donkey show

Genre: Fighting
Developer: Bandai Namco
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Platform: PS3
Players: 1~2 local, 2~4 online
Release Date: December 1, 2011 (JP)
Price: 8380 Yen (JP ver.), 6553 Yen (Asian ver.)
Review Scores:
Famitsu: 10, 10, 9, 9
Dengeki: 80, 95, 95, 80

- 2 v 2 Arena Fighting (like Virtual On, but more intense)
- PSN Online Mode (Ranked, Free Battles)
- 60 playable mobile suits from multiple Gundam titles!
- Arcade Mode
- Single Player Trial Mission Mode - an extensive mission list built off of Gundam history, level up your units
- Chain a multitude of moves into amazing combos with the Extreme System
- Free Battle (local) where you can set up multiplayer or training
- 2 player split screen local
- 4 console exclusive suits - Hi-Nu, Raphael, Astray Blue Frame 2nd L, Dynames
- Free DLC missions
- Possible DLC suits in the near future
- Custom soundtracks off your PS3 hard drive

Gundam Extreme VS is the 10th iteration of the extremely popular Gundam Versus series in Japan. With the previous games developed by Capcom, Extreme VS (EXVS) is now developed in-house by Namco Bandai with several ex-Capcom staff who have worked on the series.
This game is a highly competitive, 2v2 arena style, 60 fps fighting game that is somewhat in the vein of Virtual On, but definitely retains the top tier fighting game pedigree that Capcom has been known for. From canceling to intricate combos combined with the history of Gundam's 30 year history, Gundam Extreme VS delivers intense gameplay that has captured the hearts of fighting gamers and Gundam fans for the last decade that can be enjoyed by both Gundam and non-Gundam fans alike.
As for Linkin Park and Gackt... Linkin Park has graciously contributed their hit song "The Catalyst" to the intro of the game, essentially creating an official Anime Music Video. And with Gackt, the popular Japanese artist is the voice actor of the final boss of the game, Extreme Gundam.
Sadly, this game has not been scheduled for release outside of Japan, but luckily this game is being released exclusively on the PS3... which means region free awesomeness for all!
Regardless of whether or not you are a Gundam fan, this game provides solid and exciting gameplay that is addictive and satisfying to fighting game and mecha fans alike. Extreeeeeemely tourney friendly and is built to provide mad hype for fighting game fans everywhere.
DISCLAIMER: This game is not translated in any way, so the following screens have been translated as much as possible. When available, more translated screens will be posted. Until then, you can click on certain images to find translated text to help ease importers and GAF alike.

Considering this game has not been scheduled for an overseas release, you probably will not be able to see much in English. Hopefully these translated screens and controls will help ease you into the game. Like most fighting games though, you really don't need to know that much Japanese aside from the proper controls.
Character Select Screen

Wait... Why is this important?
- Picking your unit is very important as this is a team oriented game. The units you pick have an effect on the Team Gauge of 6000 points (which is basically your shared health for the match). The following unit cost are:
- 3000 (i.e. Turn A, Master, Nu, 00 Gundam)
- 2500 (i.e. Zeta, Crossbone X-1, Kshatriya)
- 2000 (i.e. Dragon, Red Frame Astray, Gundam)
- 1000 (i.e. Gouf Custom, Zaku II FZ, Alex)
- When your unit or teammate's unit runs out of it's health, their cost will be depleted from the Team Gauge. So if your unit loses it's individual health, 3000 points will be subtracted from the 6000 point team gauge. The Team Gauge will also be depleted if your teammate is destroyed.
- As long as there is still meter left in your Team Gauge, the unit on your team who was recently defeated will respawn. When your Team Gauge is completely depleted and one of your team units are defeated, the match will end and your team will lose (and vice versa for the other team). The higher unit cost your units are in your team, the less respawning you can do within one match. For example, if your team has two 3000 cost units, your team will only have one chance to respawn. Whereas a team of two 2000 units will be able to respawn twice times within a match.
- In the event that a there is an uneven amount of team gauge left before the gauge is depleted (such as when choosing a 2500 and 2000 units on a team), the last unit respawned will go into Cost Over. The unit in Cost Over will have an adjusted health lower than their max. For example, if RX-78 died and respawned with 1000 left in the team gauge, it's health would be 290 instead of 580.
- Ideally, you will want to balance your team unit cost to maintain survivability. The following videos are great examples of a well balanced low cost team where the units complement each other successfully:

- Remember, a high cost team does not necessarily guarantee success.
Gameplay Screen Info

1) Unit Health
- This is your unit's health. When it reaches 0, you will die and decrease the team gauge (#5 on the pic).
2) EX Gauge and Boost Gauge
- The Boost Gauge on the right is a very important meter to keep track of as this is depleted by moves such as Steps and Boost Dashing (explained in the next section). When depleted completely, you will go into overheat and not be able to perform the mentioned maneuvers. If you're in the air, you will fall down to the ground, leaving you vulnerable when landing. The Boost Gauge will replenish when landing or when activating the EX Burst (explained in next section).
- The EX Gauge on the left is kind of like the super meter in many fighting games. It is filled when attacked or when your attacks hit the enemy. When the meter is at least half full, you can activate the EX Burst (explained in the next section) which will refill your ammo, buff your defense and offense, and allow you to use the EX Burst Attack (if your unit has one).
3) Unit Attacks
- The displays on the bottom right of the screen shows the ammo count of your unit's various attacks. They are usually listed from top to bottom as the following:
- main weapon (shoot)
- subweapon (shoot + melee)
- special shot (shoot + boost)
- special melee (melee + boost)
- Some attacks will automatically reload to full after their ammo is expended after a certain amount of time. Other attacks will reload incrementally over time when not used.
- Under some attacks, you can see a Charge meter. To access it, you must hold down that particular attack button until the bar is full. Once done, release the button and the attack will engage.
- Of course, the list above may not necessarily correspond with the unit's attacks due to not having proper ammo, i.e. some special melee attacks.
4) Game Time and Radar
- The timer is normally set to 180 seconds. When it hits 0 and no team has their team gauge depleted, both teams lose.
- The radar shows your team and your enemy position, with red units representing the enemy and the green units representing your team. It also shows you the arena boundaries represented by the thick red line (which you can also see in the field of play).
5) Team Cost Gauge
- Just like a fighting game's health gauge, once your gauge depletes, your team will lose the match. Conversely, the enemy's team will lose if their gauge is depleted. Your goal is to bring the enemy's gauge down to zero.
- A team gauge will deplete every time a team's unit is destroyed. The amount it is depleted by is determined by the unit cost of the unit destroyed.
6) Enemy Alert
- When an enemy is locked onto you, you will see the yellow indicators on either the N, E, S, W positions on the screen. When an attack from a locked on enemy is in a very close vicinity to you, the alert will go flashing red unit it either hits or ends. Definitely keep your eye on it.
7) CPU Command
- By pressing L1, you can switch through the commands for a CPU controlled teammate. They are the following in sequential order as they appear on the screen:
- Normal - will take normal actions against the enemy team
- Focus - will focus on the same unit you're locked onto
- Divide - will focus on the unit your are not locked onto
- Assault - will focus on primarily melee attacks
- Avoid - will focus on avoiding taking damage
8) Enemy Gauge & Lock-On Reticule
- The enemy's health can be seen. Enemies are signified by the red indicator and health bar over them.
- The lock-on reticule will change color between red & green depending on the distance. A green reticule means the enemy is too far away and your attacks will not track, whereas a red reticule means the enemy is within your range and attacks will have better tracking.
9) Teammate Gauge
- Your teammate's health can be seen. Your teammates are obviously signified by the green indicator and health bar over them.

Square: Shoot (A)
Triangle: Melee (B)
X: Boost (C)
Circle: Search/Change Target
R1: Sub-weapon (A+B)
R2: Special Melee (B+C)
L1: Command (for CPU teammates)
L2: Special Shot (A+C)
R3: EX Burst (A+B+C)
Special Maneuvers

Step: Used to take either evasive actions (lose incoming weapon tracking) or to cancel a melee attack. Tap either the up, down, left, or right direction x 2 and perform a short dash that consumes some of your boost gauge. You can extend the length of the step by holding the direction you double tapped.
Boost Dash (BD): Tap boost (X button/C) twice in a row and hold to travel in a direction faster than walking. Will consume the boost gauge quickly. Can be used to cancel any move to extend combos or to cancel moves for evasion.
Transform (Hold down boost + double tap any direction): Some units, like Zeta Gundam, have a mobile armor mode that allows them to have extended boost and higher mobility. This mode will end when the pad/joystick is set back to neutral or the boost gauge has been depleted.
Charge Shot (CS): Some units will have attacks that have another charge meter under their visible ammo. This can be activated by holding down either A or B until the meter is filled and a "CHARGE" prompt appears. Release the button to use the Charge Shot attack.
Shield Guard: By tapping Down > Up in quick succession, your unit will guard any attack for a short amount of time. When guarding, you will not be able to move from your position until your guard is finished.
Extreme Action:
Extreme Action is the new system implemented in EXVS incorporating different gameplay mechanics (slightly nerfed) from previous Gundam VS. games:
- Cancel melee attacks with a step.
- Cancel moves with a Boost Dash (BD).
- Can perform Step Cancelling
- Perform EX Burst
- Can escape being comboed, but only with 100% EX gauge. Around 30% of the gauge is instantly depleted as well.
EX Burst:

The Extreme Burst is an awakening type gameplay mechanic that gives your unit several buffs and other perks. When the EX Gauge is over half full, you execute the EX Burst by pressing A+B+C/R3. Doing so performs the following:
- Boost gauge and ammo are replenished to full
- Allows your unit to escape being engulfed in attacks when initiated
- Your unit will be engulfed in an aura. Some units have specialized animations (i.e. Exia goes Trans-Am)
- Charge Shot charge times are quicker
- Defense is buffed
- BD speed is buffed
Some units have an EX Burst Attack (like a super attack) that is activated by pressing A+B+C (R3) again while EX Burst is active. This will consume all of the remaining meter when activated.

Game Modes
- Arcade Mode - Play through multiple stages in various routes and difficulties, ending in a battle with Extreme Gundam. Played offline with 1 or 2 players.
- Free Battle - Play against/with the CPU or 2 player in single editable matches. Can be changed for training purposes.
- Player Match - Play online in either ranked (coming in an upcoming free DLC) or player matches.
- Trial Mode - Play missions based on various scenarios in the Gundam series. Can level up units (not for online or arcade) and receive many unlockables, such as Emblems for online matches.
- Briefing Room - Probably the gallery section. Will update when game is received.
- Options - Adjust various settings of the game, including customized soundtracks.
Click on the following images for semi-translated images and more information.
Arcade Mode
- Play through multiple routes in either single or multiplayer.
- Battle Extreme Gundam against its multiple forms: Carnage (Long Range), Tachyon (Melee), and Ignith (Funnels).
- CPU enemies will have a lower cost against their team gauge.

Player Match
- Play ranked or player matches online.
- Set up either team shuffle or team free matches.
- Change match options in player matches to play to your liking.

Trial Mission Mode
- Play through levels with multiple missions based on various Gundam battles throughout the series' 30 year history.
- Fight unique trials such as huge bosses and waves of enemies.
- Receive MP from completed missions and level up your mobile suits!
- Receive emblems to show off during online play!

Video: Trial Mode Demonstration - Crossbone Gundam X-1 Full Cloth