Last night I was getting into a match an average of every 5-10 minutes in H2C and H2A.
Ok. I kept trying H3 & Big Team. I'll try H2C and H2A tonight.
Last night I was getting into a match an average of every 5-10 minutes in H2C and H2A.
You can't not have a clue about how broken the game is. Come on, dude, every single aspect of the MCC is busted. If they didn't catch any of this - and they did - then their QA is worse than abysmal, and it's no excuse for releasing an unfinished, sloppy product.I'm not one to slrp by any means, but come on. This is absurd. If you watch the Halofest activities, when Blair interviews Frank and Dan, they are genuinely excited and happy to have the game out and to go back and start playing. They had no clue it would be like this. They were talking about New Zealand and Australia playing, and just seeing the UK guys come online. No one knew it would be like this since most of the people playing were part of smaller territories initially and because matchmaking wasn't really live.
It's one thing having a few hundred reviewers and devs playing, quite another having at least 1-2 million go on and try to play. I'm angry as hell I can't play, but I'm not foolish enough to think they purposely knew the game would be like this. This is more harmful to them in the long run, which is why they probably have boots to asses at Kirkland and Redmond trying to get this working.
As for Halo 5, what are they supposed to do? The game was somewhat leaked earlier than announcement, and Frank, Dan, Kiki, Bonnie, Josh are senior staff, them being at Halofest has no bearing on whether the game will or will not function. This is just a fact that something has gone horribly wrong and they're having trouble finding out what the problem is.
just finished that laggy ass game and decided to look at the details
not me... but this screen makes absolutely no sense
This is really bad.
This is really bad.
He killed himself 9 times and was killed by himself 12 times. What doesn't make sense about this?
Anybody managed to do the Gold Jump on Guardian? I can't do it and I nailed the jump 99% of the time in Halo 3. :/
But actually. Launch day and week are important. I'll still play the game for a while but I want a healthy population tooThis is really bad.
Anybody managed to do the Gold Jump on Guardian? I can't do it and I nailed the jump 99% of the time in Halo 3. :/
Unfortunately people don't respond well to the netcode of CE. No one votes for itCE online is glorious. There must be a whole generation of gamers out there who have never experienced the CE Pistol. Everyone keeps fruitlessly running at me with Assault Rifles whilst I spread the gospel.
Yeah. Hopefully things get ironed out by Christmas or there's no hope.But actually. Launch day and week are important. I'll still play the game for a while but I want a healthy population too
Halo 2 is Needlers galore.H2 has the best writing and story, but the missions are just bad when compared to every other Halo.
Halo 5 just has a lot of beeps. I think they are all tied to something. But I could have sworn there is a beep for hitmarkers and a different beep for confirmed kill.
And beeps for nades. And shields. And everything. I'm all for better visual and audio clarity but....
I guess we'll see
Nah, it's pretty much every aspect of the game. The H2A campaign never saves my checkpoints when I quit and save, and it totally froze up on me once. I've gotten several sound bugs in campaign, too.Lots of complaining in here about "everything" being broken which is extreme.
I mean, I played co-op H2A campaign with a buddy online all last night without a hitch. It was beautiful and wonderful. No crashes, no problems. *shrug*
H2 has the best writing and story, but the missions are just bad when compared to every other Halo.
As gloriously beautiful as the Blur cutscenes are, it's funny how their Chief character model is all battle damaged and scratched up right at the very start of the game.
He literally puts on a brand spanking new suit, then walks down a corridor to meet Lord Hood. Must have been all kinds of crazy shit going on off-screen.
Halo 5 just has a lot of beeps. I think they are all tied to something. But I could have sworn there is a beep for hitmarkers and a different beep for confirmed kill.
And beeps for nades. And shields. And everything. I'm all for better visual and audio clarity but....
I guess we'll see
My Xbox One won't power on...
Unplug, give it a few seconds, try again.
They didn't even put the updated H3 maps into mm. They're the default disc maps.
We ranking campaigns? Brace yourselves for the one true hierarchy:
3 > CE > Reach > ODST > 2 > 4.
We ranking campaigns? Brace yourselves for the one true hierarchy:
2 > CE > ODST > Reach > 3 > 4.
Nah, it's pretty much every aspect of the game. The H2A campaign never saves my checkpoints when I quit and save, and it totally froze up on me once. I've gotten several sound bugs in campaign, too.
We ranking campaigns? Brace yourselves for the one true hierarchy:
3 > CE > ODST > 2 > Reach > 4.
bruh...get out
Anything else is wrong
Could it be done on normal settings and not MLG settings? I never made it consistenly, so I dont remember trying it on normal settings.
I saw someone do this on a stream a few days ago actually, so it's still totally possible.
Ranking Halo 3 second to last? What terrible event happened to you in 2007 to make you such a monster?
Does anyone else think the games should have been put on the disc as their own separate experiences instead of under the master UI? What I mean is, if I want to play Halo 3, I can select Halo 3 from one single simple master menu, then play Halo 3 exactly as it was on Xbox 360, except in 1080p 60fps. In addition, Halo 2 would have received the remastered UI the same way Halo: CEA did. The only game that would have had a custom UI is Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer.
It seems a good chunk of these issues are related to the brand new UI experience. The above would have prevented a lot of these issues, or at least isolate them, and also would have kept content, such as Halo 3's and Halo 4's armor customization, ranking systems, and more. Sure, we wouldn't have the mixed experience the new UI offers, but I don't think people would have considered that much of a con if it was never brought up to begin with.