*Greencastle post*
(falls in love with Halo all over again
(falls in love with Halo all over again
no homo
*Greencastle post*
(falls in love with Halo all over again)no homo
Where's that last gif from?
Cracked armour means new armour?
I wish
From the Librarian cutscene in Halo 4. Very cryptic, that. I found it even more interesting if you don't pay attention to what the Librarian is saying to you and just watch the images on-screen. I found it cool to see that the figure almost looks like Chief at first before looking up. Would be cool to get the Chief's "Master Sword" via a kickass Forerunner Combat Skin (like the Didact's). Now that he's "upgraded" by Librarian, it could make sense, and I mean, 343GS always made fun of how bad Chief's is in Halo CE.
Around here is when the video starts, that particular part is right at the end, just before you see the Chief again:
So does the Librarian accelerate MC's evolution to a point where humans were before they were wiped out by the Forerunner? Or has she accelerated him to the absolute pinnacle of human evolution?
So does the Librarian accelerate MC's evolution to a point where humans were before they were wiped out by the Forerunner? Or has she accelerated him to the absolute pinnacle of human evolution?
It's ambiguous. I think the additions to his body from the SPARTAN Program made them more like the Forerunners (it is Halsey's specialty) but not completely. As for what the Librarian did to him, I just assumed it was an immunity to the Composer. But who knows?Someone on here.
Librarian: "Reclaimer! The genesong I placed within you contains many gifts, including an immunity to the Composer. But it must be unlocked."
John-117: "How?"
Didact: "Relinquish your contact, essence!"
Librarian: "Your evolutionary journey must be accelerated.
John-117: "Can I defeat the Didact without it?"
Librarian: "No."
John-117: "Then do it."
Librarian: "Prepare."
"They believe they have been transported to a better place," she says, in the same tone of voice she used to describe the Domain: reverential, but with a shadow of deeper guilt.
I can barely discern the luminous edges of the environment projected to keep them calm. "An afterlife?" I ask.
"They believe so. I came to all of them at birth. They believe when they see me next, I will lift them from trouble and pain. In a way, that is true."
A light appears over her head. The humans in the hold turn as one and behold the Librarian. Their faces transform. The hold is filled with echoes of wonder as they crowd forward, trying to communicate their joy, their hope. The light above the Librarian dims. The fields return, separate the humans, and again numb them, at this high moment of joy, to their plight.
"Life is resilient-particularly human life," the Lifeshaper says. I can barely hear her, she speaks so softly. "They will be taken to the Ark."
I cannot stifle a sense of awe and even affront. Such power-such hubris! And yet, without the Lifeshaper's intervention, all humans would have died long before.
She does what she can.
"They feel no pain, no distress. Composers are no longer used by any of our teams. Their memories and genetic patterns will be carried in the flesh of all their descendants, when Erde-Tyrene is repopulated. In that way, they will touch eternity. But their existence here is ending."
The humans rise like bubbles in a pond and swing around an immense, glowing blue flower, undergoing deep examination. Their faces go slack. The bodies are then consumed by brilliant purple flares, and the remains compacted to be returned to the oceans of Erde-Tyrene-not as ashes, burned and degraded, but rich nutrients that will feed minute organisms in the sea during the great sweep of Halo radiation.
I walked beside my husband as he was carried to the Cryptum. The glow of the far supernova had dimmed, as all had known it would. The farther one is from astronomical events, the less surprise. The Haruspis's associate spoke the words, in middle Digon, which would help the Didact focus on his long meditation: enchanting, musical words we all hoped might open access, if the Domain was so disposed, if the Didact was so disposed, to higher experience and greater awareness. The words penetrated my husband's discomfort. He tried to reach for me. I saw his effort and stroked his face, his naked arm. Already his flesh, rapidly cooling, felt like rock. His eyes tracked with increasing difficulty the shadowy figures around him. Soon he would see and hear and feel nothing
of this world. He would be connected to us by the barest metaphysical thread.
One step away from death itself.
One step from knowing all. --Librarian
"The humans... Had they been willing to acknowledge their crimes, they would have made a great civilization, worthy to join our own. But they did not. I hope that what remains of them, in your care, does not disappoint you. My anger would then be impossible to control." --Didact, before entering his Cryptum
"If you haven't mastered even these primitives, then man has not yet attained the Mantle. Their ascendance may yet be prevented. Time was your ally, human, and now it has abandoned you."--UrDidact, Halo 4
Master Builder: Halo Array is the only solution. The only way to save life from the Flood, is to remove the life on which they feed. Though he grants Librarian space for her Conservation Measure.
Librarian: Conservation Measure, she agrees with Master Builder, coming up with much of the principle of the effects of the Halo Array in the first place, but goes further and tries to save as much as she can with the Libraries and Indexes. Believes Humans are the next to act as the galaxy's protectors, and uses her "genesongs" to ensure that it will happen.
UrDidact: Shield Installations with a Composed-human "slave" army is his solution in Prometheans, he disagrees with both his wife Librarian and Master Builder. Believes that Forerunners, and Forerunners alone should be the ones who protect the galaxy.
One interpretation that I like is that the Mantle is sort of the embodiment of the most advanced genetics - the DNA of the Forerunners in a sense - and the caretaker-like moral responsibility that should follow within those who are the "strongest". The passing of the Mantle being the literal passing of the advanced genetics from one advanced society to the next. Master Chief is certainly on that path, it seems, becoming the caretaker of the galaxy, maybe "carrying" that Mantle, that responsibility. Perhaps somewhat symbolically, we see Chief in his "jedi robe" in the Halo 5 teaser from E3. A mantle is a type of over-hood that goes over a robe or cloak, too, from wiki: A mantle (from mantellum, the Latin term for a cloak) is a type of loose garment usually worn over indoor clothing to serve the same purpose as an overcoat. He is literally wearing a mantle, the responsibility, on his shoulders.Guardianship for all living things lies with those whose evolution is most complete. The Mantle of Responsibility shelters all.
Mantle is the top, hood part:
Halsey did much of the work to get him to that point, but Librarian seem to accelerate it even further.
So does that explain why MC is so large during the final cut scene in Halo 4?
I dunno about that hah, more like an oversight.
Seems to be a rather large oversight, especially after Palmer made the "I thought you would be bigger" comment earlier in the game. I just assumed that his size/strength was one of the enhancement the Librarian made, which prompted Palmer's reaction to MC when they passed each other in the hall during the final cut scene.
I think that was just bad scaling, honestly. He's not dramatically larger in game or in the in-game cutscenes.
-- Where are you getting the infertile part. Maria-062 explicitly wanted to start a family, so presumably it was possible to treat the sex drive issue.John will never have a biological child, Spartan IIs are incapable of reproduction.
"I do. Because the augmentation they performed on us had side effects.... It reduces your drive to reproduce." - Naomi, Mortal Dictata - 360. In response to her farther when asked if she knew for certain that there where no kids in her future.
Those events definitely were talked about in the books.
-- WUT.Halo: Reach was before the comic.
The easiest answer is PoA fought in space, came down for repairs in dry dock, and then took off.
The reality answer is Bungie wrote canon first and MS's licensing department didn't coordinate external projects.
Aren't Spartan IIs larger than most humans anyway? I always thought Palmers comment was mild ribbing. Her glance at the end of 4 seemed more like a "Are you okay?/What happened?" kind of look.
Not really sure about SIV's. But from what I remember the difference between SII's and SIII's was:
- The success rate of the augmentation process much higher for the SIII's which resulted in higher number of SIII's.
- The selection process for the SII's was much more strict (the very few that had specific genetic markers were chosen).
- SII's were far better trained.
- SII's had the better armour.
But as far as size, that was all dependant on the individual. A good example would be the varied sizes just out of the SII class, Sam was huge compared to John and the rest of his teammates.
I thought that SIIs had the more intensive augmentations.
The Infinity packet if I recall also mentioned possible chances of rejection of implants, something we never heard from the IIs or IIIs (well, Gamma Company was fed the "goes coo-coo for cocoa puffs" drugs by Kurt), so it's also possible the increased survival comes with some delayed costs or side effects.
Either way I can't imagine it being good for a public Spartan program to be killing its recruits, and the S-IIIs got to near 0% casualties, so I'm going to guess that the S-IVs are likewise fairly "safe".
They were more intensive as a result of them not being as efficient, many of the processes were considered experimental.
So does that explain why MC is so large during the final cut scene in Halo 4?
I assumed all Spartans were much larger than the average human due to the augmentation process that Halsey put them through.
You are correct. But I was referring to the size diff between MC (SII) and Palmer (SIV), he towers over her during the final cut scene.
You are correct. But I was referring to the size diff between MC (SII) and Palmer (SIV), he towers over her during the final cut scene.
I thought the Spartan 4's were just ODST's (or similar specwar types) that volunteered for new training and armor but did not go through any form of augmentation though. Similar to the SIII's in which they had weaker armor and different augmentation process that didn't result in a huge size difference compared to a standard human (ignoring Halo Reach of course).
I thought the Spartan 4's were just ODST's (or similar specwar types) that volunteered for new training and armor but did not go through any form of augmentation though. Similar to the SIII's in which they had weaker armor and different augmentation process that didn't result in a huge size difference compared to a standard human (ignoring Halo Reach of course).
Cannot believe how convoluted the backstory has become.
-- WUT.
-- The comic is based on the book Halo: The Fall of Reach, which predates even Halo: Combat Evolved.
-- Bungie simply prioritized game canon, and if it stepped all over the books/comics it didn't matter.
To be clear: The contradictions were all a Bungie decision. Not Microsoft, not 343.
Not really sure about SIV's. But from what I remember the difference between SII's and SIII's was:
- The success rate of the augmentation process much higher for the SIII's which resulted in higher number of SIII's.
- The selection process for the SII's was much more strict (the very few that had specific genetic markers were chosen).
- SII's were far better trained.
- SII's had the better armour.
But as far as size, that was all dependant on the individual. A good example would be the varied sizes just out of the SII class, Sam was huge compared to John and the rest of his teammates.
MrGreencastle you never cease to amaze!
You do good work, I look forward to any future posts you may do.
Yeah, though I wonder if we should take his height in the cutscene or ingame as canon...
We are Forerunners, Guardians of all that exists. The roots of the galaxy have grown deep under our careful tending. Where there is life, the wisdom of our countless generations has saturated the soil. Our strength is a luminous sun, towards which all intelligence blossoms... And the impervious shelter beneath which it has prospered. I stand before you, accused of the sin of ensuring Forerunner ascendancy. Of attempting to save us from this fate where we are forced to... recede.
On all the dwellings, the walls had been stamped with unfamiliar symbols. But along the outward facing wall of one dwelling, prominently displayed, ten large, circular emblems had been carved, repetitions of a mark so often found in Forerunner decorations that, in our daily lives, we hardly notice its presence: a circle around a treelike branching of angular veins.
Long ago, among Lifeworkers, I had heard it referred to as the Eld. Others-mostly Builders-called it the Tree-mark. Forerunners had associated it with the Mantle for as long as can be remembered, but its origin remained a mystery.
Recede (ri SEED) (verb)
1. To move back or away from: "The train seemed to recede into the distance as Patricia and Dina were watching."
2. To return the ownership of something to the previous owner: "The ownership of the farm will recede to the old man who used to live there."
Reseed (ri SEED) (verb)
1. To sow or to plant new seeds on a piece of land: "After the construction was completed, Luis had to reseed his front lawn."
You forget the biggest flaw of the IIIs were that they had to regularly get injections to not go insane or somethingThat was my understanding, yes. The IIIs had somewhat more successful methods, but still a bit of risk compared to IVs.
Wow so Jun was confirmed to be alive? Holy shit, where's all this mentioned? Great posts btwGood info, I'll add some more, SPOILERS:
-SII and SIII were conscription programs, abductions mostly in the case of the IIs
-SII was Halsey's brainchild
-SIII was James Ackerson's(Army), rival to Halsey (they "stole" much of her work, and hid the program from Halsey pretty much up until Reach, or just after), but a "competing" program done very hastily, almost pure drug-induced, cut corners for budget reasons, etc
-SIV program was originally "created" by a Spartan II, Musa-096, Serin Osman, current head of ONI, was also a Spartan II, both failed their original augmentations
-the first class of SIV's only had one survivor, Isla Zane, and its purpose originally was to create Spartans with such enhancements that they wouldn't even require MJOLNIR armour - it failed, she went to ONI like most failed IIs, but then became an "insurrectionist" leader of a sort, even tried to hijack the Infinity at one point
-Palmer was one of the first SIVs of the second class, originally "trained" by Jun (sniper dude from Reachhe went to work for ONI as a suit)
-SIV is more like the "SI" program ORION - in that it's all volunteers, people who are already "best of the best" in the regular military get approached and given the choice to join or not
-SIV is a combination of drugs and physical augmentations
-SII and SIII were branches of the UNSC Navy (save for Noble team who was Army, and a couple ONI teams)
-SIV is its own independent branch in the UNSC like Army or Navy - just Spartan - not a secret from the public like the first 3
Wow so Jun was confirmed to be alive? Holy shit, where's all this mentioned? Great posts btw
The inconsistencies were actually pretty big with regard to timeline and location of people/ships. Many of these are patched over in the 2010 Definitive Edition version of The Fall of Reach.Yeah, there's a couple small inconsistencies with Bungie's telling of Reach.
It was too limited edition in my opinion. Still hoping that at one point it can be released as a PDF.It's one of my favourite pieces of fiction, probably the best thing ever to have in a limited edition, I really hope they do something like that again some day.
There's probably chemical augmentation of various types, but it's (IMO) a little misleading to say "drugs" as that often implies the use of combat drugs or mitigators (as with Spartan III's).-SIV is a combination of drugs and physical augmentations
Noble wasn't Army. They were chopped OPCON to UniCom.-SII and SIII were branches of the UNSC Navy (save for Noble team who was Army, and a couple ONI teams)
John's height is exaggerated in the final Halo 4 cutscene. Probably to give him a larger-than-life appearance.I would say in-game is more closer to canon than that cutscene, since he isn't really all that much taller than Palmer, maybe half a foot at most or so (when in MJOLNIR MK VI). And yeah, Chief wasn't really the biggest out of the IIs, just pretty average all around.
It was too limited edition in my opinion. Still hoping that at one point it can be released as a PDF.
There's probably chemical augmentation of various types, but it's (IMO) a little misleading to say "drugs" as that often implies the use of combat drugs or mitigators (as with Spartan III's).
Noble wasn't Army. They were chopped OPCON to UniCom.
The S-IIIs on Noble are under the UNSC Army's Special Warfare operational jurisdiction, though the SPARTAN-III project itself is administratively part of the Naval Special Weapons division, which is the Navy. This was established in Halo: Reach and did a great deal of the groundwork here as well.
Could still happen. Bug Mr. Stinkles about it.Agreed, that would be much easier than transcribing/posting pics, haha!
I think the Spartan IVs are based more on the Spartan II templates. It was possible to "update" some (all?) Spartan IIIs to the new augmentation program, after all. Aside from the text on Palmer's augmentations in Initiation, not much has been stated about Spartan IV capabilities.I suppose... But that's not what I meant. They used derivations from the SIII program, though, the "new" stuff, basically.
Summary version: Noble was Navy, they were temporarily assigned to Unified Special Warfare Command as they were in UniComs jurisdiction (ground operations).You're talking about commands, though I'm not sure what you're referring to with "OPCON", operation control? maybe you meant naval special warfare command, NAVSPECWAR? Noble TEAM were composed mainly of Spartan III - technically Navy, however the team operated through Army jurisdiction via Colonel Holland (Army, Special warfare Group Three, so yeah, I guess UniCom if you go high enough... but we're getting really freaking technical here...which is what I was trying to avoid with the bullets)
Yes. The organizational scheme of the UNSC should hopefully be explained a bit more, soon.Basically, the Spartan II-III PROGRAMS themselves were mostly created under Navy, but operational jurisdiction of Noble Team (at least during Reach campaign) was Army.
Not sure what you mean here. There's plenty strange about Noble team and its Spartan IIIs but Jorge seems easy to explain.Of course, we get into weirdness when you think about Jorge, who's the SII on Noble - maybe he would be ONI since he was supposed to be "dead".
Noble 6 is kept intentionally vague, as she/he is a customizable player avatar.Then again, I bet everyone is operated through ONI if you go high enough haha! Then one questions even Noble 6, who we know almost nothing about, too...
-- WUT.
-- The comic is based on the book Halo: The Fall of Reach, which predates even Halo: Combat Evolved.
-- Bungie simply prioritized game canon, and if it stepped all over the books/comics it didn't matter.
To be clear: The contradictions were all a Bungie decision. Not Microsoft, not 343.
Bungie was the one driving the ship here. Not Microsoft. I am a bit perplexed why you are so hell-bent on pushing this false narrative.It was more like Microsoft didn't coordinate canon with Bungie. Maybe they should have waited for the games to be out first, perhaps?
Again. WUT. There was no established backstory to retcon.Everyone is stuck arguing that Bungie changed where the Pillar of Autumn was on Reach when 343 retconned the entire damn Forerunner/Human backstory.
Just an FYI to everyone, the next issue of Halo: Escalation comes out tonight/tomorrow.![]()
Is there a "God" in Halo or Did the precursors create the universe within Halo lore?
MrGreencastle, all the respect in the world for these comprehensive posts. It's been a little while since I've read the books and really tried to learn the lore so reading your posts are a great refresher and they're making me wish Halo 5 was this year.
The Precursors had a direct hand in directing the development of sentient/sapient life in the galaxy - and were very handy with stellar engineering - but were not godlike in the sense of creating the universe.Is there a "God" in Halo or Did the precursors create the universe within Halo lore?
It was more like Microsoft didn't coordinate canon with Bungie. Maybe they should have waited for the games to be out first, perhaps? Everyone is stuck arguing that Bungie changed where the Pillar of Autumn was on Reach when 343 retconned the entire damn Forerunner/Human backstory.
Is there a "God" in Halo or Did the precursors create the universe within Halo lore?
Precursors are as far back as we know so far. I don't think going any farther will serve to better the lore, since having these Precursors already complicates things. So, in a roundabout way of answering: maybe?
For thousands of years, based on where the Flood struck in our galaxy, many had theorized it originated in one of the smaller local galaxies, Path Kethona, and in particular a huge, filamentary nebula ripe with birthing suns called the Spider [TT: Tarantula Nebula]. According to legend, Path Kethona was first visited by Forerunners during our greatest period of exploration, over ten million years ago. Yet there was substantial doubt that voyage had ever happened. Records had long ago vanished. Not even Haruspis, entrusted with studying the Domain, could access those memories. In any case, the Domain, in time, converts history into truth beyond the understanding of most Forerunners. To establish the kind of truth we could understand, we would need to recreate that first great voyage.
We would need to go there.
I am not comfortable with the spaces between suns, much less between galaxies. My love and expertise lies in the immensity within-the unbounded inner roil of a cell, the tight-packed jostling of hundreds of thousands of molecules cooperating and competing at once, all unaware that their activities, massed together, open doorways to even greater immensities: you, me, all living things. The greatest galaxies are nothing without our inner immensity, which opens our eyes to their light, our senses to their warmth, and our minds to their challenge. Stars I understand. They shed light and give life. It is the emptiness between that haunts me. Space has its own textures and mysteries. Forerunners draw power from the perpetual rise and fall of ghostly particles that have no true existence until they are harvested. We draw power as well from the interstices of space itself, where space and time form the tiniest little knots of uncertainty and dimension.
But emptiness without sensation, the unobserved vastness between suns, brings me nightmares. I am happiest on a teeming planet, surrounded by aggressions and consumptions and births and all the colliding webs of observation and fixation. Reality for me begins with the small....
But inevitably it must end with the very large.
MrGreencastle, all the respect in the world for these comprehensive posts. It's been a little while since I've read the books and really tried to learn the lore so reading your posts are a great refresher and they're making me wish Halo 5 was this year.
MrGreencastle is a credit to the thread. Wish I had half the capacity to post comprehensive posts explaining everything.
Doesn't mean I won't stop trying
Ah yes, the Assembly and slipspace time travel. Everyone's favorite apocryphawe're talking about a universe whose events for hundreds of years at least have been largely orchestrated entirely by an Assembly of compoundAI - a universe that has crystal(s) that warp spacetime onto coinciding event-paths
Ah yes, the Assembly and slipspace time travel. Everyone's favorite apocrypha![]()
The Spartan-IIIs were comprised of war orphans who "volunteered"; their survival was due to lesser augmentations and better technology. While they didn't have as many surgical augmentations they were still formidable; they give one description of them essentially being top Olympic athletes by 12.
Hope so. They're looking to make a return in a comic in... September, I think. Judging by the cover art.I wonder if there is any chance of Blue Team making an appearance in any of the upcoming Halo games. I would scream like a little girl if it were to happen.
Ah yes, the Assembly and slipspace time travel. Everyone's favorite apocrypha![]()