Long time lurker, very sporadic poster.
I really enjoy the beta, at the moment. I was pretty scared when the ADS stuff first appeared, but on playing it, I feel like it's not that much of an issue for me, in that it's almost entirely cosmetic for precision weapons. That said, I wonder why we need it at all then, but I can live with it. Substantively it
is different to other shooters in this respect, so other than the cosmetic stuff I'm not sure what the issue is. Auto-weapons having reduced spread is certainly a step towards other shooters, but I actually quite like it: de-scoping pushes that back, and it means the autos are competitive, although I'll always want a BR (even though it needs a better 3-burst sound!).
As for the abilities, slide is the only one I have never used in a fight. That's not to say it's (forever) useless, but I've not really ever thought about it. I like the abilities. Halo for me is about equal footing, weapon pickups and the sandbox, and with these, 343 seem to have brought the game back closer to what I want - or at least, evolved it in a way that isn't immediately alienating. It's clear everyone here loves Halo, but what Halo is for one person is often a little different to someone else. Would I rather sprint were gone? Probably. But the game still feels like Halo to me, it still feels terrific, open, exciting, skillful, balanced (largely - needs tweaks, obvs). I believe crouch jumping is returning also, correct? Good, if so.
Maps feel good, although I'm not sure on Regret in terms of feel and flow - I might need to play it more. I prefer Eden to Empire, spotting blues aside. They feel big, but then the increased mobility makes up for it.
As for the radar, I see why people dislike it, but I have to say I've not noticed any agonisingly slow games with it on, and I have to say I've not really felt Halo was 'slow' before because of it. Yeah, you get cat-and-mouse moments, and they can be fun or infuriating - but so can being shot in the back with no idea the guy was there. Removal of height markers might well help, or perhaps them changing it to a Destiny(nowTHATisaMPshootergonewrongvisavisHalo)-style tracker (I liked that), but for me the thing is this: a skilful player, if placed in the same sandbox as another, less-skilful player, all things being equal, will still win 9 times out of 10 (the other 1 time being the damn grenade exploding in hand, or the lesser player pulling out all the stops). Teams exacerbate that. The radar is a crutch at points, and at others it's utterly irrelevant to the equation at hand (e.g. when you're being obliterated, you will be, radar or no). All things considered, I like it. Same for the sprint + thruster = escape situation - I wish it worked as well as people seem to make out! Maybe I just suck.
Reversal medal = the best medal. Absolutely
nails what Halo is about for me.
Anyway, glad there's lots of discussion going on. Can't say I agree with a lot of the doom and gloom, although there are things I'd like changed - I am having a blast with it.
2. ADS has a slower animation than traditional scopes in Halo.
I've seen this said a lot. Has anyone timed it? To me the difference is minimal. I've not set up H2A (say) alongside H5 to actually test it.
Edit 2: I just checked my post history. My last post was saying how much I was enjoying H4 MP. Christ. Ignore me, for I have sinned. (Take away the perks/Infinity though and it was alright)