KT in this brawl is so overpowered compared to Rafam it's laughable. Just get Heigan then keep respawning him and duplicating him and I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to lose.
When I become president I will personally shoot every person that intentionally wastes time once they've already lost.
When I become president I will personally shoot every person that intentionally wastes time once they've already lost.
there's always a way to come back in the match, i just have to stare at the screen until i find it.
there's always a way to come back in the match, i just have to stare at the screen until i find it.
KT in this brawl is so overpowered compared to Rafam it's laughable. Just get Heigan then keep respawning him and duplicating him and I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to lose.
I'm talking about those times when it's impossible. They literally do not have the cards to come back.
When I become president I will personally shoot every person that intentionally wastes time once they've already lost.
Maybe it's cause you are playing secret paladin. Just saying.
I wound up going 6-2 in this brawl. All 6 wins were using KT, I lost once with each hero (yeah, I only got stuck with Rafaam once in 8 matches). Rafaam has to drag the game out long and hope to pull some awesome cards from his upgraded hero power to even have a chance. Rafaam also needs KT to draw incredibly poorly. If KT gets Heigan or Gothik out early, there's just no coming back. Anub kind of fucks up KT's hero power, but it's 8 attack on the board, and if you leave Anub up for a few turns, he's just as bad as Heigan.
Have they ever made a brawl that is balanced? Blizzard and balance 4Head
What are the toxins? Impossible to even talk about if we don't know.
There similar but better than spare parts. Hearthpwn has the list.What are the toxins? Impossible to even talk about if we don't know.
Hope much do the toxins cost?
Hope much do the toxins cost?
Hope much do the toxins cost?
1 mana
They all seem alright except the over costed shadowstep. Don't know why that's one mana
Sjow's card.
Shadowstep may not stay 0 mana tbh, and it may not keep the same discount.
Rogue is the other class they've targeted for nerfs in the classic set.
Sjow's card.
Which class is Sjow's card for?
RIP all hopes and dreams for Death's Bite replacement.
Which class is Sjow's card for?
Death's Bite is stupid. You have a balanced weapon with Arcanite Reaper. Use it.
Except the Stealth one, that is straight up the stealth spare part.That incoming shadowstep nerf. I have like 10 shadowsteps lol.
The cards are just like regualr cars. 1 mana deal 2 damage, or that one is just blessing of might. They are better than spare parts, they are actually real cards.
It's a 3/2... well, it does draw two cards for 4 mana, I guess it's not unfair. You probably want to get more than two toxins from it to be really good. like play Brann. If was a 3/3 it would be really good, now you have to try.
It's a better legendary rogue card compared with other sets. The problem is slow, maybe if they are actually printing some health gain for rogue finally, I'm not holding my breath at this point.
Okay, GAF, save my sanity. Best Secret Pally-counter among:
* Shaman
* Paladin
* Druid
* Warlock
Warrior loses one of his best cards (death's bite) and gets this garbage... Garrosh better get something nice to balance this.
The devs probably thought that they needed to be consistent and give warrior his poisoned blade.
Maybe the new worst epic rated card in the game. Worse than Captain's Parrot.Sjow's card.
can see it in the maly deck and extra card draw w/ auctioneer
Okay, GAF, save my sanity. Best Secret Pally-counter among:
* Shaman
* Paladin
* Druid
* Warlock
face hunter
no seriously