Happy Birthday, Miku!! ^___^

'Brocoloid the Game,' yo.
Couldn't have picked a more appropriate day for this to arrive! Nice timing, VG+
Good news, I also took delivery of a capture device - so hoping to get a twitch stream up and running as soon as possible. You can look forward to my terrible performances as I continue to get to grips with my controller... details to follow![]()
aww what. I beat B☆RS and expected at least a costume inspired by it, but I didn't expect to get Running Miku instead. I feel trolled.
Happy Birthday Miku!
And a shout-out to all the GAF folks who have come and said hi to us at the Miku booth here at PAX. Great seeing you all, and good luck in tomorrow's competition!![]()
'After all this time I didn't know you can take screenshots of almost any PS3 game lol
Switched over to Perfectionist on Hard difficulty and the points are rolling. Feels good man
Man, I get too many Goods.
I don't get why Goods count against you, they count towards Perfect, I think (still never got one).
Some of stream greatest hits.
Ill add actual songs tomorrow
If only we had some audio of your reactions to go along with it.
I didn't want to block out Miku with my screaming gibberish and stuttering disbelief.
"I, the glorious leatherhat, failed a song? IMPOSSIBLE!"
My lord, where's some subtitles for the music. I'm mildly curious what the crap is being said in Rin Chan Now (which is to say, addicting for whatever reason to watch). Pretty solid game all around. Can get most of the hard mode stuff done on Great. Extreme on the other hand. I'm not sure if it's intended to be played on a pad.
I'm contemplating buying the huge arcade controller. Someone please stop me before I hurt my wallet.
All of the sudden I just NEED it.
I actually find Perfectionist to be an easier way to get lots of Diva Points than Mega Survival. At least on Normal difficulty. On Hard...yeah, Mega Survival would probably be easier, at least initially.
I cannot do Freely Tomorrow with Perfectionist.
The Technical Zone with all the star notes... I can't freaking cool all that X_x
Man, that Art collection bronze trophy was a pain in the ass. Probably spent over an hour going in and out of menus just to get 1 piece of art.
I think their thinking there is that most people are not going to have timing good enough to afford them a lot of leeway when using Perfectionist -- I think you need a cool rate of what, 70-75% just to survive? You may be able to get 50 misses and pass, but you can also fail with a full combo.Not necessarily. I feel that--as long as your timing is generally okay--Mega Survival is always more difficult, because with Perfectionist you can break combo a whole bunch but still recover your gauge. You can get away with 20 or 30 misses in a song and still clear it. With Mega Survival, get a few misses and you're already out. It baffles me that Mega Survival gives fewer points than Perfectionist.
Hurt the wallet. Hurt it so much will never recover.
Anyone have pointers on lag calibration? Like, which direction is which, and is it easier to tell the different on faster or slower tempos?
Also, does it make any difference if I plug in the DS3 over USB, or does it communicate over BlueTooth regardless?