Both Tempo Mage and Control Warrior use Dr Boom.
Awesome, hope it helps others
She isn't really, but as far as popular characters go, she's the most obvious choice for Rogue
The most obvious choice for Rogue is and always has been Garona.
The fact that Valeera was chosen as the Rogue hero over her has always baffled me.
She's guaranteed to be nerfed, meaning that she's worth 1600 dust for you. Wait.Should I hold onto a duplicate alexstraza in case of a nerf coming up with the new expansion or DE it now?
Also what's with the hunter deck I ran into 5 times in a row with alexstraza and rag.
Well, she was going to have a starring role in Warcraft 3 before being dropped, and then was in WoW's beta before being removed from the game for over half a decade, so I'm assuming they're just really not very fond of her.
She's in the freaking movie.
:-/haha won a priest mirror match up by have letting my opponent Nat pegle live and let him fish all day.
Warcraft 3 is pretty complicated. I think it's good to start with episode one.Yeah, but Duncan Jones went with Orcs vs. Humans despite Blizzard really wanting to do Warcraft 3 instead.
Yeah, but Duncan Jones went with Orcs vs. Humans despite Blizzard really wanting to do Warcraft 3 instead.
And if (when?) the movie bombs we'll never get to see the story we wanted in movie form ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Did you really want that story in movie form though? Blizzard isn't exactly great at writing. That movie is equally likely to be bad.
Valeera has the best quotes in the game, so I'm cool with her.
I honestly wish they went for more of a "create an avatar" method over the heroes route, because I love playing Undead, and there aren't a lot of noteworthy Undead. :-/
Lady Liadrin already had a card.Nathanos Blightcaller could be a hunter. Sylvanas is already a card so that rules her out. The only other undead characters I can think of are death knights and I'm sure Blizzard will eventually introduce them as a class of their own.
Hello all! First of all I would like to say I am new to the game, loving it very much, but one thing that does frustrate me is the balance between people who put money into the game (expansions, card packs) and the ones like me, started 2 weeks ago, brought only 5 packs from in game currency. I am starting to understand the game, I can manage my cards, my hero HP, but almost every time the player that I am fighting against deploys an OP card that I have never seen before and makes me lose the game. I win about 1 mach in 7 or 8, sometimes even more (1 in 10 maches). Its starting to get frustrating, I even had my friends watching and guide me (who are more experienced) and even they admitted that most of the time (80+%) I lose because of the cards that I don`t have and would have helped me. I also read a buch of s*** on the internet about the game, about very frustrated people because of this, but I just can`t make out the truth in all the s***storm of QQ. So I turn to you Gaf:
Could you please explain me what should I do? Start putting money in the game if I want to play it on the long term? Should I just do my quests like a good heartstone citizen and buy some more packs from in game currency and hope for the best? What expansion should I start with? How does the expansions work like? For example if I choose to buy thr Wispers of the old gods, will I get all of the new cards for my money or it is RNG based like with the in game currency? meaning that I may not get all the cards for my money`s worth?
Sorry for the wall of text but I just want to put in context my qestions and I would like legitimate answers. I really enjoy the game, but in the same time after every loss I feel left out of something. Is it that straightforward? Put money in the game if you want to enjoy it?
Thank you Gaf!
F-Flying machine? Am I stupid or is that card horrible?
Also I'm no expert but have you considered Korkron Elites?
Could you please explain me what should I do? Start putting money in the game if I want to play it on the long term? Should I just do my quests like a good heartstone citizen and buy some more packs from in game currency and hope for the best? What expansion should I start with? How does the expansions work like? For example if I choose to buy thr Wispers of the old gods, will I get all of the new cards for my money or it is RNG based like with the in game currency? meaning that I may not get all the cards for my money`s worth?
Hello all! First of all I would like to say I am new to the game, loving it very much, but one thing that does frustrate me is the balance between people who put money into the game (expansions, card packs) and the ones like me, started 2 weeks ago, brought only 5 packs from in game currency. I am starting to understand the game, I can manage my cards, my hero HP, but almost every time the player that I am fighting against deploys an OP card that I have never seen before and makes me lose the game. I win about 1 mach in 7 or 8, sometimes even more (1 in 10 maches). Its starting to get frustrating, I even had my friends watching and guide me (who are more experienced) and even they admitted that most of the time (80+%) I lose because of the cards that I don`t have and would have helped me. I also read a buch of s*** on the internet about the game, about very frustrated people because of this, but I just can`t make out the truth in all the s***storm of QQ. So I turn to you Gaf:
Could you please explain me what should I do? Start putting money in the game if I want to play it on the long term? Should I just do my quests like a good heartstone citizen and buy some more packs from in game currency and hope for the best? What expansion should I start with? How does the expansions work like? For example if I choose to buy thr Wispers of the old gods, will I get all of the new cards for my money or it is RNG based like with the in game currency? meaning that I may not get all the cards for my money`s worth?
Sorry for the wall of text but I just want to put in context my qestions and I would like legitimate answers. I really enjoy the game, but in the same time after every loss I feel left out of something. Is it that straightforward? Put money in the game if you want to enjoy it?
Thank you Gaf!
Forced to watch Thijs because 2 top streamers are viewbotters![]()
I started playing in the last week of January, and I hit rank 5 in the game a few weeks ago, which puts me in the top 15% or so of ranked players. So, here are some honest answers: yes, there is a pay to win element in the game. If two guys start out, and one puts $100 into the game while the other doesn't, the one that put the money in will destroy the other.Hello all! First of all I would like to say I am new to the game, loving it very much, but one thing that does frustrate me is the balance between people who put money into the game (expansions, card packs) and the ones like me, started 2 weeks ago, brought only 5 packs from in game currency. I am starting to understand the game, I can manage my cards, my hero HP, but almost every time the player that I am fighting against deploys an OP card that I have never seen before and makes me lose the game. I win about 1 mach in 7 or 8, sometimes even more (1 in 10 maches). Its starting to get frustrating, I even had my friends watching and guide me (who are more experienced) and even they admitted that most of the time (80+%) I lose because of the cards that I don`t have and would have helped me. I also read a buch of s*** on the internet about the game, about very frustrated people because of this, but I just can`t make out the truth in all the s***storm of QQ. So I turn to you Gaf:
Could you please explain me what should I do? Start putting money in the game if I want to play it on the long term? Should I just do my quests like a good heartstone citizen and buy some more packs from in game currency and hope for the best? What expansion should I start with? How does the expansions work like? For example if I choose to buy thr Wispers of the old gods, will I get all of the new cards for my money or it is RNG based like with the in game currency? meaning that I may not get all the cards for my money`s worth?
Sorry for the wall of text but I just want to put in context my qestions and I would like legitimate answers. I really enjoy the game, but in the same time after every loss I feel left out of something. Is it that straightforward? Put money in the game if you want to enjoy it?
Thank you Gaf!
People trash talk Paladins, but at least you feel like you are playing against someone when you fight them. I loathe Priests.I know it's Eater around the corner, but I keep running into shitloads of Preists... and for some reason, I keep losing.
Between the AoE healing/damage, the cheap removal and minion stealing my heart sinks every time I play one. Gobby twats, too.
Warbot is pretty fun
Inner Rage + Rampage, boom.. 7/5 minion on turn 2
So I guess the bad thing about this voting is now we have to wait until Kripp decides he wants to reveal his card.
He claimed on steam the video about the card was already shot and edited and ready to go whenever Blizzard said it was ok. So hopefully not too long?
Let's all place bets on how much mana this one will overload you.
Shaman legendary? Prepare to be disappointed.
Let's all place bets on how much mana this one will overload you.
Each card in opponent's hand gains:
Battlecry: Overload(1).