Yup. Expecting 70s.Sony knows most of the reviews will be bullshit anyway so might as well curb the bad press.
Yup. Expecting 70s.Sony knows most of the reviews will be bullshit anyway so might as well curb the bad press.
What's up guys! One of the lucky ones who got a T500 dirt cheap, in the market now for either a stand or a racing chair, can I hear some recommendations?
Yes. I've always had my PS3 set to 720p since that's what the majority of games run at.
most of the commercial ones are pretty good. i have a rennsport stand and its awesome for my needs. ive used playseats and theyre ok but the pole gets in the way. the wheel stand because of how theyre positioned do not even with middle pole. check the sim racing hardware forum at gtplanet for most feedback though. you will find a lot of threads there that will help. basically decide if you want a dedicated pit or a stand taht can fold and be hidden/put away and go from there.
Yup. Expecting 70s.
I've been wondering why reviews with scores haven't popped up yet. I'm surprised that we didn't start to get them yesterday.
If GT6 does get 70's whilst F5 has been handed out plenty of 8's, 9's and even 10's, despite it's limited content (cars and tracks), modes, lack of day/night, weather, new features, even more laughable micro transaction based design and all the rest I will be extremely surprised and somewhat perplexed.
Having said that, given the late review embargo, something must be up.
In that case, less than ninety minutes left. Very curious to see what you have to say.We just received our copy earlier today. The embargo is definitely after launch.
I can't say what I think about the game yetbut I will say that my intuitions were correct.
You're missing the whole point. Step back and think about what you're saying.
You're missing the whole point. Step back and think about what you're saying.
If GT6 does get 70's whilst F5 has been handed out plenty of 8's, 9's and even 10's, despite it's limited content (cars and tracks), modes, lack of day/night, weather, new features, even more laughable micro transaction based design and all the rest I will be somewhat perplexed.
Having said that, given the late review embargo, something must be up.
We just received our copy earlier today. The embargo is definitely after launch.
I can't say what I think about the game yetbut I will say that my intuitions were correct.
Liking it so far, I'm not pro enough to judge the new physics model but it feels pretty good to me. I've only done the novice events, national B license, amateur karts, amateur FR and amateur FF so far but yeah, enjoying it, looking forward to racing online tomorrow after doing the nat. A license tests...
Positives (so far):
- Physics, and hence cars, seem more alive.
- The speed/sense of navigation is vastly improved.
- Some mandatory assist settings in licenses.
- Frame rate seems smooth at 720p settings.
- A few surprises in the car list for me (as someone who has been avoiding getting too spoilered).
- Friends trace line type thing on the license tests.
- Premium car models are gorgeous.
- Event variation, even at this early stage, seems better than GT5.
- Blind spot indicators.
- Karts are still in.
Negatives (so far):
- Jaggy straight edges, particularly noticeable for example on the white lines in the amateur kart race at the GT Arena, eek.
- Have to play a lot of SP to even unlock MP (around an hour or two I reckon - 2 of three events in the novice class plus the nat. B license, 7 races (across any events ) in the amateur class plus the nat. A license).
- Common opponents list on the info screen before entering a race doesn't list PP/HP/weight/tyres for these potential opponents which can make judging the right car to use for a challenge a little harder.
- dealership possibly a little overwhelming, particularly when you can't immediately tell standard from premium and there is no way of knowing at a manufacturer screen level of knowing whether there are any premium cars of that make. The upside of this is that it makes the near-duplicate car issue very very obvious.
- Car list available in arcade mode is way too small and doesn't have many obvious car match ups for split screen.
- Same old sounds/damage model.
- No taco stand at the 'ring.
I have absolutely no doubt I'll sink many many happy hours into it but the PS3 is starting to show it's age a little now.
Ultimately, a game, not matter how good, is still just a game. It simply can't replicate the sensations of driving a real car, and is thus no direct replacement for the thrill of real-life racing. However, for the time being its about as close as you can get and for a fraction of the cost of doing just one track day. We love it.
This.Some of the reviews won't even hit at midnight because sites want to take the online into account (Game Informer and Destructoid have already said there's would come some time after the embargo).
If GT6 does get 70's whilst F5 has been handed out plenty of 8's, 9's and even 10's, despite it's limited content (cars and tracks), modes, lack of day/night, weather, new features, even more laughable micro transaction based design and all the rest I will be somewhat perplexed.
Having said that, given the late review embargo, something must be up.
Maybe I'm just naive, but doesn't a late embargo make sense considering the state of the game + direction of the franchise?
Many promised features and stuff aren't day 1, but will come as part of GT's transformation into a service rather than a standalone game on its own.
A review of GT6 a year from now may look very different.
I'll have some coverage up on GameTrailers, but I just loaded up the game 15 minutes ago and the online still isn't up.
I'm really not. The things I listed are huge reasons why I even buy new racing games to begin with. GT has a pretty proven gameplay track record. It's added features, better physics, more modes, options, tracks, cars etc people keep coming back for, and obviously that entails more refined gameplay to boot.
Forza plays absolutely amazing though.
Not everything is about bullet points on a page.
Features are fantastic and they do enhance an experience but surely it's ultimately about the actual gameplay? How much fun will you have with the game?
I'm sure GT6 will play very well, but you can't just say 'we've got more content and features therefore we deserve to score just as well as that game which has less content and features...'
If GT6 does get 70's whilst F5 has been handed out plenty of 8's, 9's and even 10's, despite it's limited content (cars and tracks), modes, lack of day/night, weather, new features, even more laughable micro transaction based design and all the rest I will be somewhat perplexed.
Having said that, given the late review embargo, something must be up.
Do yourself a favor and play Forza 5. Hell, if you live in southern California you're welcome to come over to my home and play it. You're not giving it the credit it deserves.
And yes, I'm talking about Forza in a GT thread, but only because it was brought up by someone else.
How long do you usually spend with online before you are satisfied enough to write the review?
Until I'm satisfied is really the best way to put it. It's going to vary based on the game, but I'll put at least a few hours into it. I've still got more I want to do in single player too, so my review won't be up until Monday night at the earliest.
Until I'm satisfied is really the best way to put it. It's going to vary based on the game, but I'll put at least a few hours into it. I've still got more I want to do in single player too, so my review won't be up until Monday night at the earliest.
Nope.Did you end up getting a Precision Pack code?
Some reviews getting delayed due to online not being up? huh.
Dtoid's atleast...
It seems Telegraph broke the embargo
Good point.After BF4 I think that's a good thing. They'll experience the exact same servers that gamers are playing on instead of an isolated area that the devs tried to get the best case scenario out of.
The online features that PD wanted to implement wont be patched in till next year. GT6 online = GT5 Online + Ability to change name of rooms, mandatory pit stops and tire changes, and a new qualifying option. It's practically GT5 with prettier menus.
It still has some important additions like forcing a set number of pit stops or tire changes per race. Not doing so will result in a time penalty at the end of the race. And the ability to create quick One-Make races by giving the host the ability to select a specific car out of their garage and then everyone drives it.
It still has some important additions like forcing a set number of pit stops or tire changes per race. Not doing so will result in a time penalty at the end of the race. And the ability to create quick One-Make races by giving the host the ability to select a specific car out of their garage and then everyone drives it.
Car clubs too.
It still has some important additions like forcing a set number of pit stops or tire changes per race. Not doing so will result in a time penalty at the end of the race. And the ability to create quick One-Make races by giving the host the ability to select a specific car out of their garage and then everyone drives it.
dont know if its posted already.
Does anybody kno if the sound is going to get patched?
I trust Garnett Lee for racing games, I am getting GT6 regardless as I have not played one since 2 and I really dislike Rivals so far.
Excellent.Liking it so far, I'm not pro enough to judge the new physics model but it feels pretty good to me. I've only done the novice events, national B license, amateur karts, amateur FR and amateur FF so far but yeah, enjoying it, looking forward to racing online tomorrow after doing the nat. A license tests...
Positives (so far):
- Physics, and hence cars, seem more alive.
- The speed/sense of navigation is vastly improved.
- Some mandatory assist settings in licenses.
- Frame rate seems smooth at 720p settings.
- A few surprises in the car list for me (as someone who has been avoiding getting too spoilered).
- Friends trace line type thing on the license tests.
- Premium car models are gorgeous.
- Event variation, even at this early stage, seems better than GT5.
- Blind spot indicators.
- Karts are still in.
Negatives (so far):
- Jaggy straight edges, particularly noticeable for example on the white lines in the amateur kart race at the GT Arena, eek.
- Have to play a lot of SP to even unlock MP (around an hour or two I reckon - 2 of three events in the novice class plus the nat. B license, 7 races (across any events ) in the amateur class plus the nat. A license).
- Common opponents list on the info screen before entering a race doesn't list PP/HP/weight/tyres for these potential opponents which can make judging the right car to use for a challenge a little harder.
- dealership possibly a little overwhelming, particularly when you can't immediately tell standard from premium and there is no way of knowing at a manufacturer screen level of knowing whether there are any premium cars of that make. The upside of this is that it makes the near-duplicate car issue very very obvious.
- Car list available in arcade mode is way too small and doesn't have many obvious car match ups for split screen.
- Same old sounds/damage model.
- No taco stand at the 'ring.
I have absolutely no doubt I'll sink many many happy hours into it but the PS3 is starting to show it's age a little now.
Didn't Polyphony state that the review embargo is there because of the day 1 update? Essentially what they were saying was that they didn't want reviews being put up based on the non updated code.
Ahh...GT5's driving model was sublime, and I don't see why GT6's won't be either. So if both games have good driving models, then it is content and features that separates them. What happens when the game that has less of those gets rated higher, and things that weren't an issue (Micro-transaction etc) in one game, are now an issue in the other?
Game has been installing for over an hour now *sighs*
Reviews basically seem to be what I expected...except for Venture Beat. That one is just incredible.