Anyone know where I can find Ramlethal combos?
Millia's trails have actual bnbs for a lot of situation including comboing after various oki set-ups, I assume it's the same for Ram, you should check them out.Anyone know where I can find Ramlethal combos?
Not sure how much this will help, but here are some "basic" combos.
Millia's trails have actual bnbs for a lot of situation including comboing after various oki set-ups, I assume it's the same for Ram, you should check them out.
Imagine joe from family guy doing a bad solid snake impersonation
Is this game going to be in English for the U.S. release? All the dialogue I've heard thus far is Japanese, which is rather off-putting.
The difference in quality in Xrd for PS4 vs PS3 looks massive to me. Models look more blurry and jagged. Sorta like PC SF4 on max settings vs PS3/360 SF4.
Which version is terrible in that? I've been out for a while on this.
Today the Kawaiikochans discuss platform choice.
please stop, you are killing me. I don't have the game yet.
How is I-no in Xrd compared to her previous incarnations? Want to give her a shot but her learning curve always seemed intimidating to me. Will probably still push through anyway since I love her attitude/style.
Advice needed on the HK PSN store.
Just set an account up and it let me know that I need to add a credit card to buy anything.
When I add Xrd to my basket and go to check out, it tells me to add funds to my wallet. I click the button and it comes up with a CC info sheet for me to fill in.
I just want to buy the game using pre-purchased codes without having a HK credit card. Is that possible? If I don't add a card but add the codes to the wallet, can I check out even though my account has no CC info?
you need to buy HK PSN credit. You can buy some from Playasia, they give it to you digitally by email. 2 should suffice the cost of the game.
you need to buy HK PSN credit. You can buy some from Playasia, they give it to you digitally by email. 2 should suffice the cost of the game.
This is the digital version, I almost made the mistake and bought the physical cards.
I get that, but do I need to add some kind of CC information to make a purchase?
don't hold your breathe...
Sanwa parts are good. Sanwa hardware is not good.
no as long as you have the funds in your account from the psn credit then they wont ask you to add funds to your account hence why they ask for your CC info
Oh, ok. Was not aware of that. What did they make previously?
Does anyone know how to beat run up throws?
I can't move or do anything after a YRC/RRC and they just run up and throw me every time.
EDIT: Feels bad. Lost every single match so far today. Haven't taken a single round off of anyone. Maybe Ky's not for me.
which looks better? ps4
Does anyone know how to beat run up throws?
I can't move or do anything after a YRC/RRC and they just run up and throw me every time.
EDIT: Feels bad. Lost every single match so far today. Haven't taken a single round off of anyone. Maybe Ky's not for me.
hmmm I wish I can answer that but I have not touched the game yet.
EDIT: you should be able to do something since you wont be in blockstun tho. either mash punch or jump after they YRC.
Don't feel discouraged. You are not going to get better by winning. Take your loses and try your best to learn how you lost and look for answers for them. That's much more valuable than winning.
If it's just a straight up throwing, with no setup involved, you can attack, throw, or jump.
If he's setting up his throw with a YRC, RC slowdown is going to remove your attack options, except for DPs and Supers. You still have jumping and throwing available to you. But YRC slowdown is pretty short, to take advantage of it he'd have to do his YRC pretty close to you. This suggests that you may not be controlling your zones very well.
If he's doing a blockstring then RRCing, due to throw protection coming out of stun, you still have all the same options as if he did a raw throw. In fact, because of throw protection, you can throw him before he can throw you.
Good games Vanilla! I had no idea what I was doing at first, but I think I got the hang of it after a while. lol
Heh, so much for those saying that, "The PS3 version is very similar to the Arcade version, so it'll be the definitive version!"
LOL. I think it's a given that PS3 doesn't exactly handle Unreal Engine 3 well like other platforms such as Xbox 360, PS4, & PC could. Arc System Works should just upgrade to UE 4 for future iterations of the game (if any) & make them PS4 exclusive, like what Namco-Bandai are doing for Tekken 7.
Yeah ggs, that pistol became a pain in ass. Didn't help that I can't really go yolo with Ram like I can with Sol.
Beat all of Ramlethal's challenges. That was fun.
Anyone know where you can spend the currency gained in-game?
Heh, so much for those saying that, "The PS3 version is very similar to the Arcade version, so it'll be the definitive version!"
LOL. I think it's a given that PS3 doesn't exactly handle Unreal Engine 3 well like other platforms such as Xbox 360, PS4, & PC could. Arc System Works should just upgrade to UE 4 for future iterations of the game (if any) & make them PS4 exclusive, like what Namco-Bandai are doing for Tekken 7.
their arcade button and joystick makers which are great.
In the Gallery.
I don't really understand it but thanks anyway.
This will be you when you get to play it.
yeah, I had no idea what to do against Sol. > . <
YRC = Why did you let them get that close to you?
RRC = You're safe from throws for 8 frames after block stun