Random thoughts/musings after looking through some of the cards.
Djinni of Zephyrs. Any chance this sees play? Could be a really powerful effect in the right deck. I guess the problem is finding that deck. Priest and Paladin seem obvious. What about Shaman? Ancestral Spirit synergy? It's not like the stats are bad either.
Unearthed Raptor. Does this just change the name of the game for Rogue? I can definitely picture a deck running Nerubian Eggs, Piloted Shredders, Sludge Belchers, Sylvanas and Anu'barak. Granted you only get two raptors but all of these cards are pretty good on their own. Being a 3/4 for 3 with such a powerful effect just seems too good not to use. Certainly potential there to breed a whole new type of Rogue deck.
Get wrecked face hunter.
That 3 drop for Rogue is just going to enable them to play a deck that is the same shit as other decks and then have an Oil tacked in there. Like I said it's exactly the type of card that the game did not need yet is still getting it anyway.
Nerubian Egg/ Dr 3/ Dr 4 / Dr 5 (Belcher) / Dr 6 ( Sylvanas) / Dr 7
Shaman got nerfed in this adventure. Like, they some how are going to be worse relative to a few other classes getting better. Unless there's some crazy synergy in the neutral cards that I haven't found yet, Shaman are even more dead than they already were.
I'm literally running a basically unmodified Mech Shaman right now with only GvG and earlier cards... because nothing has come out to improve upon that deck and no other Shaman deck is better than that. Shaman is my favorite class. It's just still so bad and that makes me sad and I guess also super salty.![]()
Apparently Blizzard's idea to fix Rogue was to make it more like every other class
Long story short: TT and UE make older Overload cards more attractive (Lightning Storm, Forked Lightning, Spirit Wolves, Stormforged Axe). RE makes Battlecry effects more attractive, especially the cheaper ones. Combine a little bit of each and you might have something that can work.
Reynad is just a fantastic caster
You need to add Brann in there as well. Cheap pirates with battle cries will synergise very well with it, not to mention the regular Shaman cards.
The 7/7 also has some potential synergy with elemental destruction.
Was Hyped paid to sit there and do nothing?
doesnt hyped not really play anymore
That's interesting.Weapon OTK Warrior with Brand and Bloodsail?
Death's Bite or Gorehowl up, play Brand, Bloodsail, Charge, Double Inner Rage
Death's Bite version : 4 dam + 10 + 2 + 4 = 20 damage burst
Gorehowl : 7 dam + 16 + 2 + 4 = 29
Toss an Upgrade for 23 on DB and 32 for Gorehowl
So like Paladin?Sure it sounds great on paper... if you get a perfect curve otherwise it's just bad.
That's interesting.
You can probably also do Worgen OTKs with stuff like Abusive Sergeants and Brann.
Worgen + Inner Rage = Worgen goes up to 6 with Windfury. Charge carge takes it to 8 damage plus Charge. Brann + double Abusives gives it +8 damage for a total of 16 damage. That's OTK without even using a weapon.
Pirate rogue and mech rogue playable? OKAY.
Why are you bringing up Midrange Paladin when there's a top tier Paladin deck that runs 10+ spells? You know what else runs 10 or more spells in a Midrange deck? Druid with double Savage, double Force, double Wrath, double Swipe, Living Roots, double Wild Growth, double Innervate. Or how about Patron Warrior with double Whirlwind, double Inner Rage, double Battle Rage, Slam, Bash, sometimes Brawl, double Execute.Paladin doesn't need many spells to be playable. Paladin has a hero power that fills the board and can use their mana all the time. That' why they curve well without any card draw and have board presence all the time. That style of play won't work here. Just start making a rogue deck and you will see you need like 10 spells minimum. Midrange paladin runs like 4 spells tops in comparison. If you cut those spells your deck is just really weak. You can't play without deadly poison, sap, eviscerate etc while paladin can play with just running many minions which will ensure reliable curves.
Pirate rogue and mech rogue playable? OKAY.
Why are you bringing up Midrange Paladin when there's a top tier Paladin deck that runs 10+ spells? You know what else runs 10 or more spells in a Midrange deck? Druid with double Savage, double Force, double Wrath, double Swipe, Living Roots, double Wild Growth, double Innervate. Or how about Patron Warrior with double Whirlwind, double Inner Rage, double Battle Rage, Slam, Bash, sometimes Brawl, double Execute.
Pirate and Mech Rogues are just a few more solid minions away from being pretty strong. Unlike Pirates and Mechs there are much stronger death rattle minions out there as many are strong standalone.
You don't even need the dream with this 3 drop. You can copy a Haunted Creeper or a Leper Gnome.
All I am saying is that if this card gets used it will be in that form of deck. Maybe it's good maybe its not but the point is that the deck this card enables isn't interesting and it's stuff we are used to seeing already.
Rogue's card set is built around gaining tempo advantage... for a turn or two before you finish the game. You can't play the long game of board battles. This card isn't going to change that, you will be obliterated by just about any class.
Unlike Houndmaster, this 3 mana card is great stats for a 3 so even if you drop it naked you won't feel disgusted with yourself afterwards. That's why this card is great.Muster is good because it doesn't have to hit anything, it's not a situational card. It's always good to play it and you get full value, and don't forget light's justice, a free ping for 4 turns is great tempo. All the Doctors are like that, this card is more similar to a houndmaster if anything else and that card has far more synergy with hunter cards than this does and you just run one at most, it's definitely not a bad card but building a deck around it? I don't think so. How many deathrattles you can fit in a rogue deck?
It's not an aggro meta it's a tempo meta. With the way that Hearthstone works, often that is the same.I always have to chuckle to myself when people complain about the 'aggro' meta and I jump into ranked play. The meta is more diverse than anybody gives it credit for.