what happened to mumble?
Changed information/servers. Quote for the info.
what happened to mumble?
Some thoughts on the PvP build:Is it good ?
Some thoughts on the PvP build:
- You've got the basics down- cantrips, water, arcana.
- I much prefer ether renewal to the signet heal; the sustain was never impressive to me, but I know it's been tweaked. Also I don't find that to be an overwhelming amount of condition removal on paper- if you popped them all you'd remove 4 conditions, and then have to wait a while to remove more.
- That single aura trait looks lonely. You can probably find something better.
- Don't forget to choose runes.
Sorry ,i should have added that i found this build , i have not made it.
Some players have told us that in the last week, they’ve started having trouble with the client download, or with updates.
Here’s what we posted in another thread:
Background: FIOS has been presenting issues with GW2 for a little over a week now. After collecting a decent amount of data we feel this is going to be a DNS issue on Verizon’s side as players connections are not resolving when hitting the server while on FIOS but can usually resolve when using GoogleDNS or Host file edits.
Suggestion: We suggest that players contact FIOS for help. We have sent an e-mail to FIOS already and we have contacted Verizon but at this time we are still awaiting their responses.
A Work-Around Suggestions from our Server Team: Set your DNS provider to Google (https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using) as that fixes this problem and will continue working into the future.
Thank you for understanding and we wish we could help more directly!
Bah, new build dropped and I can't even patch it. Stuck at 0 KB/sec. Silly FiOS, you've been perfect up until the past couple of weeks.
At least they know about it:
Anyone having issues with the game updating?
it refusing to update i am stream video right now with out a problem yet i can't get 1kb download..
And yet it's hard to not acknowledge that their will to prevent exactly that is what makes it artificially harder for everyone, and what will lead to people to rely on guild like TTS to lead their instance to be able to do it which will end up being very similar
The event itself could be fine as is, but we really lack the in-game tools to make it work properly.
They want to add more challenging content so the players get better so they can add more challenging content. In the same thread as the quote above, a dev says "We are trying to teach the community a new skill: self organization. And Im happy to see that in the aggregate, they ARE learning." See, the emergence of a guild like TTS isn't the community being forced to step in and shoulder the responsibility of creating a solution to get around broken content. TTS is a natural method in which players teach each other how to overcome new challenges and become better players.Josh Foreman said:We have an idea of where the average player is skill-wise, and placed the bar where we hoped would just a tad above that, in the hopes that they would have to stretch a bit.
. . .
The other question that I hope is answered in the positive is this: Can the average player skill be raised by challenging content like this? . . . If even 10% of that group hits a challenge like the Marionette and the subsequent tension causes them to look into these systems and they learn a new depth to the game they otherwise never would have, I think thats a win for everybody. The average skill level rises, and in turn, we devs can make more interesting events that utilize the depth of the systems we have. (source)
In between matches, a new event that involves donating money is held. When this event is completed, a new blitz begins.
what happened to mumble?
Edit C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts using notepad (run as administrator)
Add this line at the bottom: assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com
Save the file. If Notepad prompts you to save as a new file, you need to start over and run Notepad as administrator.
If you have the GW2 launcher already open, restart it. If this still doesnt help, you may need to change the address above and try a different number (e.g. assetcdn.102.etc..).
You may want to remove this line later when (if?) they resolve the networking issue.
Following these instructions fixed my download issue with Verizon FiOS.
Following these instructions fixed my download issue with Verizon FiOS.
Boss Blitz is mega hard. How are people doing it gold? You must need a heck of a lot of people.
Boss Blitz is mega hard. How are people doing it gold? You must need a heck of a lot of people.
Trying to figure out if I want the salvage-o-matic. Are Orichalcum and Ancient Wood considered "rare"? Because if the chance of getting those goes way down I think I'd rather use the kits I make in the mystic toilet.
You just need 60 people all knowing what to do, aka, 10 on each boss, and that's it. Nothing more.
But that is too complex. *rolls eyes*
It's not like this is Triple Threat.
It's not too complex as such, it's just that unless you have a group of people, or the randoms know what they're doing, it's really hard to coordinate anything.
the salvage-o-matic is nice to have, I wonder how many times I'll use it before I get my money's worth though.
People have done the math I suppose and the number is pretty darn high. But then you have to ask what is the price of convenience![]()
It's not too complex as such
Welcome my latest level 80!
You may actually catch up to me.
Nah, I don't plan on making anymore characters unless they make a new race/class.
Wow. the final mission in Eye of the North is utter bullcrap.
I dunno what part you mean, but it is pretty blah. Pain inverter makes it easymode.Wow. the final mission in Eye of the North is utter bullcrap.
I dunno what part you mean, but it is pretty blah. Pain inverter makes it easymode.
It's featuring the most extreme zerg scaling Anet has ever used. Any more than 10-15 on a boss, and it'll take 20+ minutes to kill it instead of 5-6 minutes. If people learn to split up, it can get done really fast with gold rewards.
They want to add more challenging content so the players get better so they can add more challenging content. In the same thread as the quote above, a dev says "We are trying to teach the community a new skill: self organization. And Im happy to see that in the aggregate, they ARE learning." See, the emergence of a guild like TTS isn't the community being forced to step in and shoulder the responsibility of creating a solution to get around broken content. TTS is a natural method in which players teach each other how to overcome new challenges and become better players.
When Taco was first revamped, people said it was too hard, even impossible. Then TTS (amongst others) emerged and it was beaten. And not just by one or two guilds, but repeatedly. Not because Taco was made easier, but because the knowledge and strategy TTS developed spread and players got better. Marionette was similar, but I don't think it even took TTS getting involved, and the community taught itself how to do Mario. Not just once or only at prime time, but pretty regularly when there were enough people (which would have been made a non-issue by Megaservers). People ranted and raved about how hard and broken the Tower of Nightmares was too, and that you needed a zerg to get through it. They didn't realize that the whole damn tower was purposely built to clump people up into zergs with impassible barriers and bosses and then split them off with maze-like paths leading to another choke point. When that clicked with the community a few days in, it was beautiful and the tower became a fully-functional open world dungeon (and stayed fairly difficult too).
So as far as the difficulty level goes on the Boss Blitz, it's only been slightly more than 24 hours since it went live. Yeah, you can say it's "pretty clunky" and "people have already given up on this particular event" and that it has "lackluster rewards". But once people figure it out (and they're already starting to), it's going to be 8 champion loot bags +3 rolls on the green/exotic loot table in 8 minutes. That's ridiculously good loot and once the info spreads I wouldn't be shocked if it's on farm status.
Why not just try and enjoy the event instead of focusing on maxing rewards?
That was my point - it's not complex at all.It requires an almost bare-minimum intelligence.
Yeah, I figured that one out from the outdated page- for example you can no longer put a cleric jewel in your valkyrie amulet in PvP, you have to go pure valkyrie amulet.
Still it's a solid build; I would just change that one trait and consider ether renewal to handle conditions.
Because it's not enjoyable with other people doing as they please, and me as a player who can't do shit about it.
I'm also not the one that makes it about rewards, the way the event itself is designed does it on it's own.
I only have a big issue with the Blitz, the rest of the event, if once again short on interesting rewards actually IS fun to play.
But it makes total sense for those who are organized to easily get their worth out of it after factoring the donation costs to get each run going from whatever may have popped out of those bags. The problem is that players are so used to mindless play that we're all generally screwed as of right now. If people put half an effort into paying attention, those fights would be so easy to deal with.
As of right now I personally think Baines is probably the worst boss due to no one ever wanting to switch to the turret unless it spawns on them.
personaly i think the boss who has a reflective shield is worse since most people seem completly oblivious to it .