Probably the part of hazardous materials regulations prevents their transport with certain things.If you want batteries so bad, why not get a second job!?
(it might be a regulatory or logistical thing, rather than scroogeyness)
Probably the part of hazardous materials regulations prevents their transport with certain things.If you want batteries so bad, why not get a second job!?
(it might be a regulatory or logistical thing, rather than scroogeyness)
But seriously tho.
Despite halo 4's shortcomings it still had better gunplay than any other console fps at the time.
Probably the part of hazardous materials regulations prevents their transport with certain things.
But seriously tho.
Despite halo 4's shortcomings it still had better gunplay than any other console fps at the time.
What about all the products that ship with a rechargeable battery and charger? Surely for $220 they could afford to do that?
So I have a problem right now.
All of my friends who I talked into getting PS4s for Destiny are pretty mad at me for mentioning I was interested in getting an Xbone for the MCC. I mean, I would be mad too if that happened to me. If you've been on gaming side today you'll have seen how I feel about Destiny, and all of my friends feel that way too. They're my old Halo crew and we all moved to PS4 together. I can't just ask them all to buy another console, and they'll probably stay mad at me if I do get the MCC.
What do I do to not be hated?
The packaging meets the requirements set for transportation for them to be shipped in?What about all the products that ship with a rechargeable battery and charger?
So I have a problem right now.
All of my friends who I talked into getting PS4s for Destiny are pretty mad at me for mentioning I was interested in getting an Xbone for the MCC. I mean, I would be mad too if that happened to me. If you've been on gaming side today you'll have seen how I feel about Destiny, and all of my friends feel that way too. They're my old Halo crew and we all moved to PS4 together. I can't just ask them all to buy another console, and they'll probably stay mad at me if I do get the MCC.
What do I do to not be hated?
So I have a problem right now.
All of my friends who I talked into getting PS4s for Destiny are pretty mad at me for mentioning I was interested in getting an Xbone for the MCC. I mean, I would be mad too if that happened to me. If you've been on gaming side today you'll have seen how I feel about Destiny, and all of my friends feel that way too. They're my old Halo crew and we all moved to PS4 together. I can't just ask them all to buy another console, and they'll probably stay mad at me if I do get the MCC.
What do I do to not be hated?
So I have a problem right now.
All of my friends who I talked into getting PS4s for Destiny are pretty mad at me for mentioning I was interested in getting an Xbone for the MCC. I mean, I would be mad too if that happened to me. If you've been on gaming side today you'll have seen how I feel about Destiny, and all of my friends feel that way too. They're my old Halo crew and we all moved to PS4 together. I can't just ask them all to buy another console, and they'll probably stay mad at me if I do get the MCC.
What do I do to not be hated?
Tell them you goofed, you're sorry, PS4 is still a great value, but MCC is very tempting as well. You'd love to play the game with them if they decide to purchase MCC, but you will absolutely understand if they don't want to.
S'about all you can do.
There's also the factor that my brother got an Xbone to play MCC already and the only thing he and I had in common was our love for Halo. I really would like to be able to play a video game with him again.
Was a legit question, that shit is infuriating in Campaign.Aren't you the guy who asked if weapon despawning would be fixed for the MCC version of Halo 4?
You have Smash 4?All the questions in the world and he chooses that..
Oh, hi TOTP50pppMR.
EDIT: What.. this was just top of the page for me. Were some posts deleted? lol
EDIT: What.. this was just top of the page for me. Were some posts deleted? lol
Aren't you the guy who asked if weapon despawning would be fixed for the MCC version of Halo 4?
FYI, pre-orders through the Microsoft Store will now be giving $15 back (to the M$ store), a license plate bracket saying "My other car is a Warthog", a window decal, and the Boom skull modifier.
For rewards members.
The store site doesn't seem to updated with the information yet, so I'd wait a couple days at least.
Shame that the MS store is a US thing, sometimes there's some cool deals on there I can't buy![]()
So I have a problem right now.
All of my friends who I talked into getting PS4s for Destiny are pretty mad at me for mentioning I was interested in getting an Xbone for the MCC. I mean, I would be mad too if that happened to me. If you've been on gaming side today you'll have seen how I feel about Destiny, and all of my friends feel that way too. They're my old Halo crew and we all moved to PS4 together. I can't just ask them all to buy another console, and they'll probably stay mad at me if I do get the MCC.
What do I do to not be hated?
FYI, pre-orders through the Microsoft Store will now be giving $15 back (to the M$ store), a license plate bracket saying "My other car is a Warthog", a window decal, and the Boom skull modifier.
For rewards members.
The store site doesn't seem to updated with the information yet, so I'd wait a couple days at least.
I really wish that there was more incentive to go digital. It is great for those that want to go physical though (although then you have a bunch of points to make digital purchases).
FYI, pre-orders through the Microsoft Store will now be giving $15 back (to the M$ store), a license plate bracket saying "My other car is a Warthog", a window decal, and the Boom skull modifier.
For rewards members.
The store site doesn't seem to updated with the information yet, so I'd wait a couple days at least.
Yep. It would be awesome if they offered a digital option for the pre-order.
Will be nice to have the credits though for the store. I was looking to pre-order AssCreed Unity as well, so that'd be $30 towards store purchases.
Tell them you goofed, you're sorry, PS4 is still a great value, but MCC is very tempting as well. You'd love to play the game with them if they decide to purchase MCC, but you will absolutely understand if they don't want to.
S'about all you can do.
Get new friends that understand video games can be played without them.
Or just play MCC and tell them to deal with it.
If it was me? I'd buy an X1 and play MCC. If they want to come too, great, if not, enjoy the game man... It's the collection of a life-time.
I mean, they COULD all sell their PS4's and play with you.. but that's extreme and I wouldn't expect them too.
As someone who has a brother that I relate to and spend time with through video-games, he bought an X1 to play Halo with me (and our other friends).
I can't wait to campaign co-op through it all again with him.
I beat Halo 1 for the first time locally in co-op with him.
Anyways, true friends won't give you shit, hell, they might join you!
Get an XBO, especially if you have family you want to connect with. If they're really your friends they aren't going to break up with you for picking one console over the other. I mean, look at us here at HaloGAF. We may all be cynical assholes to one another but none of us inherently hate one another for getting a PS4 over an XBO or vice versa. They both have advantages and disadvantages that are pretty clearly laid out at this point.
Me, personally? I can live off of a decent 3-5 games for an entire generation. I'll usually buy the Nintendo console for Smash Bros., and this gen's no exception. As far as XBO content, I'm looking to get Sunset Overdrive, GTAV Port, MCC, Alien: Isolation, Mirror's Edge 2 and Fibbage and I'll probably be set for the entire gen.
It's decided then.
HaloGAF, find me the cheapest Xbone on Earth.
It's decided then.
HaloGAF, find me the cheapest Xbone on Earth.
Check your PMs budJust got around to listening to the Halo 2 Anniversary samples. CEA was one of my favorite soundtracks in the franchise (preferred its remasters / covers over Legend's OST or Halo 3's) and this sounds like it's the natural escalation of that. Only real complaint is that I'm not a huge fan of some of the guitar improvisations in Gungnir mix. Otherwise everything sounds great - some of those tracks desperately needed a boost in fidelity and live instruments are definitely the way to go. Hearing the strings / choir given a big budget treatment sound a lot more natural and conducive to the sound, especially. Kilindini Harbour / Earth City reminds me a lot of The Crimson Depths with the brass.
This is the cheapest you're gonna get right now (the Ocean Reef listing). Depending on your patience, you can get one in the $300-$330 range (no kinect)
I've bought stuff from them before, should be in great shape. Their customer service is spectacular, too.
Listening to those soundtrack samples..
The guitar in the "Gungnir mix" is a little... stronger than I remember it being. IDK. Like it drowns everything else out (namely the choir or whatever at the 1 minute 40 mark). Could just be my laptop speakers though. And I have no idea what "Breaking the Covenant" is but it sounds bad.
"Unforgotten Memories" is amazing as always though. Gives me the feels. Other tracks are nice too
This is the cheapest you're gonna get right now (the Ocean Reef listing). Depending on your patience, you can get one in the $300-$330 range (no kinect)
I've bought stuff from them before, should be in great shape. Their customer service is spectacular, too.
About to pull the trigger. My brother is texting me excitedly. Do you know what shipping company they use?
I have a lot to say about the soundtrack samples, but I'm going to give them all a few more listens on my fancy headphones before writing it all out.
And I have no idea what "Breaking the Covenant" is but it sounds bad.
HaloGAF, find me the cheapest working Xbone on Earth.
lol, work your magic*cracks knuckles*
wait check out cowboom's listings one
They're a Best Buy subsidiary that I've used with no problems
Oh. Ew.I think it's the Blow Me Away replacement. Will just switch to classic mode at that point.
wait check out cowboom's listings one
They're a Best Buy subsidiary that I've used with no problems
Aren't there potential issues with the condition ratings on these? Plus they're all missing cables or controllers.
Aren't there potential issues with the condition ratings on these? Plus they're all missing cables or controllers.
FYI, pre-orders through the Microsoft Store will now be giving $15 back (to the M$ store), a license plate bracket saying "My other car is a Warthog", a window decal, and the Boom skull modifier.
For rewards members.
The store site doesn't seem to updated with the information yet, so I'd wait a couple days at least.
Most of them have pics. It does seem the one that was complete for $280 is gone though.
Personally I'd wait until closer to launch (unless there's something you want to play now) and wait for a better deal.
Guys help me, Shadow of Mordor or Sunset Overdrive?
Guys help me, Shadow of Mordor or Sunset Overdrive?