So I've beaten the game all the way through to the second credits sequence, though honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there was still more hiding in there, the way the game's been going 
Safe to say, this game is something special. It's just so rich, so lovingly created. There's so much to do, so much to unlock, so many wonderfully characterful side missions. The word 'content' gets thrown around a lot these days because there are so many huge open worlds with copy/pasted busywork shotgun-blasted over the map to give you the illusion of there being more to enjoy than there actually is, but this game is the real deal.
Honestly, we just don't get games like this any more. A totally unique style of gameplay, a gorgeous art style all of its own, fantasy voice acting and comicbook cutscenes, a cast made up almost entirely of awesome women. It feels like a wonderful reminder of a bygone age, right down to being able to throw in the disc and play immediately without waiting for an install or a day one patch. And they're actually giving us free DLC on top of all this!
In a year so stacked with amazing-looking games, I never expected anything more of Gravity Rush 2 than a fun little jaunt back to Kat's world, but this game just floored me. It's a GOTY contender, without a doubt, and something I'm going to keep coming back to for years. Now to take my sweet time getting that Platinum.
Safe to say, this game is something special. It's just so rich, so lovingly created. There's so much to do, so much to unlock, so many wonderfully characterful side missions. The word 'content' gets thrown around a lot these days because there are so many huge open worlds with copy/pasted busywork shotgun-blasted over the map to give you the illusion of there being more to enjoy than there actually is, but this game is the real deal.
Honestly, we just don't get games like this any more. A totally unique style of gameplay, a gorgeous art style all of its own, fantasy voice acting and comicbook cutscenes, a cast made up almost entirely of awesome women. It feels like a wonderful reminder of a bygone age, right down to being able to throw in the disc and play immediately without waiting for an install or a day one patch. And they're actually giving us free DLC on top of all this!
In a year so stacked with amazing-looking games, I never expected anything more of Gravity Rush 2 than a fun little jaunt back to Kat's world, but this game just floored me. It's a GOTY contender, without a doubt, and something I'm going to keep coming back to for years. Now to take my sweet time getting that Platinum.