Hey, does anyone want to do the Last Man Standing Playlist? I'd really like to get that mask but it seems hard to get any players and when I do it's one... I just managed to get through all 5 deathmatches only to have the guy leave at the last one (after it started) so it kicked me out due to only me being on the mission. I don't really want to do that again to be at the mercy of if the person decides to stick around or not (I wish they'd leave before I start the job so at least I can wait for some one who does want to play. Kinda scummy to leave after it started <- and not the first person to do it to me but originally it was on the first job so it wasn't as annoying).
I really don't want to play this all over again just to have that happen cause the only reason I'm even playing the playlist at all is the mask and I dont' really care for doing 5 last man standing missions in a row.
I promise you I'm an easy kill so if you want some easy money, playing against me will probably do it. Unfortunately, if you want a challenge, the only reason to play against me is to be nice (but it will probably be quick as I die pretty quickly to tell the truth).
Hey, can we do like in July for the Beer Hats and do a NeoGAF Invite Only Lobby and help each other out to get a special crate for the specail event shirt, like we all wait in line for our turn to get one?
Pegasus vehicules despawn if you go far away from them.And the second is that apparently any vehicles you get from Pegasus will go back to the "garage" if you don't pick them up in a few minutes (guy said 5-10).
Pegasus vehicules despawn if you go far away from them.
Are you on PS3?
Or gets rid of the insurance payout all together.really hope R* comes to their senses and changes it back, ugh!
On one hand insurances punishes owners for being poor drivers. It also punishes griefing. On the other, there were times when carnage became so efficient that tank victims realized they could soak money from tank users by constantly flinging their cars into the tank.
There are instances I might condone "insurance trolling". Ex. Some Supers have invincible rear hitboxes just from not having a window. The only way to get rid of them is to blow them up. Maybe a few bad players ruined it for everyone. Insurance is a great idea but there are too many scenarios for the game to be an accurate judge.
Regarding Pegasus vehicle... putting them away isn't bad. It'd be a pain if they were stolen.What's really annoying is when you DO need them, and the vehicle TELEPORTS ACROSS THE STATE when you approch it.
Back to fun stuff... thanks to JasonFrost for helping find Special Crates. I certainly learned a bit more on how to get them (we managed 3 drops). Maybe we can have more GAFers next time!
Tips for Crates:
Do all your Free Roam stuff. Sell cars from Simeon's list, green cars , attack armored cars, Lester's assassination's, etc. Completing enough of these can trigger crates.
So, you all having the issue where the game freezes for a second or two when you double tap down on the D-Pad for either the player list or larger mini-map?
Very annoying.
Honestly supers are pretty lousy for public sessions. Recovering after they're blown up is terrible and opens you to losing it again (if they're unguarded at the Mors lot!). Oracle is a good choice, as are Bati/Akuma if you're good at not crashing. My choice utility car is still the Sultan.
So, you all having the issue where the game freezes for a second or two when you double tap down on the D-Pad for either the player list or larger mini-map?
Very annoying.
Can't believe a videogame has a social welfare policy where if somebody without insurance wrecklessly blows up your car, you have to cover their lack of insurance.
I... just don't see how that is possibly a feature in a videogame. Some developer actually spent time coding that feature into the game, and some producer actually thought that it improves the game world. How I have no idea.
Can't believe a videogame has a social welfare policy where if somebody without insurance wrecklessly blows up your car, you have to cover their lack of insurance.
I... just don't see how that is possibly a feature in a videogame. Some developer actually spent time coding that feature into the game, and some producer actually thought that it improves the game world. How I have no idea.
It is not timed.What's the point if I can't get to it in time anyways? I'd rather the chance they be stolen then not get a chance to get to them at all or use them in creative ways (like keeping them as a getaway vehicle). Really, as people on reddit have pointed out, what they should do is give you an option to tell pegaus to put it away if you decide you don't want it out anymore.
Yes, problem appeared with patch 1.17.So, you all having the issue where the game freezes for a second or two when you double tap down on the D-Pad for either the player list or larger mini-map?
Very annoying.
Add me on Rockstar Games Social Club, I will be able to see them.Posting from PS3 so I can't put up pics right now, but I will!
Yes, problem appeared with patch 1.17.
I don't think that would ever really work with the system as is.I still wish people who can't cover the payment of your vehicle would just go into debt, that would stop a lot of BS, especially by people who are legitimately broke because then they'd have to risk getting so far in the hole that they couldn't afford to even restock their weapons or recover their vehicles.
I added you too on the Rockstar Games Social Club, go see it.Missed all the fun!
Glad it was a fruitful weekend guys and gals. I hope to see you all in LS soon (and I probably will because my Mrs is already fed up with the wheel being out for racing a few nights in a row!).
Did you try to delete your game cache and install it again, it will problaby help you with your pop-in issue, but the 1 second freeze when pressing down will stay because it is a problem from the patch.I know, I didn't have the issue before this patch either but at least for me pop-up keeps getting worse with each patch which I imagine is due to how little RAM the last gen consoles have and not being able to stream it in fast enough with GTAO. At least they seemed to have fixed the freezing issue in the last patch or two, can't remember if it was before 1.16 or 1.15 since the last time its been a problem.
Nice!Fun Time.
You only need a bike and the ability to call Lester to turn cops blind eye before entering Zancudo Military BaseWait, you can get into the air control tower in the military base?!
Damnit, how? I want to try this! Is it just that you can get in or is there some sort of glitch (I'm guessing with how detailed it is in there that you can just get in if you don't get shot first).
There's videos on YouTube that tell you all about some cool interiors. Another one I want to check out is a massive bank which may or may not have been for heists.Wait, you can get into the air control tower in the military base?!
Damnit, how? I want to try this! Is it just that you can get in or is there some sort of glitch (I'm guessing with how detailed it is in there that you can just get in if you don't get shot first).
I still can't see your profile on Rockstar Games Social Club, wtf?There's videos on YouTube that tell you all about some cool interiors. Another one I want to check out is a massive bank which may or may not have been for heists.
Online is going to be a new experience on next gen. 32 player free roam is really something else.
I'll avoid at all costs.
That doesn't sound fun to me.
I'll avoid at all costs.
That doesn't sound fun to me.
Rockstar said:GTA Online will be coming out along with GTAV on 11/18 for both PS4 and Xbox One
I'll avoid at all costs.
That doesn't sound fun to me.
I'm with you. I was fine with it just being 16 people.
Boo these men, it's going to be a glorious thing!
Boo people calling me a man. Especially with my nick (tigress =female tiger).
And if most randoms in GTA weren't obnoxious I wouldn't be disliking the more players. Hell, if they just even did friendly servers that would solve my issue.
Everyone plays GTA for different reasons, but yes if they had friendly servers for people that don't like chaos and a server for people that want to have crazy fun.
On the bright side a lot of the annoying shits on the last gen version of GTAO probably won't be on the current gen version for a good amount of time.