We're going to show off our Halo collection now

I know, I know. Still I find it hard to believe that such an advanced race as the Precursors, who've most likely spread themselves across the universe* to be defeated by a much younger species. I'm stubborn, which doesn't exactly help, I want to believe in the Precursors. Also do know that the text you're quoting comes from the memory banks of 343GS after being retrieved by ONI in 255X (sorry don't remember the exact year). His databases are prone to be incomplete/damaged,
it wouldn't surprise me if 343i used this to later on include the Precursors into the game/books again.
*As Fuchsdh rightly questioned, "how many galaxies away might they be?".
**Also no need to use spoiler tags for that

I used it in my posts because it was more like a post script rather than actually intended to be included in the rest of the post.
I've got a feeling that this ship is just the start of a new story arc.