Anyone else unable to connect to online after this new patch?
How about when my character takes off it's mask and is bald?
Updated to 1.10.
Went to Online.
Went to In-Game Store but there is no Valentine DLC, just the money packs and the blimp.
Anyone else had this issue?
It's a free patch.
Also, they haven't fixed being able to drop the .50 pistol, despite it being in the notes.
GTAV Title Update v. 1.10 Notes said:Fix for incorrect time display on the Bad Sport pool timer
GTAV Title Update v. 1.10 Notes said:Added a splash across the screen to create a more obvious warning when the player leaves the survival bounds.
New update, Valentines Day Massacre Special, launching on Valentine's Day:
They sure are adding content for a game I can rarely get matched in. Almost five months and no heists![]()
Does anybody know where to find a master list of what is a available from the vday dlc that is a limited time offer? I would really like to horde up everything for both my characters. Like how many suit jackets, accessories, etc. someone did it for the beach bum pack
I loaded up on all of the Valentine stuff.
Do you guys think the reason heists and other significant updates aren't in yet because not enough people are buying shark cards? The new easy money is more legit and not a exploit of the store and the pay out per round is insane.
Rockstar should have built the game around cosmetic selling and not selling currency. Selling currency encourages them to make money sinks, and crap money rewards causing horrible boring grinds. Cosmetic stuff don't give advantages to the spenders and it makes them feel good having rare looks.
Cash cards just don't seem necessary to me with what many missions pay out right now but they might appeal to others soon. When they start having more free content at even higher in-game prices than the Roosevelt, some people won't have the patience to grind out missions. If Rockstar puts up a limited time offer like a mansion or a new super car, I'm sure many will buy them up so they don't miss out. They gave everyone till the end of February for the Valentine's Massacre content but what if they have exclusive content available just for the weekend? Ubisoft must've made a bit of change selling those weekly/monthly costumes for their multiplayer characters.I think you would need to be a speshul kind of stupid to be buying cash cards to buy in game clothes or new cars. I think anti-IAP-GAF is making a way way way bigger deal out of the GTA$ than actually exists.
I bet heists are late because they're not ready yet. R* are notoriously slow, maybe it was a late addition to the feature set or there are significant issues with it? Who knows? I'm sure if they were ready at launch they would have been released since their absence has rather killed the community.
I played some DM last night, didn't know how fun it was. I think I have the GTA bug again.
I've not been on for over a week now mainly because I've had no time to catch up with friends the game is no fun with randoms.
I wonder if anyone actually has enough money to afford that all content if it's not free in game like the Roosevelt was. If heists do happen I think it be far to little far to late really as regards to the longevity of the multiplayer.
New content, 3 cars, some outfits, some weapons. Stuff that matters though... ie, heists? Nope.
Frankly, I just think it's dead. When/if Heists do come out, they'll be lame, and none of my friends play the game now... and noen of them will play it then.
You obviously don't play "Psycho hunter assassin douchebag" like I do then. Never not fun. Lately I have learned the joy in using Lester to get off the radar. People do NOT know how to handle that. It's like a superpower.
Hmmm I'll try using Lester for the radar.
Yay more cars I can't own thanks to only being allowed to own one 10 car garage.
To me, its the money. How do you guys earn so much money to even afford the expensive 750K+ cars?
To me, its the money. How do you guys earn so much money to even afford the expensive 750K+ cars?
Glitches. legimate ways of cash are too slow and dull the same mission multiple times just to get a somewhat decent amount of money.To me, its the money. How do you guys earn so much money to even afford the expensive 750K+ cars?
Hmmm I'll try using Lester for the radar.
Yay more cars I can't own thanks to only being allowed to own one 10 car garage.
Most of us probably glitched early on to get millions and now just sit on millions worth of assets.
Still plenty of money glitches and grinds to get you money though.
glitching. The game was a total mess until about 3 weeks ago and you could get billions just by being in the right lobby.
Glitches. legimate ways of cash are too slow and dull the same mission multiple times just to get a somewhat decent amount of money.
Went to go sale my Adders that I piled up when all the glitched money was around. It sold for $5400.
They're supposed to sell for $600,000 :l
So now there's no way to make money other than glitches and bad missions.
They'll probably do at some point but it's too late really now.Something tells me that they are going to launch the heist mode up around the summer, i can feel it in my insides.
If only they had done a proper job in the first place instead of using it to justify micro transactions...Buy them shark cards!
As fun as it can be at times, GTAO is a huge misfire. If they keep neutering the in-game economy just to herd players towards microtransactions, the userbase is gonna fall off a cliff.
R*, you're better than this...