looked this real in GT.
We need more city night tracks. hnnnggg.
idk, they stopped answering questions about the course maker. They confirmed it's still coming to GT6, and then denied there were technical problems or marketing stunts behind the delay.What the hell is this stuff about GTPlanet mods hinting about how nobody has been able to guess what happened to course maker?
Has anyone guessed patent infringement yet?
Just now? Shit, I haven't turned my PS3 on in months.. And I seriously doubt anything they do with GT6 would get me to do it, either. Time to move on.GT6 is DEAD to me now.
GPS Course Maker will bring us all together. We'll all recreate our local tracks and share them with the entire world.Just now? Shit, I haven't turned my PS3 on in months.. And I seriously doubt anything they do with GT6 would get me to do it, either. Time to move on.
I have big fears for GT7. I just know there's going to be one major design decision that will baffle us all into oblivion, something so utterly ridiculous we can't yet even begin to imagine its sheer stupidity.
I have big fears for GT7. I just know there's going to be one major design decision that will baffle us all into oblivion, something so utterly ridiculous we can't yet even begin to imagine its sheer stupidity.
Listening at "communities" (AKA vocal minorities) has already took too many from GT6 compared to GT5 and previous games:
- Used Cars game-in-game
- Maintenance/Ownership aspect was dumbed down severily
- B-Spec was turned from semi-learning AI with sub-game-in-game approach into useless Cr-machine without any prospect
- ...which killed the Remote Races and distant dream of B-Spec Online Multiplayer as casualties
- Endurance Races
- A-Spec points
- etc.
Of course, all above being changed/removed for GT6 wouldn't happen without internal pressure from SCE producers, but that is another story. But internal pressure changed a lot for GT6 and while making it more "approachable" for short-term players, they completely negated everything that made GT series what it is for long-term players.
So, if another similar change is made, be sure to send a love letter and flowered candy-box at the local SCEA headqurters.
Hummm, did Poliphony at least tried a compromising approach to this? If SCEA would've require changes, PD could've develop concepts to further improve GT's usability without negating old features. All the excentric things about Gran Turismo games never were bad, they just needed some tweaking and overhauling.
I mean, It's not like SCEA come down to them saying what goes and what doesn't in their game, or was it?
Take the endurance races as an example. SCEA says they are too long, few people bother to do them and some are complaining. PD could have said "Hmm. Ok, here's what we are going to do: we'll leave to the players decide if they want to do a full blown 24 hours race, or if they want to scale it down for whatever reason. Plus, we'll compensate players that choose to race longer with better car and credits prizes".
That would work. Simply dumbing the game down seems to be a very dramatic and potentially bad take on this issue, because long term fans got disappointed and newer ones won't care.
Feedback from a vocal minority is feedback nonetheless. When you got people talking to you about your work you can either listen in order to improve, or ignoring complaints and praises, taking the risk of wound up pissing everybody off by doing so. Poliphony chose yet another way, they simply went for the route in which they listened to SCEA and answered by hurting the game as a whole.
By that logic, now they have a vocal minority complaining about features they ditched, or didn't release, so what they'll do next? Not release a game at all to avoid dealing with expectations?
When do you all think that PD and Sony will pull the wraps off of GT7 and blow our minds?
I'm thinking it will be a 2017 game, but knowing Sony, you never know what'll happen.
The rumors of there still being standard cars in the game is disappointing, but that's just a rumor, right?
GT Sports is real?
Thought it was debunked...