I'm wondering if there will be any issues with getting our characters on the new platforms. In any case, I'd still jump ship to the PS4 version without much thought.Might not be a popular opinion but I still don't think the stats/money/clothes/cars should carry over from old gen to current gen. Start the slate clean, especially with all these updates. This is coming from someone who got to rank 42 too.
Is that the one with the tanker? If so, I drove into the ground and then the mission failed. Twice.I ran that Lamar mission "Ticket to Elysium" twice on hard (solo, free aim) and i think it might be bugged. The wanted level doesn't go away anymore (unless u call lester), i tested it out by dying and I respawned with a wanted level. I did this mission a few days before the patch with no problems. I hope that is the only one messed up.
New update is generous, you now get thousands instead of hundreds of dollars for failing missions.
Is that the one with the tanker? If so, I drove into the ground and then the mission failed. Twice.
Seriously considering spending 60 bucks to buy this game digital on 360.
I really want to play GTA:O again and don't want to wait for whenever next gen GTA comes out. And Destiny is 2+ weeks away.
Fucking broken disc drive. It doesn't make sense to buy the game twice, wish there was a way to just prove you have the game and then get a free download.
I can probably hold out until Destiny but UUUGGGHHH
I think it's on sale this week. big R* sale right now.
Holy shit you're right.
$30 bucks
Do I pull the trigger?
Played a little on Sunday evening and managed at least to complete the event playlist for the parachute unlock. I quite enjoyed the new events. The Airforce One capture type PvP mission is fun and the hold the flag one is also a good laugh though I wish more people actually understood that just shooting anyone is pointless and instead focused their attention on the flag carrier.
I still haven't finished Flight School at all. I need to actually attempt the final event as well as gold the shooting range and flag collecting ones (I think bronze is my best in both and I don't think I have the patience to retry the shooting range one much). Once complete maybe I'll go back and replay the ones where I scraped a gold or know I could go faster/score better but I seem to get far to easily distracted so probably won't!
I wondered whilst playing the flag collecting flight school mission whether this could work as a PvP game as well. One hundred flags scattered over the map, five minute timer (or all flags collected), winning team is the one with the most flags. I see no reason why it could work with planes, helis, boats, cars and bikes either separated into different game types or all together in one spectacular vehicular orgy of flag collecting.
that would be a cool mission, i liked that team oddball variant too where you had to hold the flag. Everyone was flying around in the open, when i eventually grabbed the flag i cut into the heart of city. I had a nice run til i crashed lol.
Finishing the full event gave a High Flyer Chute Bag, so nothing special.I never got around to playing the event playlist over the weekend, what were you able to get from it?
Finishing the full event gave a High Flyer Chute Bag, so nothing special.
And I'm glad that the Flight School doesn't give anything special when you get all golds, after that formation flight I was just ready to bronze them all. Especially shooting range and flag collecting are something that I probably will never get gold.
you know what would've been a dope reward for all golds..a.sprunk parachute
No I don't think so as you've already got two properties.Are you able to buy garages in addition to the two apartments already purchased?
Well some of the later ones give you almost $40k for getting Gold. Most of the time I get silver but I wanted the one-time Gold award so I kept abandoning the jet to restart it.As someone who golded it I'm disappointed. Havin a cool reward makes it something coveted that people want to work towards getting
What's currently the best mission to do in online (EXP and cash wise)?
Congrats! Gotta for all the achievements next. Nothing was sweeter than clearing all the trophies on the ps3. Seeing that platinum pop up was such a great sight.Haven't played a coupple of months and I just finished doing 100% in Singe Player.The guy who thought the 3rd Triathlon aka Coyote Cross Country is a good idea, needs to be slapped. 30 minutes of spamming the A Button, really? I had to take several breaks, in order to complete it.
If you have friends do some of the thses missions.
-A Titan of a Job
-Satellite Communications
-The Los Santos Connection
Did Docks to Stock 2 with some GAFers a few days ago. It's much harder without friends (one had a Buzzard) but it pays $27k.
FWIW I still think Rooftop is more efficient for SOLO players, but just by a really tiny margin. Either a supercar or an Akuma will shave lots of time from the driving section.
Some missions take as much time as 2 or more rounds of Rooftop, but all are faster than Survivals ($30k). So they're pretty good for now.
Congrats! Gotta for all the achievements next. Nothing was sweeter than clearing all the trophies on the ps3. Seeing that platinum pop up was such a great sight.
My friends don't play GTA Online anymore, but I'll try my best with strangers. Thanks for the recommendations.
Great track and more to the point incredible side by side racing. Good fun mate, good fun.
GTAV doesn't get enough credit for being an awesome open world arcade racer as well as regular old GTA.
GTAV doesn't get enough credit for being an awesome open world arcade racer as well as regular old GTA.
YUP.Definitely, and one of my favorite things to do in the game is the racing. It's just unfortunate that so many randoms seem to prefer playing "ram all opponents off the road" style racing instead of using skill to out race them.
Definitely, and one of my favorite things to do in the game is the racing. It's just unfortunate that so many randoms seem to prefer playing "ram all opponents off the road" style racing instead of using skill to out race them.
I crash into people when racing not cause I rely on it as a strategy, but just cause I suck at driving in game and end up hitting people cause, "oops, sorry".
I crash into people when racing not cause I rely on it as a strategy, but just cause I suck at driving in game and end up hitting people cause, "oops, sorry". Though I honestly prefer racing with the no contact on (partly cause then I don't worry about messing some one up and partly cause I prefer to actually see if I can manage to beat people cause hitting me is an effective strategy).
(Hey, I never claimed to be good at this game).
Yea, it's a pain all right. The majority of time I drive in first person, so it's harder to see people that are next to you, or slightly behind you, making navigating those tight turns a mess. I always prefer those non contact races when I can...otherwise I try to stay in the back for the first few turns, and try to make my way up the pack. I still find myself having issues though with that method, as the bumping still seemed to happen occasionally. Can never say who's fault it is, I blame the game, but oh well. I occasionally try to hit people that have spun out to help them spin the right way, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it almost always results in me spinning wildly out of control. Why I like to stick to my own races! Non contact is the best. Removes a lot of the crap that goes with normal races.YUP.
... Isn't that right Baron?