It's changed but I don't really get how THIS of all things is the final straw for frank. But no worries. I doubt he'll post here but I do apologize. It's a joke; it's always been a joke. I don't think anyone here ever really held ill will.
As much to do with what Tootsi said as anything else.
Look, I have a thick skin. In some ways, I used to get paid to have a thick skin, but the title literally said, "Your game is bad," and ostensibly said, "people who like it aren't welcome here." It set the tone for the whole conversation. The edited title is STILL SNARKY but at least obscure enough that most people won't get it.
The gaming side is a cesspit of endless negativity right now. Which is why I come to Community and OT.
Gaf prospered and became a great place for conversation firstly because of great moderation, in every sense of that word. Secondly, that clean, well lighted place became attractive to devs and other folks from the game industry and that increased the richness of the conversations.
But over the years - and I know some of you guys have noticed this - the grinding, endless repetition of attacks and rudeness just finally became too much for a LOT of devs who no longer visit at all. It's to them, not worth the hassle.
For all I know they've been replaced by new devs, but I don't see a lot of the old names and it's because of tone. Gaf can probably survive and prosper without them, and it should be allowed to evolve into whatever it's gonna evolve into, and god knows it doesn't need to be some rainbow-world of happy adulation or dev-worship.
But I come to this thread for fun conversations with friends. Imagine you went to a forum and saw the title read, "OT 8: Your Mom is Fat and Your Work is Useless"
Why would or should you condone that with your input?
Did I get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? Nope. I think I'm making a reasonable point.
Is it OK to criticize Halo 4 in here? LOL, if criticism of Halo 4 was what is annoying me, kindly explain my last thousand posts in here...