Hopped back on last night for about 45 minutes, but came across a few decent stories, and since I am a little slow at work I'll share them with you all

I love reading other peoples stories, and I figure most of you feel the same. If not....tough taters!
Shortly after I joined my first lobby of the night, I was cruising around, and saw some dude with a 7k bounty destroying other people. I get somewhat far away, and decide to check out the situation through my sniper scope. I see tons of cops running up the street away from me, and they are dying left and right. Soon I see a hail of bullets materialize, and then the muzzle flash fades in to view. Dude was minigunning everything, and everyone. I couldn't see his actual character, just his muzzle flash....so I aimed somewhat up high, took a shot, and boom! 7k in my pocket for sniping a ghost. Looked like he gave chase a little, but not much. A very short while after that...
Driving around, I notice a green high priority vehicle. I'm in my Comet, so I start screaming towards it. As I'm getting closer, I see a dude in one of the new super cars, the Zentorno(sp?), and we meet at an intersection perfectly - I was turning right, him, left. I knew where this cat is going, so I decide to peacefully race to the Simeon Car in the stadium parking lot civilly, no guns. He follows suit, no guns, no ramming. He gets to it first via shortcut, and as I'm driving up to the car I turn around to lead the way and show that I wasn't going to try for it, but he blasts me before he gets in the car. Ok...sure buddy, you just opened a can of worms. Dude doesn't know how to leave the parking lot, and I respawn before he leaves. I throw a few stickies his way, but I was too far away, and they exploded harmlessly. Knowing my intentions, he gets out finally, and starts taking a back way to the Mod Shop. I chase him, and in short order I am ramping and landing almost directly on top of him via shortcut he must not have known about (heading right out of that lot, break in the guardrail)...I throw a stickie, but somehow it didn't hit him and blew up mid air, and then a few seconds later after I pulled away some, I get blown up - not sure how, but it was by his hand. So now I'm feeling like this dude needs to get it, and get it good he shall. During the brief chase, I saw he was heading to a MOD Shop to repsray. I respawn, call for my Sanchez, and start tearing ass after him across anything I see. I then see him leaving the Mod Shop, and I knew exactly where he was headed, so I make a bee-line for Simeons. He's taking a major route through the city, but I am cutting along the water front, across train tracks, side roads and ramps. Halfway there, I call Lester to go off the radar. We are driving about equally, just on different roads. We both get to the last main straight road leading to Simeon's at the same time, except I am far closer to the docks. I have my lights off, and I am just tearing through traffic, constantly looking behind me to try and see him. Cause if I see him, he can see me. Each step of the way, I feel like it's those "OMG close calls" at every turn...dropping down the little hill to cross the bridge before Simeon's, turning the corner left to go back there behind the crates at the port entrance, the long straightaway in the crates on the docks by the cranes, and finally, stopping at Simeon's door to place some welcoming party favors. I miss my first throw, but get a decently placed second. It's then I see that he is RIGHT around the corner...shit, he
has to see me.. I had about 5 seconds left on my "off the radar", so I book it literally just to the other side of a semi trailer no more than 20 ft away from the Simeon entrance, and I see his dot come flying in, and stop. Waiting for the door to open. I trigger the explosives, destroying him, and the car. My only regret was that I didn't have my headset on, so he couldn't hear me laughing maniacally....As I am speeding away, I come across another player riding a Sanchez, and I'm happy to see the unwritten law of "You have the same vehicle as me, I'll be cool to you" was in effect. We keep going in to the city, and I see my previously exploded target come chasing us down. He kills my Sanchez buddy, then me. I respawn, snipe him, and walk in an alleyway. Once he respawns, I see him cutting corners coming after me, and then he goes off the radar one turn away from me. Hah, can't use my own trick against me buddy, especially not when it's as obvious as you just did...He turns the corner to see me unreachable on a wall, in Passive mode, blowing him a kiss. He gets out, and stands there, likely swearing me up and down at his wasted money for going off the radar, and then takes off. I watch him leave, saluting him as he goes, then I ride into the sun..
...where I shortly came across a 9k bounty driving a clearly stolen vehicle...and I blow up his car, only to see his body bouncing along the road at the same speed we were driving. He gets up, then kills me. I respawn, try to snipe him by shooting him 3 times in the dome with the Heavy rifle...and nothing...I go down again...Once I respawn, I am almost immediately killed by some jerk under the map. Oooook....I reported the one main guy, then left, but man, that short visit almost seemed to roll up the entirety of the GTA:Online experience into a short concise play session...Sabatoge, hunting, making money, awesome chases, and the ass hat glitchers...ahhh what a game!!
I'll post some pictures I guess:
My new whip (that roaring engine doe)
Apartment view
Great pics - especially that apartment one. I doubt I will ever tire of photos of the beautiful landscape...and I know it will only get better in time! Love those engine sounds too, especially the fact that R* took the time to add different sounds for how tuned your car is. Little touches that really add some unmentioned depth and immersion to the game.