It would be a lot of work and Blizzard doesn't seem to be too fond of work.
Awesome brawl, I won my first try as a pally. I had great team work with my partner. I sent him a friend request.
I got Malygos as well from the pack!!!!!!!
I have no idea what is going on in this brawl lol
Won the first brawl I was in, had to "Lorewalker Cho" a couple of buffs to my co-op Priest partner so he could buff a minion to win. We'd have died the next turn.
Edge of the seat stuff. Not sure if I'll be doing it again so soon, though...
I haven't been in the HS scene for a few months, can someone summarize what's currently "wrong" with Hearthstone? Did the expansion fuck things up or something?
Damn, I'm kind of excited on trying out this co-op brawl.
By the way, is it worth getting the Blizzcon 2015 cardback? Does it at least look better than last year's, if anyone has a picture?
Great idea.This is the point where they (should) make all brawls available to play with friends at all times. This one is too good to play on a couple of days every few months.
is it a regular thing what skill he uses on what turn or at what HP he is at?
See Kripparrian's video "How Fast is Too Fast?"
I am a little disappointed that the Brawl used pre made decks. I guess they could not figure out a way to make the Brawl work with BGH, silence and Black Knight LOL!
I am a little disappointed that the Brawl used pre made decks. I guess they could not figure out a way to make the Brawl work with BGH, silence and Black Knight LOL!
I am a little disappointed that the Brawl used pre made decks. I guess they could not figure out a way to make the Brawl work with BGH, silence and Black Knight LOL!
I want to see someone pull the Thaddius dream in this Brawl.
Thaddius into double Blessed Champion.
So hearthstone doesn't make much money?
See Kripparrian's video "How Fast is Too Fast?"
Came close but fell short on my first attempt. Do you get anything if you win?
It seems the feedback has woken Ben Brode on Twitter.
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