Played the PS4 version for the past 1.5 hours. Quick impressions from someone that played the 360 version for months off and on:
- Looks nice and sharp, but doesn't look gorgeous
- foliage and shadows literally pop-in right in front of you all the time. Right in front of you. Not far far away. Right in front of you. Yuck
- framerate driving through the city in single player during the day still drops a bunch with nothing going on
- first person perspective sucks. Goofy novelty is all it is.
- Transferred my 360 char, went online, but every lobby is empty.
- In Online I chose Store and then packs to get my pre-order bonus money. There were two packs, both free. One for 500k, the other for 800k.
Overall it's smoother than the previous gen version and much sharper, but the framerate can still be troublesome driving around. Pop-in is atrocious. Game is still a blast to fuck around in.