Hobbylink Japan is getting restocked on ver. Ka in March.
o_o Thanks for the heads up
Hobbylink Japan is getting restocked on ver. Ka in March.
God, they sure talk a whole lot.
Glad I could helpHot damn... i'm not even into Gundam, but the amazing OT mentioning of the footsies and how the game is pretty damn competitive got me interested, after checking this video out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_q2-MzOs1o i was sold.
Thanks donkey show
Welcome to Gundam. xDGod, they sure talk a whole lot.
1/144 HG Kshatriya is surprisingly expensive sometimes. Also I have a Banshee I need to finish building.
Sorry to derail the gunpla discussion (I'm just secretly jealous of all of you)
Gunpla you say!
Tell me when this guy is added as DLC and my perfect gundam game will be realised.
Sorry for the terrible picture, quick and dirty, but here is my favorite Gundam. Star Build Stike!
Yarp. Hell, being able to run away properly is one of the most useful things in the game.
Not everyone has a spray booth in their house, or is crazy enough to paint by hand.
I bet if Bandai knew how popular Build was gonna be they'd have told the devs to delay Age and add Build Strike instead.
I still have trouble avoiding homing shots when running away![]()
God, if only they had done this. I'm still kind of stunned how good Build is, more stunned given that I thought the concept was awful when I first heard it. Maybe a warning that I was in danger of becoming a jaded Gundam fan.
The kits are really nice, too, my daughter got a Wing Fenice and it's cool as hell.
Gotta do something that breaks homing, like sidestep.
Was the kit for her or for you :3
I know, but it's the combo of boosting back and side-stepping while running away that I can't always seem to get right.
Her.She's a big Build fan now.
I am AWESOME at it...in training mode only. Once real matches start, everything falls apart.
I'm spamming the hell out of that when I play. :3 2 more days until preload!
Even though it's an HG kit the Kshatriya is a large and bulky mech so it's no wonder the kit was expensive for an HG.
Isn't pre load tomorrow because of magic time zones?
Less than 2 days japan time now.Isn't pre load tomorrow because of magic time zones?
I really wanted to play as Red Frame, my all time favorite (if we count the design, I know almost nothing about it), but it's in the gutter tier + melee, so no way I'm going to do anything productive with it.
I like Gold Frame as well, but sadly his potential is similar to Red's...
Copypaste from the Gundam thread, Kai is MG, Gold is HG.
Please slap on the decals, it looks so plain without them
Game looks like fun, but do you guys think navigating the menus is gonna be hard? I ask because I bought MS Record U.C.0081 and Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn. As fun as they are, half the time I'm completely lost in the menus or on what to do so I gradually lost interest and stopped playing them.
Do you guys normally play on fight sticks?
Do you guys normally play on fight sticks?
Alright guys. I think I'll bite and order this. Seems like Amiami is much cheaper than Play-Asia. Which is the best/fastest shipping from there?
Not buying from AmiAmi, as they are sold out =P
Really? It doesn't say that on their site.
I personally play on a pad because I enjoy being able to set each shoulder button to a different combination (Also because I sold my fight stick), and because it just felt more comfortable in general.
Is there a way to check how many points you have at Amiami.
Do you guys normally play on fight sticks?
Something just occurred to me, if you have a shortcut macro button set, can you have a charge button held (csA/csB) and still use the maneuver mapped to the macro button that normally requires the button being held?
Hm, HLJ prices (especially with how crappy the Canadian dollar is right now) + shipping costs made MG v-Gundam ver. ka gunpla a bit too rich for my blood...
... So ordered MG Hi-Nu from AmiAmi instead o_o
...<3 Gundam. Hate how I'll likely not get this game until the weekend after release.
Man if theres one thing I hope the next game has for the free mode is just endless rounds. Basically win a round and it goes onto a next one instead of having to either choose rematch or back to select screen.
I do as wellDo you guys normally play on fight sticks?
Call to your Bamco deities harder mang.
Played the Orignal a bit today. Besides the one f***ing US room I kept getting kicked after a couple matches in Japanese rooms.
Anyone that's getting this wanna add me? I wanna play and get better but getting kicked after every match is annoying. The PSN I'm gonna be using for Full Boost is VinnSvyJP
PSN Entry Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BCoaIIVYvLx2aSD_RAfc5pn-2_yHhdyC7gsidKKaWlA/viewform
PSN List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...OXg4SmRGZnJFOEhJb2pTRUpKaEE&usp=sharing#gid=0
God, if only they had done this. I'm still kind of stunned how good Build is, more stunned given that I thought the concept was awful when I first heard it. Maybe a warning that I was in danger of becoming a jaded Gundam fan.
The kits are really nice, too, my daughter got a Wing Fenice and it's cool as hell.
Gotta do something that breaks homing, like sidestep.
Use the google docs form in the OT its near the bottom of the 2nd post by OP.
the wait is almost over...
double fail
not only you copied the links wrong, you also forgot we will be using japanese accounts. ;o