I wish they were not temporary.
From what I assume was the money wipe awhile ago is my total income of $-1700041832.
RE the Crate Drops...yea they are just bugged. I joined a lobby, one came up, no one went near it, and I was driving to get one of my heli's to beat everyone there. I got to the helipad, and was screwing around trying to blade civilians while waiting for the drop message, but it never came. It was one of those beer hats, tooIn fact multiple times I've seen the prompt pop up while in a buzzard or lazer, check the map to see where the marker is and start heading towards it in preparation for the crate to drop. Then nothing. I never go into the circle and no one was in or around the area the entire time. I mean it could be any number of things causing it but going into the circle before the crate drops is definitely not a requirement.
(Multi quote cheating)
Yeah I wasn't aware the masks were like that since I read they were to go along with the other animal masks which are permanent additions to the mask shop but the musket and clothing are temporarily available to buy.
Edit: I'm really enjoying the monster truck, great and even top tier off roader. Funny though cause I've already heard multiple people in online comment on how they don't like the rear facing engine. I hear that and then think to myself "but that's how most monster trucks are..."
Man I want that Panto...that's my next car I am buying I think. It'll go nicely next to my Dink Blista. Those tiny compacts can be a ton of fun. I know when I was testing it in SP I imagined plentiful hilarious scenarios for it. A shame about the Creator though...I still have yet to find a way to have multi class races, easily. Not sure if it'd be possible...maybe set a race as one class, and have set pieces be the other cars? If that's even do-able? My goal - create a 'Cat & Mouse' race in GTA. This game screams for it. Doing it in free roam is not an option, since the cars can get destroyed, that would make it unfair. Free roam might be the only way to do it though. I need to really dive in to the creator again. I haven't loaded it in over a month. Could be that I wasted ungodly amounts of time just messing around, not really accomplishing anything lol. It's one amazing feature they have.The Panto is such a fun car to drive. It doesn't seem like the Liberator is in the content creator, which is disappointing. A Liberator vs Panto gametype would be amazing.
I have yet to mess with the fireworks, but dam that is a brillaint idea. I *must* do this now. Then hoard up on them before it's over, so I can light on off during Halloween and freak people out. Pssh no nerds here, just avid fansSeconded. My favourite new addition by far. Love arriving early at a drop off point and greeting the package deliverer with a barrage of beautiful colours!
I am such a nerd.
Holy billion, Batman! Wow, that is some serious job grinding.I think I might have you all beat:
Funny thing is I should have more than the 500K or so I have on me.
I think I might have you all beat:
Funny thing is I should have more than the 500K or so I have on me.
Pssh no nerds here, just avid fans.
Y'know, I really enjoy seeing other peopels graphsKinda gives you a little insight to how others play.
I think I might have you all beat:
Funny thing is I should have more than the 500K or so I have on me.
How did you get so much money from jobs? I can only ever seem to get people to do Rooftop Rumble. Anything else and people leave because experiencing one of the other 400 jobs is just pointless! /sarcasm
I wanna know, too! I am on PS3. It's funny, a lot of people don't know that doing a job for the first time gives you double money. Also, if you haven't done a job in a looong time, it gives you double money. So it really pays to go back and re do older jobs.PS3 or 360? A few of us PS3 GAF'ers have been doing a varierty of co-op missions quite often recently.
Mother of God! Colour me impressed!
I honeslty don't know how I've made two billion from jobs and not be higher rank than 55-60 ish for this long. Still that's a lot of legitimate cash for my generally half arsed effort I put in. What's also funny is that I've made $2 billion yet not been able to afford bullets at all sometimes.Holy billion, Batman! Wow, that is some serious job grinding.
Playing a whole lot of them that's the only way really usually on hard mode for the faster missions.How did you get so much money from jobs?
How did you get so much money from jobs? I can only ever seem to get people to do Rooftop Rumble. Anything else and people leave because experiencing one of the other 400 jobs is just pointless! /sarcasm
Shame you can't check what you've earned form bounties separate from the job total, I don't remember doing any hacked bounties. Shared money is shown in the shared segment which is where all my hacked money came from if I'm recalling correctly.Also that's why the billion shows up under jobs since it came from either billion dollar bounties or from someone sharing money which I guess the game still considers job money since you can only share job money.
From Rockstar's Social Club page. Create an account if you haven't already, then log in, and you should be taken to the members page, where you click on the stats link in the bottom right quadrant of the screen. Click on your online character, and boom.How are people getting those graphs? Do you have to go in game or can you look up on the website somewhere?
Shared money, or money just given to another player, is indeed where all that hacked cash went. You can share cash now, from your last job, and I believe that is how a majority did it. I watched a dude rob a convenience store, then he went to an ally. I followed, he then gave me 800+ mil in a few minutes. Now my graph looks like it does above..ridiculous! I suppose the bounties would technically count as jobs, since you can share that payola.Shame you can't check what you've earned form bounties separate from the job total, I don't remember doing any hacked bounties. Shared money is shown in the shared segment which is where all my hacked money came from if I'm recalling correctly.
Shame you can't check what you've earned form bounties separate from the job total, I don't remember doing any hacked bounties. Shared money is shown in the shared segment which is where all my hacked money came from if I'm recalling correctly.
Finnicky system, being broken by modders. Love it. I just watched a video of what modders are doing to this now. Hydrolics on cars, even more ridiuclous exploding ammo, stickie nukes, rifle that has flamethrower esque bullet holes, ultimate car ramming mode, crazy colors on everything, and more. It'd be fun to mess around in one of those servers, only closed off to any actual online, and with a group of buddies. Say, like with a PC or something. Since I don't have a PC worthy of any gaming, and I never want to mod my PS3 or GTA, hilarious videos spreading the taint that ruins others legit experiences is all there is.Edit: I'm not saying all shared money from that time shows up under jobs as my shared shows 143 million and I remember someone giving me around that much after getting the billion but just that maybe specific money being shared showed up under jobs due to the process that was allowing people to share billions of dollars. /shrug
What system are you on? If PS3, you got it! What is your Social Club name?Just requested invite after being kicked out of the crew 8 months ago.
Got headset, am from Europe and would like to have fun!
I've started doing the other jobs just for something different to do honestly (I suspect I've seen Ted in a few missions if his game name involves his name here <- mine does). Though yeah, I do try to get in a rooftop rumble or two in to make money as well as a survival (Boneyard is my go to cause at this point I can almost guarentee I'll get through 10 waves but I've even started trying other ones out just to do something different).
You can still get them but they cannot be owned I believe that was either a stock model or modded in.
Yes, I'm pretty sure I've messed up a Survival for you blindly spewing rockets all over the place (except where they should be).
A small group of us are fairly regularly playing co-op as already mentioned so if you get invites (and that of course includes anyone in the NGAF crew) feel free to accept. We haven't been taking ourselves too seriously so don't always expect super-slick play but we usually have a laugh and ultimately achieve whatever goals we set!
The FIB, sheriff, and park ranger granger are not that much different from the standard other than being faster to accelerate and having a slightly higher top speed. Both still carry 8 people and have similar off road performance.Awww.. I don't understand why Rockstar bothered with that one. I wasn't hurting anyone by having it, it's not like it gave me any sort of unfair advantage (honestly, it's not that great of a car). I just was really amused by having it. Why can't I have a cop car?
And actually it made it extra fun that I had to work for it to get it (not just buy it). It was a challenge that was fun in the game. But not worth doing if I can't actually keep it.
The FIB, sheriff, and park ranger granger are not that much different from the standard other than being faster to accelerate and having a slightly higher top speed. Both still carry 8 people and have similar off road performance.
I think I might have you all beat:
Funny thing is I should have more than the 500K or so I have on me.
Is the xbox crew still active?
Why, you gonna lend me some wedge? ;P
My maths isn't exactly anything to write home about but those don't add up to give you $6.8 billion. Unless I'm doing it wrong.
I might get a little play in this weekend. But mostly I just want to say that I wish more people played with Free Aim. >_>
You guys are still really cool though!
My maths isn't exactly anything to write home about but those don't add up to give you $6.8 billion. Unless I'm doing it wrong.
Even with the hacks it displays the correct total of the data within the graph or in this case doesn't. You didn't happen to use shark cards did you?Those days of the hacks, though I wish rockstar could somewhat restore it to how supposed to be.
They could of done what they did with a merryweather mesa so you could kept it if you already had one.Exactly. What they don't have is the police car paint job nor sirens which are pretty much just something some one would be amused by (hell, there are better off road vehicles).
The Zentorno is mainly modeled after the Lambo Sesto Elemento. Or something like that.
And yeah as was said there's a workaround that lets you get the special hats/shirt from crates without grabbing a crate if you're not having any luck. I actually tried it out for myself after getting my first hat and got the shirt. I managed to get a crate legitly for my second hat but it ended up being the same one I already got unfortunately.
The cars are a big part of why I play too but mine aren't a huge collection of super or sports collection I prefer the muscle cars like the Buccaner or the Sabre Turbo to drive about. Or even my Phoenix even with how tail happy the thing is.Geeze, I think I just realized one reason GTA V online is so addictive to me, it's the only way I'm going to have the car collection I'd love to have IRL (I'm never going to have that much money. At this point I don't think I'll ever even get to the point where I can afford another Porsche).
Darnit. Glitch is just not working for me. No beer hat for me
The cars are a big part of why I play too but mine aren't a huge collection of super or sports collection I prefer the muscle cars like the Buccaner or the Sabre Turbo to drive about. Or even my Phoenix even with how tail happy the thing is.
Am I not joining the Independence Day Event playlist correctly? Online>Playlists>Rockstar Playlists>Independence Day Event Weekend. Anytime I do this I just launch the playlist by myself. I'm trying to join an active one that's already going on.
Did you check what clothes you own in your house for example? I did what Wolfe instructed and my wardrobe did have yellow beer hat with a star (meaning it's new) on it, so guess it worked for me. But I've gotten special crate once so.Nah, I followed those instructions. Tried variations. Did this 6-8 times.
I am wondering if Thanatos is right as I've never gotten a special crate (and it does seem from the GTA forums to be that it does not work for some people). I've never gotten one myself.