Try updating your graphics drivers.
I'm using the latest ones.
Try updating your graphics drivers.
Here's what happems when trying to play on my Acer W500 Windows Tablet: vine.co/v/hKKdI2lxVWH
I'm using the latest ones.
Game immediately crashes on both my Win8 PCs![]()
Same thing with my EP121.
Game probably only runs on Nvidia cards.
That's my guess since it runs 60 fps just fine with a 9800 GT.
Nah, Bungie started with redconning the story to fit their newer games better. 343i Patched some of the missing pieces, but there are still errors in the story behind Halo. When it comes to story I do prefer the one that Bungie created over 343i's version. Due to that the Bungie story feels less like Hollywood to me, and it is more clear.The Halo storyline doesn't make a whole lot of sense anymore, anyway. A lot of convoluted canon to sift through, especially in the wake of 343's appropriation of Halo.
The S-II and S-III project didn't have prototypes and we know for sure that the S-II was vastly more expensive than the S-IV project. Now I don't say that there can't be prototypes. But it's not unlikely that there wasn't a test group. And that's what I hate about the story writing since 343i came along. They're very unclear about critical parts like these. Just be clear about it 343i, it's irritating enough that you(Karin Traviss) changed old characters(Chief Mendez, etc).Not exactly. The phrasing is letting her "complete the Spartain IV program". It would make sense to have a few prototypes/field-test soldiers out in the field to see how the program goes before greenlighting a fully-fledged program that requires an absolutely massive part of the budget.
I'm running it without problems on my AMD6870. So it's not the card manufacturer.Game probably only runs on Nvidia cards.
That's my guess since it runs 60 fps just fine with a 9800 GT.
Try updating your graphics drivers.
Same thing with my EP121.
Game immediately crashes on both my Win8 PCs![]()
What graphics card and what version of Windows are you guys running?
Main gaming PC has a GTX 680, running Win 8 Pro. Laptop is a Dell XPS 15 with a GT 640M, also on Win 8 Pro.
Not a single problem with any other games or programs on either.
So frustrating. Really wanted to check this out :\
Game probably only runs on Nvidia cards.
That's my guess since it runs 60 fps just fine with a 9800 GT.
What graphics card and what version of Windows are you guys running?
if you have the latest firmware then there should be a Nokia storage check app in settings where you can clear the temp files. There are also a few third party apps in the store too.
I have Storage Check but it doesn't let me delete the "Other" storage - which is filled up to 3 GB now thanks to another failed attempt at installing this game. What the hell? Shouldn't this be sorted by now?
Are these third party apps able to free up the "Other" space? And can you recommend any? Having 3 GB clogged up on a 8 GB device is a real pain in the ass...
Hopefully an other-storage-bugfix is coming in Windows Phone 8.1 but that's a fair bit away AFAIK.
Yeah. As I said, I'm extremely satisfied with WP8, all things considered, but these minor things can be very frustrating.
I mean, I already paid them and I'm still not able to play the game. Which would be okay, if they'd at least provide status updates or something. Right now it seems like it's working for some, but not fixed for all. And no one knows what's up. All the news I could find were like "Apparently it's fixed" or "It seems to be working". No official word though.
At least I was able to delete the last two attempts via storage check so that Other is "only" at 2 GB right now...
I'm pleased with WP8 too, but this problem is far from minor, it is keeping people from installing apps and using the internal storage once "other" has grown too large. I have 4GB internal storage, I don't need more or less irremovable temp files to take up what little space I have.
I know MANY people were having problems where the game would instantly crash on startup. Well, that has been fixed now.
A new update makes the game run perfectly. You can find the update in the Windows Store. It actually wasn't showing up for me, so I just deleted and reinstalled the entire game and it gave me the updated version that way. So for those of you that were frustrated and then forgot about this game, there is finally a solution.
343 Administrator - Crash Fix
"There are still known start-up issues with SLI enabled NVidia configurations. If you continue to have problems, please try again with SLI disabled. If you are using AMD/ATI, we strongly recommend you use the WHQL drivers as previously instructed, as these are the best settings for this fix."This is good because coincidentally, the game launches tomorrow universally. So those of you on AT&T and such can play the game tomorrow.
Also, Phil Spencer mention on Major Nelson's podcast that the game is getting multiplayer added to it, so hooray again!
At the 14:45 mark, this is the conversation:
"Major: I gotta thank you for Spartan Assault
Phil: It's awesome
Major: Yeah, I'm having a blast with it on my Surface
Phil: I'm looking forward to the multiplayer added, that'll be a good thing and controller support."
I think the multiplayer and controller support info is new thread worthy, along with the fact that multiplayer is being added. Does the OP want to make a version 2.0 thread?
SourceToday, Microsoft announced a new contest that will give 10 people a chance to each win a special version of the 128GB Surface Pro tablet with a "Halo: Spartan Assault" skin. Microsoft gave away some of these Surface Pro models last month at the San Diego Comic-Con but apparently they had a few left over.
Im still waiting for controller support to play this. Anyone know when its coming?
If you're playing the Windows 8 version. Be prepared to wait. The servers for W8 are down. Meaning that you're save-games won't load. And either need to restart all over from the beginning or wait till they come back online.Downloading Hydra update now. Can't wait to check it out. Nice to see 5 new missions being added. I'll updated after it's all updated.
Anyone notice there's a new section for levels?
I can't select it for some reason.
...game content update coming soon?
Anyone notice there's a new section for levels?
I can't select it for some reason.
...game content update coming soon?
Did you update the game again? After downloadig the Hydra update?Anyone had any luck loading games from the server yet? Nothing here so far, I can check my level scores on the leaderboard though :/
Did you update the game again? After downloadig the Hydra update?
Also, am I correct in assuming you need a "wired" Xbox controller, or one of those receivers to use a wireless one?
They're not bad, i was hoping for Geometry Wars controls though (left stick move, right stick shoot) but they are left stick move, right stick aim, RT shoot
I know this must be a stupid question, but how do you update the W8 version? I guess I've been spoiled but the ease of updating console and iOS games over the years. I don't see an option in the game or on the home screen any where.
Also, am I correct in assuming you need a "wired" Xbox controller, or one of those receivers to use a wireless one?