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Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel. 1400+ killed, 2400+ wounded, 240+ abducted. Israel declares war

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So as Muricans, what do some of you on here think is gonna happen about all this?

Like do you think this makes people catch a bit of a wake up with radicalisation and brainwashing in education, do you think trump winning or an independent is gonna change these sorts of things?

Or is it inevitably just going end up down the road of communism and Marxism? Or sadly and I really hope this doesn't happen, do you think it's gonna get worse and a potential civil war is coming?

I know this treads on politics but I genuinely wanna know from people in America if they think all this madness since October 7th is going to change anything or continue its course.

Nothing changed after BLM and antifa and all those riots, students continued to be radicalized, I dunno it just makes me worried for the US sake seeing things continually progress this way


Was over at Reeee and saw a post celebrating the streamer Hasanabi? Called Hasan i guess. The post said this as an answer to critisism against him from a fellow reee poster: "Hasan's content covers a lot of topics and if you're gonna let his initial Ukraine invasion takes make you dismiss him wholesale then you're gonna lose a major asset for online leftist influence. Like his coverage of Palenstine has caused a lot of gen Z students join these college protests in the first place. I watched dozens of students of the USC encampment come up to him last week and thanked him for radicalizing them".

So yeah, no double standards from thoose creatures as per usual. If it anybody else doing something "wrong" cancel them fast as fuck, if its someone of them self, protect them at all cost no matter what.


Gold Member
My roommate was telling me last night that she would love to go out to UNLV join the pro Palestinian protests.

I'm not at all surprised at that but it leaves a little bit of a hollow feeling in my chest. I specifically do not talk politics with her because she's far to the left. Thankfully, other than her politics she's pretty alright.

Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Gold Member
My roommate was telling me last night that she would love to go out to UNLV join the pro Palestinian protests.

I'm not at all surprised at that but it leaves a little bit of a hollow feeling in my chest. I specifically do not talk politics with her because she's far to the left. Thankfully, other than her politics she's pretty alright.
You gotta give her that Vitamin D, sounds like she is severely deficient and it's affecting her mental health....

edit: ooph, saw the second post that says the roomie is a transperson, now my comment aged poorly :p
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So as Muricans, what do some of you on here think is gonna happen about all this?

Like do you think this makes people catch a bit of a wake up with radicalisation and brainwashing in education, do you think trump winning or an independent is gonna change these sorts of things?

Or is it inevitably just going end up down the road of communism and Marxism? Or sadly and I really hope this doesn't happen, do you think it's gonna get worse and a potential civil war is coming?

I know this treads on politics but I genuinely wanna know from people in America if they think all this madness since October 7th is going to change anything or continue its course.

Nothing changed after BLM and antifa and all those riots, students continued to be radicalized, I dunno it just makes me worried for the US sake seeing things continually progress this way

Nothing is going to change. It's quite a reach to fear a Communist revolution because of a few protests.


You know if any of these dipshits went to an ivy league school on their parent's dime and got expelled over going full Nazi, I think that should be justifiable homicide when the parent kills the little shit.


Gold Member
At this point, the FAA should start considering putting some of these people on the no-fly list. Just in case.


Gold Member
Put it this way.

Whether it's advice on life, jobs, finances, being a parent, politics or even something boring like painting a wall. Why would anyone give a bunch of 20 year old college kids any time of day?

They are idiots, unless someone wants advice on keg chugging or OD'ing on fentanyl.


OD'ing on fentanyl.
Tease GIF by Shark Week


Gold Member

I kinda wish they would just cut water/power to the pace and board all the doors/windows FROM THE OUTSIDE. Give 'em a few days to lose power to all their phones, start to get thirsty, tired, and hungry, then march them out one by one. Expell all the students, take everything in their dorm rooms to sell to help pay for damages, sue them all, jail them all.

Protesting in a specified area is ok, and surprise, no one will care because this issue isn't actually a real one. But accepting lawlessness, destruction, vandalism, and violence as "awww, they just kids, let 'em have their fun" is a toxic message.

Of course if these were pro-lifers 'occupying' an abortion clinic these very same people would be screeching to let the dogs loose on them or just burn the building down.


Gold Member
I'm sure most of this lot considers themselves environmentalists

LOL. What a surprise.

Amazing how protester mobs and homeless/drug tent cities look similar.

On the plus side, this type of crap is almost always on school campuses (recent thing) or downtown (or close to it). So nowhere near I'd live. There's perks to living in quiet suburban neighbourhoods. Lowlifes dont bother amassing there.

$100 it's gonna be fraternities/sororities with lots of jewish members that volunteer to clean this mess up.

Like anything in life, well to do responsible people have to act as city-wide babysitters and clean up crew after manchildren go apeshit.
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Jinzo Prime

There are some who quit Labour over it and gone indie, those are some of the seats you're seeing above. Any MP who wasn't supporting Israel or voting like the rest were nudged out.
I saw that Corbyn was gone, I guess that was the start of the party cleaning up.


I saw that Corbyn was gone, I guess that was the start of the party cleaning up.
How far behind are you???? Labour have been Center for a while now, they've been doing their best to shed any "Left" values, which is why a lot of left leaning people in the UK are feeling politically homeless and that's why Green, Lib Dems and Indies have picked up a lot of votes this time.

Jinzo Prime

How far behind are you???? Labour have been Center for a while now, they've been doing their best to shed any "Left" values, which is why a lot of left leaning people in the UK are feeling politically homeless and that's why Green, Lib Dems and Indies have picked up a lot of votes this time.
Sorry, I thought Starmer took over only very recently; everything that Corbyn says gets lots of coverage as if he were still important to the party. I guess it's just the media trying to hang Corbyn around Labour's neck.


How far behind are you???? Labour have been Center for a while now, they've been doing their best to shed any "Left" values, which is why a lot of left leaning people in the UK are feeling politically homeless and that's why Green, Lib Dems and Indies have picked up a lot of votes this time.
Labour are most certainly not centre. Just as the Tories aren't right.

Labour are just masquerading as centrists to get elected. Just as the Tories pretend to be right wing to get elected.


Labour are most certainly not centre. Just as the Tories aren't right.

Labour are just masquerading as centrists to get elected. Just as the Tories pretend to be right wing to get elected.
They're both Centre just a different flavour, that's why it's sad and why Labour now have the name "Red Tory's". There's no real Left leaning party anymore, and anyone Right leaning at least has Reform.


Gold Member
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