Both season passes are up in the EU store, 25 for the Song Club and 50 for the Costume Club. Are we getting the game at midnight?
I'm hoping so. I might just have to skip classes tomorrow.
Both season passes are up in the EU store, 25 for the Song Club and 50 for the Costume Club. Are we getting the game at midnight?
2D Dream Fever is weird because it just sounds like a bunch of random rhythms were just mashed together and none of it makes sense. It gets even worse when the guitar solos happen, because seriously, what the hell is the guitar even doing?
Just asking, what are the chances of getting that Weiβ Schwarz card in an European copy? I'm waiting for mine (it was supposed to arrive today but it didn't :/), and since I've seen that the EU copy doesn't have an instruction booklet I'd be quite saddened if I got a completely empty box (well, other than the game of course)
I got one in my copy (UK), though it doesn't seem to do anything in game as far as i can tell.
Holy hell this game is destroying me on normal. I don't remember being this terrible with the original. Will be sticking to easy for the time being![]()
From what I understand, Normal no longer is just two buttons, but all four now? At the very least, I won't be as bored having to unlock the harder difficulties.
It's still only 2 buttons.
What is the recommended module set for Glory 3usi9? I thought I unlocked most of the modules, but apparently not.
Hm. Seems there's another after 5 times. Uuuugh annoying.Look at unlockables, it's usually the one you unlock for playing the song the first time
Hm. Seems there's another after 5 times. Uuuugh annoying.
Just unlocked it. (Unlock spoiler.)Ill run through it on hard and see if that is what is needed to get it
Unlocked oversized glasses... ugh
Finally got it. Ordered from Best Buy NA.
Were these cards exclusive to some retailers? I never got one![]()
From Sega:
"Thank you for contacting us. SEGA was able to receive a small number of the cards for Weiß Schwarz, a trading card game produced by Bushiroad, for inclusion in the North American retail copies of Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd. This card also functions as a AR Card for use in AR Live Mode. However, the amount was not enough to fulfill the higher than expected demand for the game. The AR cards were then packaged randomly into our initial retail allocation with the intention for fans to receive them at random. The AR Live Card from the first Project DIVA f also works with Project DIVA F 2nd and provides the same functionality as the Weiß Schwarz card. It can be accessed here
For more information about the Weiß Schwarz trading card game, please visit"
Stupidest way of distributing them period. Should have just made them one retailer exclusive so people that want it could for sure get it.
So for those of us who had bad luck of the draw and got no card, can someone scan it in so we can print it out? While they have the cards online for the original Diva f, they don't have this one from Diva f 2nd online.
Well, no Project Diva midnight release in Europe.
Time to go to bed then.
It was a lottery, as mentioned earlier:
Slightly worried about the difficulty now reading this. I found normal on the previous game to be more than enough.
Stay up, it's on psn now![]()
... HOW. I can't even get a perfect score on Intense Singing on Normal. Damn, you hardcore players make me feel like such a scrub...Yay!
This is a pretty fun song to play around with. Although I never played any of the older games, I've seen the videos of how this song used to be and I'm glad they changed it. The way it used to be just looks really annoying and lazily designed. Now to work on a perfect for 2D Dream Fever. I think I've got just about all that figured out, so it's just a matter of putting together the pieces.
Also happy this has a calibrate option.
For curiosity sake, what values did you guys get?
The calibration test gave me +11 on my Vita, havent tried playing a song with this calibration yet though.
The Ievan Polka Extreme Tutorial just destroyed me. I should probably get through hard mode first.
This is a pretty fun song to play around with. Although I never played any of the older games, I've seen the videos of how this song used to be and I'm glad they changed it. The way it used to be just looks really annoying and lazily designed. Now to work on a perfect for 2D Dream Fever. I think I've got just about all that figured out, so it's just a matter of putting together the pieces.
Using the sticks on Vita makes star notes almost too easy. I'm getting the impression that I'm cheating or something, but I think I'll get over it. I'm not having much trouble on normal (yet) but then again I know the songs pretty well.