I know right? It is almost as ridiculous of a concept as Paladins running repentance. And why would they ever do that?
In regards ti Pit Snake:
I'd rather have that sitting in my hand turn 6 or 7 than I would any other 1 drop and most 2 drops.
It demands an answer before your opponent can play any of their big minions and for 6/9 classes answering it is more anti-tempo for your opponent than playing it was for you most of the time.
The exceptions are Priests, Hunters and Druids (1 mana removal). Mages who get a lucky Arcane Missles. And Warriors who already have a weapon out.
Turn 6 Pit Snake into Shadow Pan going into your opponent's turn 7 (or even better, their turn six) is going to be back breaking.
if you want to do that might as well play patient assassin!
It's worse than Aggro Druid but not by much. Token Druid's god draw is damn near unbeatable though.Is Token Druid still a thing? It'd be strictly worse than Aggro druid wouldn't it?
Well, stealth is huge for your purpose. You can play better cards as a combo enabler, that's the thing. Snake isn't going to do much if anything for that. You're wasting a precious card slot in a rogue deck, 1 drops like deckhand does something when they are played, same for buccaneer they enable combo, not just in the sense of the keyword, they're the combo. buccaneer is a way bigger threat than this card can ever be in any kind of rogue deck and even that hasn't been popular. Pit Snake is tech choice against druid or priest, that's the best I'd evaluate it.
Man I hate it when people use meta decks in casual, go shit up ladder.
Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.
Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.
Maybe they are trying to do dailys?
Not to mention the most obvious thing about Pit Snake:
You really should mention the most obvious thing about pit snake, which is that it doesn't have stealth.
And then they spend 2 mana dealing with your one mana card. Which was kind of my point in the first place. They have to answer it and, in most cases, answering it is going to make their turn worse than playing it made yours.
Meh ,if it's a deck that takes a bit of skill to pilot I can see trying to learn it in casual. However, it's the losers running face hunter / secret pally / etc in casual that piss me off. Fuck off with that shit.
For a class exclusive I think 1/2 is fine. Poison might actually see some play then. 2/1 just dies to Paladin tokens/living roots/anything because it has 1 hp
Well, getting a coin,espically in rogues, is pretty damn good, so it might see play in constructed.Yeah, 1/2 on snake would be really good. 2/1 is ass.
The 5/4 coin guy could be cool if shredder wasn't dumb, a 5/4 needs to be REALLY good to actually make the cut. The only ones I can think of are Goblin Blastmage for obvious reasons, and Savage Combatant which is hugely threatening/great to innervate.
Yeah, 1/2 on snake would be really good. 2/1 is ass.
The 5/4 coin guy could be cool if shredder wasn't dumb, a 5/4 needs to be REALLY good to actually make the cut. The only ones I can think of are Goblin Blastmage for obvious reasons, and Savage Combatant which is hugely threatening/great to innervate.
It's the same as before only with Bash and Justicar thrown in it.What does a modern Control Warrior deck look like? Pre-League of Explorers, of course.
It's the same as before only with Bash and Justicar thrown in it.
I also have to wonder, what is the point of 2 attack stat at all? Maybe it gets silenced and can do 2 damage? But besides that, seems like they gave it 2 attack for the sake of it.
I run Tundra Rhino anyway, seems like it would only be useful with charge.
i think people presume it removes. You'd think it would say copy a minion and shuffle it into your deck if it didn't remove it.