No more songs will be released.
Did we get all the ones the jp version did?
No more songs will be released.
So, this is my first Miku game and it's waaay better than I expected. I finished all the normal tracks and now I'm like 70% of the hard ones. The tracklist is pretty nice but I wish it was more varied, I mean, Meiko has 2 songs? Seriously? Welp. At least "Break it, Break it" is excellent.
How's PDf/F in that regard?On average that's about 1.5 more solo songs than she usually gets.
How's PDf/F in that regard?
No, I mean, is it like PDF2nd where it's like 95% Miku?Two songs - Stay With Me and Nostalgic. (And Nostalgic, being Nostalgic, doesn't even really sound like her at all.)
No, I mean, is it like PDF2nd where it's like 95% Miku?
Well, yes, but since they're bothering to include other vocaloids I didn't expect it to be so one-sided.I'm not sure why you would expect it to be much different when her name is part of the series' title.
After slowly taking my time going through all the songs with the Stealthy Target challenge item, I finally cleared all of them with it:
Just need to clear everything with Cool Perfectionist+ and I'll have all the titles for clearing songs with challenge items, but that can wait until later.
I can manage most of the songs with Stealthy Target on pretty well, but some of them are just hell to play. Like Kagerou Daze. And Intense Voice.
Now to never touch Stealthy Target ever again.
That it was! I was really happy to be there and see it in person.
Let me do it intentionally then!
The Hatsune Miku facebook page posted dates for Magical Mirai 2015 in September. 4-6th. It'll be at Nippon Budokan, which will look a lot more impressive than the weirdly school gym-esque arena for Mirai 2014 in Osaka.
While not a sale, I pre-ordered another game from them last year. It was "In stock" for some days after release, then it was "Back-ordered". When I saw that I cancelled my order and went with Amazon. Then the game was "Discontinued" at Rice Digital so I guess they never got more copies.Hey, has anyone ordered the game from Rice Digital during their sale?
It is supposedly on backorder and it's my first ever purchase there so I wonder if I am going to wait for 2 months before I eventually get the money back or they do genuinely wait for the stock... People here on GAF seem to really like that website so I wonder if anyone has a similar experience...
While not a sale, I pre-ordered another game from them last year. It was "In stock" for some days after release, then it was "Back-ordered". When I saw that I cancelled my order and went with Amazon. Then the game was "Discontinued" at Rice Digital so I guess they never got more copies.
So I'm very wary when it comes to ordering from them, it's the main reason I'm hesitating on ordering Mirai DX from them, because I don't really trust them.
So this is kind of a super belated question, but how's the difficulty spread on the DLC songs? It's been an eternity since I last played the game, but somebody reminded me the last DLC song was released a short while ago, and I'd decided not to pay attention to them until they were all out and the song pack reached its maximum immediate value.
That sounds... disappointing, even though I just wanted something moderately challenging and didn't need another Envy Cat Walk or Dream Fever. Maybe I should listen to all the songs, figure out which ones I like musically the most, then only get the top 3 or 4 hardest songs from that selection, despite the lesser value...There's a wide spread of difficulty, tending towards easy. You won't find a new hardest song here, but you will probably find songs easier than the easiest song in the base game.
Difficulty tops out at songs like Rolling Girl, which are fairly challenging.
I genuinely like the entire DLC set myself. It only trends easy because they, for the most part, try to represent the original note charts. This may or may not include Rosary Pale, which I think has the only pattern in the game that cannot be accomplished without "dual wielding".That sounds... disappointing, even though I just wanted something moderately challenging and didn't need another Envy Cat Walk or Dream Fever. Maybe I should listen to all the songs, figure out which ones I like musically the most, then only get the top 3 or 4 hardest songs from that selection, despite the lesser value...
For now, I probably need to load up the game and see what the difficulties were for the most fun hard songs to play in the base song list. Then I can use that as a guideline for what to buy from the DLC set.
What "original note charts" are you talking about here? Are these all modified charts from Diva Arcade or something?I genuinely like the entire DLC set myself. It only trends easy because they, for the most part, try to represent the original note charts. This may or may not include Rosary Pale, which I think has the only pattern in the game that cannot be accomplished without "dual wielding".
And if also think the Song Club is such a good deal that no one who enjoys the game should pass it up. It's literally 16 songs for the price of 10, even before accounting for the fact NA DLC prices were 2/3 of JP DLC prices.
What "original note charts" are you talking about here? Are these all modified charts from Diva Arcade or something?
Haha, they aren't even new songs to the franchise? I mean, I knew half the songs on the disc were from older games too, but man...The DLC songs are all (except Rosary Pale) taken from the PSP games. Soooome of the charts are a little bit tougher, but others not so much.
I thought all the DLC songs were way too easy. It never took me more than three tries to perfect any them on Extreme, including Rolling Girl. The song club was still totally worth it imo, since most of them are at least fun enough to play.
Haha, they aren't even new songs to the franchise? I mean, I knew half the songs on the disc were from older games too, but man...
Guess I really need to listen to them to see how much I like them. Regardless of much fun they are to play, if they provide zero challenge I might as well just save my money and watch youtubes of the PVs instead. Might buy the hardest 2 or 3 though.
This wiki page ( has a list of the difficulty rankings for each DLC song; is it accurate? I guess I can use that combined with how each song sounds to decide if it's worth it.A bunch of old songs were voted on to be in the game, and the ones that didn't make it at first got released as DLC. And Rosary Pale. It's kinda blergy that they only dipped into Arcade exclusives for one Kaito song. It was nowhere on my list of Arcade songs I wished they'd have ported over, but oh well. Maybe someday we'll all have Systematic Love.
You could watch gameplay on YT and see if they look too easy for you. The hardest ones are, I think, Solitude's End and Rolling Girl, but they're not really "hard" as much as just "kinda fast and spammy".
What "original note charts" are you talking about here? Are these all modified charts from Diva Arcade or something?
I know the full package DLC is a deal compared to separate songs, but $30 is still a hefty price to pay for what amounts to an expansion pack of just the songs, without the modules that are meant to accompany them.
This wiki page ( has a list of the difficulty rankings for each DLC song; is it accurate? I guess I can use that combined with how each song sounds to decide if it's worth it.
You don't say.Really? I think it's a great value. There isn't any song in the DLC I don't like and I think they're all fun to play.
I bought every DLC as it came out in Japan AND own the NA Song and Costume Clubs on top of it, so my value perceptions might be a bit distorted though.
As long as they can offer at least some challenge...That's just the difficulty ratings they have in the game. They're about right most of the time, though I'd say the 9 star songs are more like 8.5 stars. And the 8.5s are more like 8s.
Real talk, though? I think it's all pretty worth it. The updated PVs look great, too.
Guys i have a problem
I have project diva F2 on vita ( JPN version ) and i've activated cross the menu. i can't connect to PSN .
i don't know why.
I have the Diva F2 ( eu version ) on the same vita , and like the other game i can't connect to PSN ( in order to upload or download my save )
My vita is up to date , both games are up to date. what am i missing ?
i'm talking abourt the cross save feature , BTW
Guys i have a problem
I have project diva F2 on vita ( JPN version ) and i've activated cross the menu. i can't connect to PSN .
i don't know why.
I have the Diva F2 ( eu version ) on the same vita , and like the other game i can't connect to PSN ( in order to upload or download my save )
My vita is up to date , both games are up to date. what am i missing ?
i'm talking abourt the cross save feature , BTW
Everything is up to date.Is your Vita's firmware up to date? That's the only reason I can think of preventing from accessing psn.
There is something wrong with Project Diva F 2nd online on Vita!
The game refuses to connect to PSN sometimes.
If u will go to "Network" you will see that the WIFI is not even connected when u hold the PS button. I tired logging in on store and the reverted to game still had the error. "Unable to connect to PSN" This kept on till last night and finally I was able to connect. I had no issues to connect to "Network" on PD: F.
It might just be because slow songs in rhythm games tend to bore me, or me accidentally rushing to hit the notes faster than I should be, but it's just wrong that the slower songs trip me up more than the faster ones.
Faster is often easier in rhythm games, at a sufficient skill level - which is why some advanced games let you set the speed as you like and don't even reward you for faster speeds.
A lot of it does, as you say, have to do with slow notes giving you too big of a window to screw up. Once you know you can hit a note when you see it, you don't need that window anymore.
So is there any advice I could possibly receive for the last 3 songs on Extreme? I had a really hard time beating Envy Cat Walk and the closest I got to beating Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku was 79.9%.
Pattern: Cross Triangle Triangle Triangle
Buttons pressed: Cross Up Triangle Up
Pattern: Cross Triangle Triangle Triangle
Buttons pressed: Cross Triangle Up Triangle
For Intense Voice:
If you are at a level where only the 3 hardest songs are giving you trouble, then there is no excuse for not pulling off a 206-note combo at the start of the song. It's way simpler than it looks.
After that, you will need to get the Chance Time bonus (filling up the star). With time, this will also be simpler than it looks, since most of it requires spamming the same note followed by some arrow notes. It might look daunting at the beginning, but after you figure it out, you'll be able to pull it off. Dual wielding is a must, of course.
After that and until the end of the song, you'll probably need to ignore the song and focus on the rhythm of the buttons. For example, right after Chance Time, the rhythm of the buttons becomes something like this:
ta ta ta tarata - ta ta tarata - ta ta tarata
...where every syllable represents a button. Some more patterns like this one show up after that. It's a matter of figuring them out. Playing with button sounds on may help for this.
Wow that helped a lot, I managed an 85% on Intense Voice.
Status: PV & Notes
BPM: 181
Difficulty: 8 Stars
Names Mentioned: Song by Neru
Song MP3:
Upload ID: yUgr3 ?L8zH aA#ZA zQZau hz
Online ID: MilesEdgeworth
Side Notes: I think this came out a little easier than I intended, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Wish I could've put in lyrics, but I ran out of space. I had to cheat on the camera placements just to get all the lip movements in.
If you try it, I hope you like it, comments are welcome.
MilesEdgeworth posted a new edit for those interested!
It didn't seem like it would catch much traction since that subreddit is pretty dead.
Posting from mobile, sorry for any weird formatting...
Hey, thanks for sharing! It's fun to play, it throws some stuff at me I'm not used to![]()