Fuck you 343 for thinking it was ok to release this game.
I've had to quit to dashboard because the game completely crashed/locked up, SIX times today. I didn't even play that much, I played halo CE Customs (because lol match making) and during games/while setting up games it would crash.
Just now I got into my SECOND match making game ever (hAd the game for two full days and have been trying to play MM since) I got into a 6v4 game on bloodline and the game crashed trying to load the carnage report.
Do you want to take a guess how many times the game crashed during my COUNTLESS hours of Halo:CE, Halo PC, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo: Reach and Halo 4? ZERO. Quite literally zero. Never ever ever have I had to quit a game or be kicked from a game of halo because the game crashed, yet here I am on day two, having to stare at the dashboard with sadness after force quitting the game, AGAIN.
Why would you ever release this, it's broken. MM is broken, Achievements are broken, playlist suck, the game is bugged to shit, the UI is a train wreck, parties get split up randomly, etc, etc, etc...
Why is it ok to give something to millions of fans that is so obviously not finished?
I love, love, love halo CE. You guys honestly didn't have to do anything other then make it online compatible and I would have given any of you my hand in marriage, that's all I wanted and all I expected. Yet you manage to mess that up... You give us no dedicated Halo CE MM playlist, so I am forced to make customs work, and then you make the whole experience of partying up and getting games working, a complete mess.
This game makes me sad inside.![]()
My Heart's breaking...