Snapmatic is looking real good this time around
Snapmatic is looking real good this time around
Performance/asset-streaming wise, should I go digital or physical?
Performance/asset-streaming wise, should I go digital or physical?
There's no difference. All XB1 and PS4 games run completely from the HDD. The disc is only used for installation and as a rights management check.
I'm going in!
Well, I will as soon as the update is done downloading.
So I redownloaded the ifruit app, went to settings and selected PS4 instead of Xbox 360 and it said account transfer successful.
Is that all I have to do?
Had no idea they had a stream.
Sorry if posted already, but this is the only video I've seen yet that attempts to compare the two versions.
lol, is that a beaver?
The state above California (Oregon) is the "Beaver State."
I really want the Oregon State Beavers football team to play the South Carolina Gamecocks so we can get a real life "Cocks vs. Beavers" matchup a la GTAIII.
"Beavers smell!"
interesting, thanks though it is hard to get anything out of a youtube video
xbox has noticeabley higher contract -- I wonder if the gamma is fucked again
interesting, thanks though it is hard to get anything out of a youtube video
xbox has noticeabley higher contract -- I wonder if the gamma is fucked again
Sorry if posted already, but this is the only video I've seen yet that attempts to compare the two versions.
interesting, thanks though it is hard to get anything out of a youtube video
xbox has noticeabley higher contract -- I wonder if the gamma is fucked again
In our initial analysis, the PS4 and Xbox One versions come really close to each other. Although in some scenes, the Xbox One leads from the front with better LOD but side by side, there is not much to chose. The game runs at a rock solid 30fps for most of the time with minimum slowdowns during heavy fights and explosion. But perhaps the biggest gain is the improvement in AA solution. This has resulted into a clear and crisper image on both the PS4 and Xbox One versions.
where did you get the shirt?
Shouldn't be a difference this time, because the PS4 (and I guess One too) install the full game on the HDD now, just like if you had a digital version.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
Xbox One still crushing those blacks I see. This is why I will never buy a multiplatfom game on Xbox One.
I neglected to link to the text of the article that goes along with that video. So here that is.
Sorry if posted already, but this is the only video I've seen yet that attempts to compare the two versions.
XB1 looks a tad bit sharper. Looking at the lamp post designs at the base.
Looks exactly the same, except for slightly darker gamma on the XB1 version.
I can attest to that.
I really like the look of the XBONE version. The PS4 looks "washed-out" to me.
why is the Xbox One more colorful?
why is the Xbox One more colorful?
its the same issue as unity, go see the conan review as he plays it
notice the off screen! Footage...
Your ps4 version doesnt look like that all sharp popping
yours look faded fuzzy, only Xbox games have POP
Cerny or who ever decided PS4 output is dull faded, same exact as PS3.
When I see a super hd texture on PS4, floors or rocks in the rain, on xbox you will see the sharpness shine!, on Ps4 it looks all that BUT under a faded filter...like you see here.
Another comparison here: http://gearnuke.com/gta-v-ps4-vs-xbo-1080p-direct-feed-image-comparison/
More pictures in the link.
Obviously the XO version looks washed out here, but is it just me, or does the XO version look sharper?