I like your latter suggestion a lot. Keeping the groups even is most helpful IMO. The displaying the healthbars of all bosses thing is the easiest fix to improve it, that at least should've been the case from the beginning.
I made the suggestion about the healthbar on the official forums the other day, adding that the icing on the cake would be to actually have and indication of the number of players in each slice (doubting that it would be actually possible to track properly)
Someone came with a nice idea around that that was to have the health bar, or an icon next to it display a color related to
the scaling of the boss (like green if it's fine, orange if it's a bit high, and red for get the hell out !) I really liked it.
It wouldn't solve the problems of the achievement farmers running interferences, but it would at least make it easier to grasp and complete for everyone actually trying to.
I disagree. You have to start somewhere. And this is it.
Oh they certainly have to start somewhere if they want to add more interesting content, but I'm far from convinced that doing it like this is the right way of going about it.
Taco and Wurm, that are similar in their design are fine because as I've already said they're permanent content, meaning that if ANet sees that what they tried did not work as intended, or that the players did not respond to it properly they have the opportunity to adjust that at their leisure, and people can give it another try fairly because it's not going anywhere.
Doing the same with temporary content might seem like a good idea at first, because if it doesn't work, well at least it's not in the game for long right ? but really it's not.
There are always people that will complain, but let's say they patch this event in the coming days to implement the most obvious ideas brought up here, they'll maybe make it possible for some to play this event properly, but they'll also have many people feel rightfully wronged because they took so long in the lifespan of the event to do it.
It's just like adding fuel to the fire and making it harder for themselves as well