Hows the netcode? As good as the last one?
much better.
Hows the netcode? As good as the last one?
Did a little practice match as Kshatriya already. Dualshock 3 probably is not the best way to play this game. It'll do for now but shielding and dashing doesn't come out perfectly as often as I would like to. Gonna have to check out what my options are for a better controller.
Also I already got three trophies for fuck knows what.
Did a little practice match as Kshatriya already. Dualshock 3 probably is not the best way to play this game. It'll do for now but shielding and dashing doesn't come out perfectly as often as I would like to. Gonna have to check out what my options are for a better controller.
Also I already got three trophies for fuck knows what.
There is one.
You didn't specify that it needed to be good.
There is? I had no idea. I wish that somebody would make a Godzilla destroy all monsters type thing for Pacific Rim, but you know actually awesome.
There is? I had no idea. I wish that somebody would make a Godzilla destroy all monsters type thing for Pacific Rim, but you know actually awesome.
"Just order from NCS," Donkey said. "I've never had a problem with them before," Donkey said.
Fucking bastard planned this shit.
DONKEY, I swear to god when I get this game in my hands, the amount of Newtype Salt Discharges will be more intense and radiant than ten thousand fold of ZZ's CSb's!
I have ascended to a level beyond "Salty EXVS player." I call it "Salty EXVS Player level 2."
The Ex-S is coming. It's dark and terrible reign approaches. Make peace with your gods.DONKEY, I swear to god when I get this game in my hands, the amount of Newtype Salt Discharges will be more intense and radiant than ten thousand fold of ZZ's CSb's!
So I was just thinking, humor me for a second here. Everybody knows Del Toro loves gundam and some of the mechs in Pacific Rim shows this. Am I the only one who thinks Gipsy Danger DLC would be awesome?
I have ascended to a level beyond "Salty EXVS player." I call it "Salty EXVS Player level 2."
Oh I didn't notice.Check my post below his, linked you to a YT vid of what the gameplay looks like.
Here I thought these guys were slipping not to make something like this.
Added my PSN info to the spreadsheet. I'm terrible enough that I'm not even the number one player in our household tournaments(that would be my eight year old daughter, who mains Turn A)
Amazing. If only SRW were more like these gundam games, having a bunch of awesome mecha fight it out like this would be sweet as hell.
You don't want that.
Is this that bad?
Why can't we get awesome developers to work on these things?![]()
Last gen Another Century's Episode was all right. Not PS3's R though, avoid at all costs.
The day EXVS came in I got a whole five minutes before they took over. They are so excited for Full Boost I almost can't break the delay news to them.
Gundam Unicorn on the PS3 is basically a spiritual successor to ACE. Same development team at FROM Software. Great game.
It's only $30 on Amazon right now with Prime shipping. Think it's worth it? I've watched video and it definitely looks cool.
I own it. It's HORRIBLE.
You'd think they would just take the Gundam Vs. engine and reskin the mecha with OG mobile suits... nope. The game is severely broken.
Gundam Unicorn on the PS3 is basically a spiritual successor to ACE. Same development team at FROM Software. Great game.
The day EXVS came in I got a whole five minutes before they took over. They are so excited for Full Boost I almost can't break the delay news to them.
and if I wasted my time with Macross.
The Ex-S is coming. It's dark and terrible reign approaches. Make peace with your gods.
"Just order from NCS," Donkey said. "I've never had a problem with them before," Donkey said.
Fucking bastard planned this shit.
DONKEY, I swear to god when I get this game in my hands, the amount of Newtype Salt Discharges will be more intense and radiant than ten thousand fold of ZZ's CSb's!
This thread makes me wonder why I never payed attention to Gundam... and if I wasted my time with Macross.
Just how much Macross did you watch exactly?
Okay let's do this!
Hopefully AmiAmi decides to ship my copy tomorrow.
Best OT ever donkey show :3
How disappointing. That's basically what I mean though, get Gundam Vs engine and then let the crossover ridiculousness begin. It'd be glorious. Put in some Big O and Gurren Lagann in there too. Is the third ACE game any good? Looks like it's on ps2 and it has G Gundam units so that looks interesting.
I heard the Unicorn PS3 game was awful?
ACE 3 is probably the best game in the series, it also introduced Super Robots to the series with Shin Getter.
However it must be said that G Gundam isn't really in the game. It's only God and Master that are in the game. They also don't really have much to do with the story and are side characters in the vain of Wing Gundam Zero EW.
As for Unicorn PS3, some really love it as demonstarted in this thread. I however found it to be pretty bad, and unlike others feel it's a major step back from ACE 1/2/3. When I started up Unicorn it never felt right in the way ACE 2/3 did and the links to the DLC made it nearly impossible to play with out it pissing me off. So many menu options are DLC and it's right infront of your face, not something you can turn off (or at least I never found it) and on top of all that it doesn't cover all of Unicorn.
Having a playable Delta Kai/Delta Gundam would have been awesome, but sadly I never made it past the second mission with Khys.
I see, I will now one day buy ACE 3.
Yeah I heard some similar things about the UC game. That everything good you need to grind or something to be able to get enough money to buy or something like that.
in herewtf where's Ash Like Snow?
You go into the BGM Edit, chose a song and then press circle one more time to display the list of songs present on your PS3. There will be a "Premium G Sound" folder with everything in it. That's all you can do with those, you can't even listen to them out of the game or anything.
ACE 3 is probably the best game in the series, it also introduced Super Robots to the series with Shin Getter.
However it must be said that G Gundam isn't really in the game. It's only God and Master that are. They also don't really have much to do with the story and are side characters in the vain of Wing Gundam Zero EW.
As for Unicorn PS3, some really love it as demonstarted in this thread. I however found it to be pretty bad, and unlike others feel it's a major step back from ACE 1/2/3. When I started up Unicorn it never felt right in the way ACE 2/3 did and the links to the DLC made it nearly impossible to play with out it pissing me off. So many menu options are DLC and it's right infront of your face, not something you can turn off (or at least I never found it) and on top of all that it doesn't cover all of Unicorn.
Having a playable Delta Kai/Delta Gundam would have been awesome, but sadly I never made it past the second mission with Khys.
Just be careful when you do. Admittedly I think G Gundam and by extension God/Master are garbage so I'm not sure of their load out, but if they are anything like Wing Zero be very weary of Unlocking Limiters. This takes a fun game and turns in to a snoozfest.
Wing Zero for example has an infinite supply of Rolling Twin Buster Rifle, and given it's strength you just fly into a zone and completely obliterate everything inside of it with a single attack. God and Master may be able to avoid this pitfall simply because I don't know if they have such a gigantic AOE, but even still you might want to avoid it.
Wait... So it would actually be better to buy those songs off iTunes or something and just put them into your PS3's music folder then?
Oooh what about ACER? I have that in my backlog, haven't had a chance to pop it in yet.
Some of the fun will come from playing non gundam units like the Nirvash and I think there's come units from Code Geass in it as well.