got all peyote plants.
nothing happens.
They've all been found?
got all peyote plants.
nothing happens.
got all peyote plants.
nothing happens.
probably patchingNew PS4 owner here. Did this game install twice? After putting the disc in, there was a progress bar that completed and I launch the game and another install is taking place. Can I multitask while that's going?
New PS4 owner here. Did this game install twice? After putting the disc in, there was a progress bar that completed and I launch the game and another install is taking place. Can I multitask while that's going?
Why do they single out violence against women? You can kill men too. That's sexist. I say we make a petition about it.
This is the argument we hear every time violence against women is mentioned. Even on White Ribbon Day, there are cries of But it happens to men, too.
In this case, the male gamers are saying they dont mind violence against themselves in this game. Implicit in this is the recognition that if men dont mind, then women have to put up with it.
This is hardly a gender-neutral argument. Implicit in it is the very misogyny we are rallying against.
An article has come out where they interview those behind the petition, and they say this in response to that:
Anyway you can see the full piece here:
A counter petition popped up as well:
I played the original version of GTA V on PS3 for probably 30-40 hours first time around and started a playthrough about 6 months ago and got about halfway through.
I enjoyed the game moderately (at times a lot) during both of those playthroughs but never unabashedly "loved" it like I did San Andreas and even IV to some extent.
I can't fully explain why it is but the current gen version (playing on PS4) just feels so much better to me to play, almost like the previous version was the 'beta' for lack of a better term, and this is the "real game".
It just feels "right" now whereas I was only ever 90% sold on the game in the past.
I'll never be 100% keen on the narrative or all the characters (there are lots of good supporting characters, but if it was a single protagonist game, Michael or Franklin would both feel pretty weak as lead characters and I don't want to play as a sociopathic lunatic like Trevor for a whole game, though it is fun to switch things up...)
It feels weird to finally love this game that I first played over a year ago for 30+ hours...
I swear even shooting in third person feels better than it did to me on PS3 though maybe that's just my sensitivity settings etc. but I really disliked the shooting in GTA V originally but feel like it's somehow better now. I kind of wish shooting in first person felt a bit better but it is a cool novelty all the same, but the positive changes like upgraded visuals/draw distance/new songs on the radio etc have a huge cumulative effect on how the overall game feels, it really does make a world of difference. I've never had anywhere near as much fun with the free roaming/running around doing random shit aspect of GTA V as I am now. I switched over to the PS3 version at one point to compare and the difference is impressive.
how can you not do them anyhow? Maude disappears or you cannot find the NPC?So I put off doing the bail bond missions until I completed the story...but now I can't do the bail bond missions anymore :/ same with the Wildlife Photography. Is there anyway I can get these back?
Anyone having problems with cars disappearing. I bought a car, did it up, drove it to Michaels and then started the mission (all as franklin) and it has since disappeared. I reordered a new one and then when I went to the garage after saving, there were duplicate cars of a completely different model and both upgraded the same way ?!
The duplicate car was a car I already owned. So, not only did the car I order not appear, I instead received a duplicate of an existing car :-(
The email disappears from both Maude and the Wildlife Photography Commision. I went to the quarry where I thought the first bail bond was supposed to be and nothing can you not do them anyhow? Maude disappears or you cannot find the NPC?
So, police choppers....can you shoot them down? What do you shoot them down with? Is there a bazooka, RPG or rocket launcher available or something?
You can use an RPG. Since GTA IV I've always had a sense of satisfaction when I shoot the pilot. Especially from a distance.So, police choppers....can you shoot them down? What do you shoot them down with? Is there a bazooka, RPG or rocket launcher available or something?
Spoiler to help you progress because I had the same on PS3:The email disappears from both Maude and the Wildlife Photography Commision. I went to the quarry where I thought the first bail bond was supposed to be and nothing happened.
You can use an RPG. Since GTA IV I've always had a sense of satisfaction when I shoot the pilot. Especially from a distance.
You can use an RPG. Since GTA IV I've always had a sense of satisfaction when I shoot the pilot. Especially from a distance.
A well placed sniper shot to the tail prop works wonders as well (never tried it until ps4 so while I know I heard complaints that rockstar made that less a vulnerability, it is still there. You just gotta know where to hit and if I can do it, anyone can <- I am not the best player).
Has anyone here started substantially playing the game in first-person? I like playing other popular FPS so I thought I would enjoy this mode more. I'm curious what settings are ideal to enjoy this mode the most.
holy hell, trying that tonight!
Aim for the little rod that connects the prop to the tail. I find right around that area is the sweet spot.
Every single time I try flying a plane in a game. I give up, I was not meant to fly.
Replaying this and I had forgot just how fucking annoying Lamar and Jimmy were.
I wish I could put a bullet between Lamar's eyes every time he talks. Ugh.
Has anyone here started substantially playing the game in first-person? I like playing other popular FPS so I thought I would enjoy this mode more. I'm curious what settings are ideal to enjoy this mode the most.
Driving the motorbikes in first-person in this game is amazing. I'm so accustomed to how my Akuma handles, so I'm able to weave in and out of traffic and dodge obstacles with ease. It just feels so precise and satisfying driving bikes in first-person.
But he helmet is really really annoying
But he helmet is really really annoying
My day night cycle seems to be glitched. It's been about 2 weeks game time and it's never been night. Anyone know how to fix this? I need the street races
But he helmet is really really annoying
My day night cycle seems to be glitched. It's been about 2 weeks game time and it's never been night. Anyone know how to fix this? I need the street races
Assuming saving in a bed doesn't do anything? Is it the same in GTAO or a new single player file?I know it's on the same page, but I really gotta figure out if there's a fix for this. I'm gonna lose a lot of progress if not.
Edit : Top of new page instead it seems
The email disappears from both Maude and the Wildlife Photography Commision. I went to the quarry where I thought the first bail bond was supposed to be and nothing happened.
Assuming saving in a bed doesn't do anything? Is it the same in GTAO or a new single player file?
Aim for the little rod that connects the prop to the tail. I find right around that area is the sweet spot.
oh bah gawd, dis game shud be banned!drove around the desert last night robbing convenience stores with a dirt bike... was pretty fun because you can actually drive the bike inside haha i saved a file nearby and i practiced it 25 times or so. i got pretty good and racing up to the door at a fast speed with my gun already drawn, ramming through the door and shooting the clerk in the head before he could even talk
then robbed the cashier tills still wearing a moto-x helmet and a tank top looking like the main character in Place Behind the Pines or whatever
I've been dressing up Franklin in a varsity jacket with a pig mask, and going all Hotline Miami on those Armenian gangsters out in the South LS junk yard. Or Hanging Out with all 3 characters and raiding armoured cars.
M and T stole am ambulance a couple nights ago and dressed up in coveralls and goalie masks just like in Heat and blocked the road on one... was a pretty awesome shootout. A body and a car went flying like 20 feet; the explosion spread to the nearby field and a huge grass fire started... and even as we escape down the hill... a flaming tire rolled by, I shit you not lol
That worked! Thank you! Now to figure out why my Wildlife Photos can't be sent anymore.I had this same issue on PS3 (email from Maude disappeared), luckily when I went to the quarry it triggered the event and from then on I got the emails. Maybe try at different times of day/week?