^ I assume you're aware of charge attacks?
This is probably the best game on the eShop right now. Yes, better than Pushmo. I mean, i cannot remember the last time I was so charmed by a game. And it's SO ADDICTIVE.
Game Freak, :bow.
They really should do non Pokemon stuff more often.
Yes but charged attacks just don't seem worth the effort on the off chance you miss the charge during a pattern and boom less notes you earn.
While I'm normally a fan of charming little Nintendo games, this one comes off as almost a bit too childish. I feel like I stole it from a five-year-old or something.
Yes but charged attacks just don't seem worth the effort on the off chance you miss the charge during a pattern and boom less notes you earn.
I'm one of the biggest Pushmo/Crashmo fans around, and I could see myself agreeing with this. It's just rad. I'm not playing it yet 'cause I'm a little busy at the moment and I know if I start, I'll be instantly addicted.![]()
Paul Stanley bird. Amazing.
But 5 bonus stages, 5 generations of Pokemon... There's no Drill Dozer stage, is there?![]()
There's no reason at all for them to not make DLC for this game. NONE AT ALL.
Game's really fun, but Jezzus is it wordy.
Like, I don't need any exposition in my rhythm games. Let me just play. At least when Gitaroo-Man did it, it story was quirky, stupid and totally insane.
Played though the first two worlds. The game is good... but I'm pretty disappointed overall. I was honestly shocked that there's essentially one song per world, and I don't much like the few songs that are there. I don't even think the remixes of the pokemon songs are especially well-done. The core gameplay is good, though I honestly don't much like the charging-up mechanic; I often feel like I have to rush myself in a way that isn't in line with the music to get in as many charged swings as possible. I just don't like that mechanic. I'm just not digging this game in the same way I have pretty much every other rhythm game. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me, and I certainly think it's enjoyable overall, but I expected to like it a lot more.
Edit: also, my main beef: Why doesn't the game tell me how well I'm doing? As long as you're not brain-dead it will say "great", but that's not really helpful. Tell me what the highest possible score is for each level! Or at least reward me in some way for achieving high scores on levels!
Thanks for this, it didn't seem many reviews picked up on it. Personally it irks me when there are facts about song count presented misleadingly (what is it with rhythm games inflating their song counts...no Theatrhythm I don't count the op/ed songs are actual gameplay). Say over 70 stages, fine. Over 70 songs but they're really 15 but remixed...Played though the first two worlds. The game is good... but I'm pretty disappointed overall. I was honestly shocked that there's essentially one song per world, and I don't much like the few songs that are there.
I'm also in the "£12? Get outa here" camp.
I find it odd that people are having so much trouble with the bosses. The bosses seem really easy to me. The timing seems to be a lot more forgiving on boss levels than it is on the regular levels. I've never missed more than two beats on any boss fight but I'm constantly missing stuff during the levels.
Avatars swiped from the official site and formatted for GAF, if anyone wants:
I'm also in the "£12? Get outa here" camp.
This game seems like it's far more forgiving ig you're slightly late than if you're slightly early. So many time's, I've felt like I hit it on time, but got that horrible boink sound instead, where you hit the enemy but it doesn't count. Then so many other times, I've felt like I was clearly late, but the game still accepted it as a hit.
Like the drums you bounce on. I've stopped even trying to hit those on time. It seems like I can hit them up to an eighth note late and it still accepts it. But a fraction of a note early, and nope.
So I have Gold on every 2x stage except the very last one. That very last stage is just bananas. I keep telling myself to calm down after playing it. lol
Edit: Yay, finally did it! I now have gold on every single stage!
Good god. Even the fifth Pokemon stage? I tried it once on fast and promptly died. I could barely hit the buttons fast enough on normal. Hell if I could hit those eighth notes on fast. I was just coming into this thread to declare it impossible.
And that last level, man. I just barely finished it on normal with a silver. That last part, where the camera turns around? I must have died there like a dozen times, and plenty more times before. I'm so glad I had two hits left at the end, because if that last little screw you flame after I thought the level was done had killed me, I might have hulked out and crushed my 3DS.
Got all the birds and it unlockAnd yeah, the game looks really good. Loving the art style.a secret world! I was pleased since you need to finish the game to get the last bird.