Did Slayer lose mappa feint? I've been doing it out of habit for a few sessions and just realized he's not stopping early.
I can see that, but it all depends on the player. P4A was my first anime game (or fighting game at all, really), and the first character I started learning was Shadow Labrys simply because she was cool. I knew I was gonna stick with the game regardless, so I much preferred the prospect of starting out by learning a character I actually wanted to play as than just learning what is recommended for beginners.
I 100% agree with this attitude. MvC3 was my first real fighting game, and focusing on a character I want to play is essential.I can see that, but it all depends on the player. P4A was my first anime game (or fighting game at all, really), and the first character I started learning was Shadow Labrys simply because she was cool. I knew I was gonna stick with the game regardless, so I much preferred the prospect of starting out by learning a character I actually wanted to play as than just learning what is recommended for beginners.
I still dont believe this
You were like S tier in that game after less than a month lol. If it really was I should quit fighting games right now
Heh, I dunno about the S tier part. I had played some Melee and Brawl really casually with a small group of people on occasion before that point, I guess, and the first game I owned for my first gaming console was ClayFighter 63 1/3! SFIV was the first fighting game where I actually started playing people outside of my small group due to online, and I played a lot of it.
I consider P4A truly my first FG, though, because that's the first one I actually desired to learn and dedicate time to improve in, and the first one where I learned how a fighting game is actually supposed to be played. Never went into Training mode before that point, and didn't know what basic stuff like frame data or oki was, and didn't read up on anything in order to gain knowledge; my game plan was just throwing caution to the wind before P4A (which I still like to do, ha).
I've not been as motivated to improve in Xrd as much as I did in P4A, but I'm having a fun time with this being my first GG, and I do want to take the time to learn. I'm happy with the progress I've already had with my main.
Hopefully GG will be to me like how P4A was to you. Right now though....It's gonna take a looooong time before I feel like I'm even ready to play anyone in this game online or off. Now that exams are done I'm gonna be grinding this game like crazy. Hopefully I can make some progress by the months end.
Well no excuses now, you have the best character in the game as your main.
Hopefully GG will be to me like how P4A was to you. Right now though....It's gonna take a looooong time before I feel like I'm even ready to play anyone in this game online or off. Now that exams are done I'm gonna be grinding this game like crazy. Hopefully I can make some progress by the months end.
That's not Zato.Well no excuses now, you have the best character in the game as your main.
But her stuff is so hard
Like I'm still just working on her basic combos and stuff. Not even going into oki and pressure. My timeline for me to get even remotely decent(decent meaning able to win a single match off of anyone here or on ranked) would probably be 1-3 months it's looking like.
Like I'm still just working on her basic combos and stuff. Not even going into oki and pressure. My timeline for me to get even remotely decent(decent meaning able to win a single match off of anyone here or on ranked) would probably be 1-3 months it's looking like.
I think it's important to force yourself to face other players, even if you think you don't know what you're doing. The truth is, compared to P4A, I've been much more intimidated facing other players because I feel like this isn't a new FG where everyone's starting from scratch, but another iteration of a really old one where I, as a newbie, have to face GG veterans with years of knowledge. It's kinda scary, but the way I improve the most is by playing as many matches as I can against others, even when I was just button mashing a week ago.
The UBW online tourneys, for example. In the first one less than a week ago, I got eliminated from the tournament after I lost my very first two matches. I knew I was going to get my ass beat, but I have to play in these so I can get better. I'm happier with the performance I got in yesterday's tourneyshowing signs of improvementand I would recommend signing up for the one on the 21st. I've always preferred learning intuitively from competitive matches and observation rather than from a static environment (i.e. Training mode).
If you don't mind me asking, who have you settled on, Flux? Zato?
I'm willing to help anyone out in the future in whatever way I can, as long as it's within what I know.
To be fair, P4A is just about the easiest fighting game you can get into. Not to imply Flux isn't good or anything, but it's a bit different.
Also not to diminish P4A's worth as a game, it's probably my favorite fighting game
That's not Zato.
Did Slayer lose mappa feint? I've been doing it out of habit for a few sessions and just realized he's not stopping early.
Ah. Luckily most of his negative edge stuff will feel like regular combo inputs during pressure and mixups. It's just neutral where things feel weird because of moving Eddie. I dunno if you already have it down, but some important things to practice are alternating between drills and S shadow, and learning to do early meaty drills (after throw or something).Yeah, my main's Zato-1. I thought he was still "evil" and he's a puppet character, so when I first started playing, I went to him and didn't look back.
Negative edging is a concept I hadn't really ever used before now, but it's pretty much essential for him. It's interesting... Still a bit overwhelming for me, but I feel comfortable playing as him, as it reminds me of when I started out with Shadow Labrys.
What's it like compared to blazblue? I'm pretty much in Flux's spot only with that, but I never played P4A. Got seriously into BB(with tager) but this will be my first Guilty Gear, mostly eying Potemkin or Faust.
This is out on the NA PSN store tomorrow (Tuesday 16th)right? I can buy it on my PS4 if I use an American account and PSN store money card things right? Even on my EU PS4, and play with my EU account and use the DLC from the NA account and all that right?
This is out on the NA PSN store tomorrow (Tuesday 16th)right? I can buy it on my PS4 if I use an American account and PSN store money card things right? Even on my EU PS4, and play with my EU account and use the DLC from the NA account and all that right?
So, were these gameplay videos of Leo that Famitsu uploaded posted yet?
Yeah you'll be fine. Mind you, there's evidence that it might be getting a stealth digital only release in the EU on Wednesday. I'm still trying to dig up confirmation, but nothing so far. Awful PR if true, though.
What is Japan's obsession with neglecting YouTube's HD upload features. Jesus christ. Not even 720p?
I finally got to play some locals today. I learned three things: Millia fear is still real, Slayer counterhits HURT, and someone please save me from Eddie
2- I need a new HDTV....
The HDTV is in the living room so it's used for watching TV/movies when there are get togethers and I'm too lazy to move my PS3 out of thereAWWWW YEEEAAAAHHHHHH
If you're looking to play fighters on it frequently, you should get a lag-free monitor instead.
Here's what I use: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AVYNS7M/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Got my PS3 copy today =D
So a few things
1- Where's the intro cutscene?! At least let the arcade intro run =/
2- I need a new HDTV....
3- Bah gawd Capcom and SNK have spoiled me. SPOILED ME! That or my timing is off from not playing fighters on PS3 for a while. My QCFx2s and HCB, Fs don't come out as often, and why the hell is Potemkin's body charge super so tricky to pull off?!
4- DAT POT! How the hell is the announcer pronouncing his name though, it's like he is saying 'Champion' lol
6- DAT RAMLEGAL (Seriously Boss Ram's laser canon is ridiculous lol)
I only messed with Pot and Ram but Ram is too complex for me, I'll stick to Pot. Now to hit up Dustloop and learn his combos and shit.
I got the US ver. but when I go to set up my location for online matchmaking, my region and country don't show up in the world map T.T I don't live anywhere near glorious Nippon, Eagleland, South America or Europe.
How do you unlock Sin again?
Yep, inputs are tighter than most other recent fighters. What's your location?Got my PS3 copy today =D
So a few things
1- Where's the intro cutscene?! At least let the arcade intro run =/
2- I need a new HDTV....
3- Bah gawd Capcom and SNK have spoiled me. SPOILED ME! That or my timing is off from not playing fighters on PS3 for a while. My QCFx2s and HCB, Fs don't come out as often, and why the hell is Potemkin's body charge super so tricky to pull off?!
4- DAT POT! How the hell is the announcer pronouncing his name though, it's like he is saying 'Champion' lol
6- DAT RAMLEGAL (Seriously Boss Ram's laser canon is ridiculous lol)
I only messed with Pot and Ram but Ram is too complex for me, I'll stick to Pot. Now to hit up Dustloop and learn his combos and shit.
I got the US ver. but when I go to set up my location for online matchmaking, my region and country don't show up in the world map T.T I don't live anywhere near glorious Nippon, Eagleland, South America or Europe.
It's not gimped at all, only differences are smaller hit sparks, some background objects missing and worse image quality(1080p vs 720). Image quality is the most noticeable(in game characters faces are so clear on PS4 ;__; ), otherwise you wont notice much difference unless you were looking for it, and this is with "performance" mode on.I still cannot find a clear, useful comparison between PS4 and PS3 version, the only one I could buy at the moment. I can't understand how gimped it is, even compared to the arcade machine. :/
has anybody tried out transferring saves between ps3 and ps4? wondering if everything transfers
Yep, inputs are tighter than most other recent fighters. What's your location?
Gallery W$200,000
Or just pay real money.
It's not gimped at all, only differences are smaller hit sparks, some background objects missing and worse image quality(1080p vs 720). Image quality is the most noticeable(in game characters faces are so clear on PS4 ;__; ), otherwise you wont notice much difference unless you were looking for it, and this is with "performance" mode on.
What's it like compared to blazblue? I'm pretty much in Flux's spot only with that, but I never played P4A. Got seriously into BB(with tager) but this will be my first Guilty Gear, mostly eying Potemkin or Faust.
I see, thank you.
I guess that thing about the PS3 game too being able to run at 1080p (by disabling all the other resolutions in the system's settings) is a buch of bs... :/
Also, are those background elements and extra sparkles present, when playing in 'quality' mode?
Oh man, Tager and Pot are like night and day. I've said this before but Tager isn't really a character that has a neutral game. He's almost always dominated by the offensive of his opponent and relies entirely on first magnetizing his opponent and/or patiently Instant Blocking his opponent's strings in hopes that they make a matchup related mistake against him. The only normals he has that have any sort of decent range have horrendous startup and he doesn't have many options to stop people from IADing in his face because he was never built with a solid upper body invincible antiair that wasn't ridiculously slow. Approaching from the ground included either walking very slowly or using a sledge that could be baited and punished during its active frames so the quickest way to close the distance was to usually throw out a bunch of j.Cs when you're far out and slowly make your way in.
Potemkin wasn't designed like that. He was designed to be a character that actually participated in playing the match. He has ...
All of this on top of being the game's dedicated grappler and having the scariest command grab in the series. Pot took quite a hit from his AC incarnation so he's still considered bad though. He has that much in common with Tager. On the brightside the sheer amount of tools he has at his disposal will at least mean losing won't feel as hopeless anymore.
- Hammerfall - A grounded dash that has 1 hit of armor and is able to be cancelled into block early or YRC'd. Staple of his pressure and mixup.
- A dedicated antiair normal in the form of 6P
- Projectile reflect that, upon activation, will create a wave of explosions that can allow him to move forward.
- Slide Head - Move that creates an unblockable shockwave across the ground causing a knockdown that allows Pot to move forward
- Pseudo airdash that costs 25 meter but moves you just about a full screen's length away.
- Huge goddamn normals with reasonable startup and cancellable into his specials.
Faust is great!![]()
Thanks for the tips, I'm of course maining the big guy, and just can't get enough of dat
Does anyone know if the touchpad click function is used for anything in-game? Curious how much of an annoyance this missing on current sticks will be.
I don't know because I don't have a PS4 but seeing as how the game was originally designed to be on arcade I think it'd be odd if they added any additional functionality in game. At most it'd be an additional macro-able button which, if you're using a stick, would be moot to begin with.
I'm thinking more in terms of things like training mode UI functions.
Is this coming out at midnight on psn