The super units in Blitz just feel flat out broken.So anyone notice the super unit spam in multiplayer?
Their counters aren't effective when everyone on the other team has them all out. :/ Daniel Brewer (Senior Gameplay Designer) and Cassie Arsenault (Senior Blitz Designer) from Creative Assembly for an in-depth look at the four competitive multiplayer game modes included in Halo Wars 2.
No they haven't to my knowledge which is a huge shame. Only match made games seem to grant exp which is a bit sadPlayed a round of Blitz Firefight, that's actually pretty damn fun. Hectic and overwhelming, but I suppose that's the point of Firefight! Was surprised to see it doesn't give you any XP, though? Seems like an odd choice - have they said anything about that?
The super units in Blitz just feel flat out broken.
I'm hoping this is just a kneejerk reaction since the game is young and I am inexperienced, but I can't possibly think of a way to fight back in Blitz against people who keep whipping out Scarabs and Condors.
The super units in Blitz just feel flat out broken.
I'm hoping this is just a kneejerk reaction since the game is young and I am inexperienced, but I can't possibly think of a way to fight back in Blitz against people who keep whipping out Scarabs and Condors.
Spartan with Rush > any mechanical unitOne thing people I dont think most understand on the Super Units in Blitz yet is how much the distinction between being an actual unit and leader power matters. In addition to having the timer that means you don't always have to even fight them (I think it's 40 seconds?), they don't get any refund on energy when the die/expire. Regular units give you 50% back on death.
So if a Scarab kills 600 energy of units (extreme), it's only breaking even on net energy lost. They are good zoning tools and the Condor deals a lot more damage so I like it, but I remove the Scarab from Banished decks once I get their hero units.
So anyone notice the super unit spam in multiplayer?
Their counters aren't effective when everyone on the other team has them all out. :/
Man, what the fuck is going on...? How the hell did MS and 343 think to release the game in this state... Sony is really showing them up. When you have reports of Horizon being one of the most bug-free games during its launch and comparing it to this, you wonder what kind of QA they're doing in there.
Unfortunately that is to be expected as leader rushing and rush tactics in general were dominant in the original Halo Wars. It's the main reason why I still don't have the Running The Show achievement in the original game as I quit playing because of those tactics.Brute Jump pack and Leader Attack spamming seems to be standard which is very very sad.
I think your looking at it with a bit of bias, Halo Anniversary, Halo 4 and Halo 5 were and are polished games. Both game's shipped with no major bugs or issues. I've experienced the odd issue with Halo Wars 2 but nothing really gamebreaking that makes the game unpolished or broken either. As for cheap tactics and the unfair dificulty in the game's campaign I won't be surprised if things get tweaked by CA/343i in future updates to keep the game fresh and balanced.The handling of the Halo Franchise since 343 took over is pretty poor. Dont get why some of the Xbox Team is still okey with that. Seems like 343s philosophy so far is, it kinda works... so ship it.
Last polished Halo game ive seen was from Bungie in 2010 with Halo Reach.
It's weird to see all the complaints about the campaign being impossible on Legendary. Yes the leader power spam is BS and removes the strategy aspect as soon as they go down but I think I only had 4 total or so actual defeats until I learned and adapted to the situation the mission required (outside some disconnect kicking me to menu for whatever reason).So frustrating that I just can't play the game currently, but could easily replay Halo Wars 1 several times Solo and Co-Op on all various difficulties. Heck even Legendary was a non-issue for me and I helped several people with it and even 100%'ed the game again from December to January.
In Halo Wars 2, you are just getting fucked by the cheap and unbalanced AI even on Normal. I feel like the biggest casual admitting this, but I couldn't even beat Mission 11 in co-op on Normal and to save us frustration, we switched to Easy and still weren't able to get the Bonus Objectives done.
Feel so disappointed in this game, because it's just not a good sequel. So many disappointing things about it.
Yeah the first two points are surely the most disappointing ones to me and the others would be cool too.I think its not cool that:
- no xp in skirmish and firefight
- for daily/weekly only matchmake counts
- no campaign mission in daily/weekly
- no cool stuff like play a match only with units from barracks etc in daily/weekly
And I think the stats are broken, even if I won a match (3 vs KI) it counts sometimes as defeat lol
As for the AI, win in a match made match 3vAI win only gets registered if you eliminate them by destroying their base regardless of game mode.
Winning by conditions like capture point or stronghold nets a defeat regardless.
I think its not cool that:
- no xp in skirmish and firefight
- for daily/weekly only matchmake counts
- no campaign mission in daily/weekly
- no cool stuff like play a match only with units from barracks etc in daily/weekly
And I think the stats are broken, even if I won a match (3 vs KI) it counts sometimes as defeat lol
As for the AI, win in a match made match 3vAI win only gets registered if you eliminate them by destroying their base regardless of game mode.
Winning by conditions like capture point or stronghold nets a defeat regardless.
Lol is this a bug or intended ?
Seems like a huge bug to me.Wtf is this? This cannot be intended right? This was probably going to be my mode of choice after I finish the campaign.
Number one is my biggest issue with the current reward system. My other one being that it's unclear* when you get packs and there's no way to buy them outside of using real currency.I think its not cool that:
- no xp in skirmish and firefight
- for daily/weekly only matchmake counts
- no campaign mission in daily/weekly
- no cool stuff like play a match only with units from barracks etc in daily/weekly
And I think the stats are broken, even if I won a match (3 vs KI) it counts sometimes as defeat lol
Daily and weekly + levelNumber one is my biggest issue with the current reward system. My other one being that it's unclear* when you get packs and there's no way to buy them outside of using real currency.
*Completing campaign missions for the first time and levelling up, wins don't give you a pack, what else does give you packs?
It's weird to see all the complaints about the campaign being impossible on Legendary. Yes the leader power spam is BS and removes the strategy aspect as soon as they go down but I think I only had 4 total or so actual defeats until I learned and adapted to the situation the mission required (outside some disconnect kicking me to menu for whatever reason).
ThanksDaily and weekly + level
I can see that, some missions are designed for turtle cityIts not impossible. Ill get around to finishing it, I have two missions left. However, this is the first time Legendary has felt like a chore to me. Im not enjoying it at all. I actually enjoyed some of the earlier missions, but some of these later ones are just shit. On the Foundry mission it gave me a checkpoint right when my Scarab was about to blow up. (I just tried to rush the Banshee base at the end hoping it would end the mission, it doesnt though.) So I have to restart the whole thing, lol.
Some disconnecting issues for mp and some reported graphical issues.Nothing majorily broken with the PC release no? About to pull the trigger. Also, any sort of cross play with it?
PC datamined:
Pre-order leader1 is Cutter I suppose?PC datamined:
PC datamined:
Pre-order leader1 is Cutter I suppose?
I hope that'll see a full Sentinel faction.
I meant that one. Don't know how I managed to type Cutter...Isn't it Forge?
I think its not cool that:
- no xp in skirmish and firefight
- for daily/weekly only matchmake counts
- no campaign mission in daily/weekly
- no cool stuff like play a match only with units from barracks etc in daily/weekly
And I think the stats are broken, even if I won a match (3 vs KI) it counts sometimes as defeat lol
PC datamined: