Kos Luftar
HoT info coming out every week, starting with this week. Don't know which day.
Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle
HoT info coming out every week, starting with this week. Don't know which day.
Welcome to the Jungle
Ahahaha hahah ahaha
Welcome to T3, GAF
please do better than my server so i can get bumped down next week
Ahahaha hahah ahaha
Welcome to T3, GAF
please do better than my server so i can get bumped down next week
If you moved over you would be capturing camps with me and Ike so we can get fast dailies. But, nope.
Until Anet comes out with a new system, NA t3 is pretty much screwed. If you wvw a majority of the time, I would not recommend t3.
Ahahaha hahah ahaha
Welcome to T3, GAF
please do better than my server so i can get bumped down next week
― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Ahahaha hahah ahaha
Welcome to T3, GAF
please do better than my server so i can get bumped down next week
Is dominance pretty much just participation number or do top tier servers have greater coordinations that allows them to pull off more complicated strategies?
Made the mistake of joining WvW tonight. Got killed less than 2 seconds after walking out of the starting area. Respawned, went with a group to the first keep we owned, died to 1 guy in the middle of 15 of our own before i could get two skills off.
I have started to play GW2 again after a long pause. I bought some gems to unlock the few living stories I had missed. I still have 400 gems left. Any suggestions what I should do with them?
I'm trying to upgrade my mysterious vine to cultivated one. I am also still aiming for Kudzu, even though I lack pre-requisite weapon (or cash) and some mats.
We only wanted to get the chest, and surprisingly all three of us got that done within probably 20 minutes of trying. "Wow, wtf! Why couldn't we do this last night! Whatever, lets go quest and level." BUT WAIT, some guy that made it to the chest said that you can go even higher for another 'reward'. "Hell yes, lets do it, maybe we'll get epix." We redid the whole puzzle pretty fast and got back to the top to survey the area. Sure enough, there are thin series of pipes to jump on that leads us up to rocks. We hop on said rocks and wonder what do we jump on now. "Aye, there are floating platforms behind us with the spinner thing on them, it'll shoot you forward, don't fall nubs!" I jump, SAFE! Our friend jumps, SAFE! My bro jumps... and falls to his death. I go back to get him, but fall down to my death as well, forcing our friend to jump down and rez the both of us. Probably an hour goes by just trying to get the three of us back to the same spot.
So, we jump again. I jump, SAFE! Our friend jumps, SAFE! My bro jumps, SAFE! Awesome! This new platform had a spinner mechanism thing, so I go first and it propels me to the next platform, which has another spinner mechanism thing right as you land, and propels me to the next floating platform. Our friend does it and lands smoothly too. My bro does it and sticks the first platform, BUT he didn't position himself right, and the spinner thing flies him towards empty air and into his falling death. "FUCK!" Our friend and I are dying from laughter. Another 45min-1hr went by as he made his way back up without dying. Finally. Now this section requires us to position ourselves on these elevator things that shoot you upward to the next floating platform. There are 5 ascending platforms to land on before reaching to absolute top. The three of us are on the second from last platform and the three of us stick our final jumps. "FUCKING HELL YEAH!
"aye, wheres the chest? wtf are these diving goggles? WTFFFFF!" I start laughing after thinking about the time we just wasted for FREAKING DIVING GOGGLES. "Oh my god, why the fuck did we do this, theres only fucking diving goggles in this shit!" said our humorously, rage induced and confused friend. We pick up the goggles and just jump without a care. Two out of three of us die and none of us just cared. We teleport back to Broadhollow Waypoint and afk for a small break. However, I took the opportunity to read up on these diving goggles, because there is NO WAY in my mind that all that work was just for FREAKING DIVING GOGGLES! The second I read that it was towards an achievement and that we had to land in water to get credit made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. "Guys, we have to go back." "wtf hell no, for what? that shit wasted our time" "Guys, that diving goggle thing, we have to get it and land in water to get credit on an achievement" " ARE YOU SERIOUS?" "OMG. OMg. OmgOMGomgoMgomomg."
Quite possibly 2 hours passed as we redid the whole puzzle with many fails, as we all were so flustered and tired, but wanted to complete it because we are basically gluttons for punishment. Back at the very top, we make our first dive and the friend and I LAND on that damn water like NO ONES bid'ness. But my bro dies from landing on a pole. ROFL. I've lost count on time; that dude tried and tried again but kept falling from mistakes, rushing ,and missing the water. The friend and I basically redid the puzzle over and over to make sure he got it right and/or jump in weird spots to rez him.
He has yet to complete it and logged out to sleep, begrudgingly. I laughed. Alot.
You missed a treasure though.Disclaimer: the friend, my bro, and I are new to the game.
I've been spending the past two nights on skype with my bro and our friend trying to do the Aetherblade/Not So Secret jumping puzzle and felt like sharing my experience with GAF. Between the sum of 6-7hrs of straight practicing/attempting the puzzle and rezzing each other if one of us fell in weird spots (which was VERY often, none of us went ahead until everyone was on the same level), I'd say I've become a master at the Aetherblade jumping puzzle. The pathway, timing, and jump spots are practically ingrained in my memory. I cannot say the same for my brother. Witnessing my bro who is normally very calm get progressively frustrated was amazing. The following is only in regards to the freaking additional diving challenge:
This was my night, GAF.
What do you mean by "durability damage"?Apparently you take durability damage in pvp as well... that seems backwards to me.
I would say save them towards a copper fed salvage-o-matic, but if you need the gold for crafting Mawdrey or your legendary, just convert them to gold.
Made the mistake of joining WvW tonight. Got killed less than 2 seconds after walking out of the starting area. Respawned, went with a group to the first keep we owned, died to 1 guy in the middle of 15 of our own before i could get two skills off.
Pretty much the worst first impression you could possibly have. I'm actually sour on the entire game now and have little incentive to level up with an endgame with such a short time-to-kill.
I'll probably cool off and go back to pve with the goal of maxing my character, but that seriously sucked.
Edit: Apparently you take durability damage in pvp as well... that seems backwards to me.
Made the mistake of joining WvW tonight. Got killed less than 2 seconds after walking out of the starting area. Respawned, went with a group to the first keep we owned, died to 1 guy in the middle of 15 of our own before i could get two skills off.
Pretty much the worst first impression you could possibly have. I'm actually sour on the entire game now and have little incentive to level up with an endgame with such a short time-to-kill.
I'll probably cool off and go back to pve with the goal of maxing my character, but that seriously sucked.
Edit: Apparently you take durability damage in pvp as well... that seems backwards to me.
Don't get too excited Emitan, I don't think this means playable Centaur it just means they might be smarter in the future and more exciting to fight.Building a Better Centaur: AI at Massive Scale
Dave Mark | President & Lead Designer, Intrinsic Algorithm
Mike Lewis | Lead Gameplay Programmer, ArenaNet
Location: Room 306, South Hall
Date: Monday, March 2
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Format: Session
Track: AI Summit
Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits, Tutorials & Bootcamps Pass - Get your pass now!
Vault Recording: TBD
Today's MMOs often have hundreds of types of agents in their game world - each with potentially dozens of actions they can take. Hand crafting the AI for every agent can be a time-consuming process fraught with brittle, unpredictable results. Often, the only way to achieve the breadth of characters is to sacrifice the depth of behaviors that they can take. This session will show a new architecture that combines a modular, utility-based AI system and a powerful influence map engine. With it, agents are not only far more intelligent than prior iterations, but use significantly less processing time. This allows us to put not only smarter creatures in the world, but more of them as well. We will also show the tools that allow designers to create unique, expressive behaviors for hundreds of character types in a fraction of the time that it previously took - often creating new, unique character behavior packages in minutes rather than hours!
The attendee will learn how the architecture was created atop ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2, and leave with ideas on how to craft their own system that allows robust, dynamic and varied behavior in agents, but still offers quick, flexible iteration.
Tried out WvW in that casual mode or whatever it's called for the first time, Edge of Mists? It's pretty fun for awhile to tag along in a big zerg group going around capping points but the exp doesn't really flow in and I can't see myself doing this purely to get to 80. Still I love how there are so many alternative leveling paths.
Tried out WvW in that casual mode or whatever it's called for the first time, Edge of Mists? It's pretty fun for awhile to tag along in a big zerg group going around capping points but the exp doesn't really flow in and I can't see myself doing this purely to get to 80. Still I love how there are so many alternative leveling paths.
That's actual PvP (sPvP)Thanks for the responses guys. I read them fully and get that i shouldn't judge based on an underleveled, ill advised attempt. I was under the impression that everything was normalized to enable pvp as soon as it was unlocked. Clearly there are more factors in play.
I just went full tilt after the most frustrating 10 minutes of gaming I've ever played.
New video of the Maguuma Jungle is included in the article.
Trying to survive in the MMO space these days is hard. With The Elder Scrolls Online not managing to make it to its first birthday with its subscription fee intact and WildStar seeming to be suffering similar issues, the fact that Guild Wars 2 is still merrily trucking along is testament to the development team’s willingness to roll with the punches and adapt to what the community wants. Nowhere was this more evident than at last week’s PAX South, where it was revealed the first expansion, Heart of Thorns, is far into development and promising to completely reimagine the way endgame progression is handled.
Alongside the new Revenant profession and the specialisation feature that allows you to take your existing class and develop it further were reveals of both the new Maguuma Jungle zone and the Mastery System. Both are deeply interweaved, with the former offering more verticality than we’ve ever seen before and the latter serving as the groundwork for a new progression system that hopes to be far more respectful of players’ time. ArenaNet has decided against raising the level cap, opting for a bold new system that offers progression at a horizontal level. If all goes well, we may finally be able to bid farewell to a situation in which the addition of new content invalidates all that came before it, turning the old world into a deserted wasteland.
Before we dive into the intricacies of the Mastery System, you need to understand the setting where all of this is going to take place. To that end, we’ve got an exclusive first look for you at the varied biomes of the Maguuma Jungle right here:
“We really broke it down into three areas, where in different areas of the game will weave in and out of these different biomes,” explains lead designer Isaiah Cartwright. “One is the canopy, the top level of the jungle, which is littered with all of the pieces of the destroyed Pact Fleet and so you see lots of vines and newly destroyed airships and things like that.
“Then it comes down to the jungle floor and this is where you might think of a typical jungle of getting through really dense plant life and dealing with all the things that live there. Then going down into the roots of the jungle, underneath the jungle, and being able to see what lies beneath.”
For those who’ve been playing lately, you’ll already know why we’re heading to Maguuma. Sure, some would prefer to revisit the old locations of Cantha or Elona, but given how the story was left at the end of Living World Season 2, it’s clear why we’re headed to the jungle. That’s not the only reason we’re on our way to this particular setting, however. The other big benefit of the new zone is how well its vertical design lends itself to creating variety in the Mastery System. Back at the announcement of HoT, we were told about hang-gliding as one of the examples of how the new feature will open up new methods of traversal, though there’ll also be mushrooms you’ll be able to interact with that’ll offer you access to new areas or better vantage points. Speaking to IGN, system designer David Webb went into detail about how both lore junkies and those who get a kick out of combat will find things to enhance gameplay too.
“We have some new NPC races in the world,” he says. “One of them is the Itzel and when you meet them or start earning points in the Mastery System you can start learning some of their language. By doing that, that might unlock things that you weren't able to access before, like possibly vendors or things like that.
“As you keep progressing in the lore with the Itzel they'll start giving you access to special combat abilities that will help you overcome obstacles that you absolutely could not defeat before. As you continue on you learn more about their culture and the ways that they hunt and gather trophies which will unlock collections and things that'll give you even more access to the world.”
Unlike other MMOs, the aim here isn’t to race through the expansion, hit the new level cap, and start the endgame; instead you’re progressing in a very real way right from the minute you begin. Though you’ll find lots of the Mastery content in Maguuma, it’ll expand outwards so you’ll be seeing it in existing portions of the world, too. You’ll even be able to use some of them in the Fractals dungeons. Mastery points will be earned through story missions, completing challenges and obtaining achievements – so if you want to gain more options with your glider, you’ll do so by using it. Best of all, once you’ve earned an ability it’s available to all of your characters; you won’t have to re-earn or grind it up again.
“What we've really done is try to make a system that works a little bit more like what we've seen in console games like Metroid or Zelda where the progression systems feel a little more natural, feel a little more integrated with the environment and content and allow you to interact with the world around you,” explains Cartwright of the feature’s inspirations. “We feel like there's a little bit more satisfaction to that style of progression rather than a nice curve that's slowly going up as you're levelling and creatures are getting more difficult.”
“With combat, it’ll be more like a reveal like you might see in a game like Zelda where there’s a feeling like wow, I got this tool and now I remember when I was trying to fight this creature before I couldn't get past this one ability; this tool clearly tells me this is the key to that lock and now I'm going to open it,” adds Mastery design lead Crystin Cox. “That feeling is one of the things we're really going: now I have more power, not because a number went up but because I can actually do this thing.”
There’s still no confirmed release date for Heart of Thorns, but the aim here is to create a game that can continue to grow for years to come in a meaningful and satisfying way, and this new system is the cornerstone upon which the new vision is built. It’s been three years since launch so, as our time together comes to a close, I ask what the team have learnt and what the driving force is for them going into this expansion.
“I think we sought out with Guild Wars 2 to solve a lot of big problems that we've seen with the MMO genre and I think some of those we successfully tackled,” says Cartwright. “But we want to seek out and solve some other problems and I think the way progression is handled is one that we've seen that creates both problems for the developer and for the player.
“So, really, if I could get any one of these things perfect it would be making sure that our progression system feels very new and innovative compared to the way you've ever progressed in an MMO before. I think that has such far-reaching implications, because it affects every player no matter how they play and what they do and how they interact with the world. Making that a stronger experience; making it feel more natural when interacting with the world to grow your character. We know your time matters and we’re not taking that for granted.”
Man the new areas are looking so pretty.
Thanks for the responses guys. I read them fully and get that i shouldn't judge based on an underleveled, ill advised attempt. I was under the impression that everything was normalized to enable pvp as soon as it was unlocked. Clearly there are more factors in play.
I just went full tilt after the most frustrating 10 minutes of gaming I've ever played.
Don't get too excited Emitan, I don't think this means playable Centaur it just means they might be smarter in the future and more exciting to fight.
Oh man that video....why do I get the impression IGN posted this sooner than they were supposed to? I feel like ANet wanted to post something first but they just went ahead and broke an embargo.
Anyways, good lord that jungle is DENSE.
ANET employees tweeting it out that link specifically...
Dave Mark | President & Lead Designer, Intrinsic Algorithm
Mike Lewis | Lead Gameplay Programmer, ArenaNet
Location: Room 306, South Hall
Date: Monday, March 2
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Today's MMOs often have hundreds of types of agents in their game world - each with potentially dozens of actions they can take. Hand crafting the AI for every agent can be a time-consuming process fraught with brittle, unpredictable results. Often, the only way to achieve the breadth of characters is to sacrifice the depth of behaviors that they can take. This session will show a new architecture that combines a modular, utility-based AI system and a powerful influence map engine. With it, agents are not only far more intelligent than prior iterations, but use significantly less processing time. This allows us to put not only smarter creatures in the world, but more of them as well. We will also show the tools that allow designers to create unique, expressive behaviors for hundreds of character types in a fraction of the time that it previously took - often creating new, unique character behavior packages in minutes rather than hours!
The attendee will learn how the architecture was created atop ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2, and leave with ideas on how to craft their own system that allows robust, dynamic and varied behavior in agents, but still offers quick, flexible iteration.